A Story of the Gibbs & Wynne families of Huntsville TX
Sanford and Thomas
are the 1st cousins of our
Anne B Gibbs, who married our Elias White
They settled in Redwater Bowie Co TX 1846
Thomas Gibbs arrived
in TX 1841, and Sanford 1847
The story of the Wynne home and
family has been completed by Gary Zellar,
historian in Huntsville who has researched the
history of the home and family and written the
narrative which will be the basis of an
application to the Texas Historical Commission
for a state historical marker.
A Historical Narrative
The Wynne Home: A Cultural Legacy
by Gary Zellar
Prepared for the City of Huntsville Cultural
The Wynne Home, sitting gracefully atop a
crested location at 1428 Eleventh Street in
Huntsville, has commanded the attention of
people passing to and from Huntsville's
downtown area for more than one hundred
years. Described by architectural historian
Dan Utley as Huntsville's "most successful
historically layered house", it is indeed
fitting that the Wynne Home will serve as a
Cultural Arts Center for the community. But
it is not just the carefully rendered
Classical Revival architecture of the house
itself that has contributed to Huntsville's
cultural and historical legacy. Perhaps more
important are the contributions that
generations of the Wynne family have made to
that legacy, not the least of which is Mrs.
Samuella Palmer and Mrs. Ruth Hollinshead's
generous donation of the Wynne Home to the
city of Huntsville for use as a Cultural
Arts Center.[i] According to
Wynne family oral history, the Wynne home
had its origins as a honeymoon cottage, a
wedding gift from Sandford Gibbs and his
wife Sallie, to their niece, Samuella Gibbs
Wynne and her husband, Gustavus Adair Wynne.
The marriage is significant not only because
it brought two people together who were
uncommonly suited for one another, or
because it was an important event in
charting the beginnings of the Wynne home,
but also because the union brought together
prominent families involved in the early
history and development of Huntsville and
Walker County.[ii]
Samuella Gibbs Wynne was also the niece of
Thomas Gibbs, one of early Huntsville's most
successful pioneer trader/entrepreneurs. Gibbs
came to Huntsville in 1841 with another trader,
Garner R. Coffin, and, shortly after arriving
they opened a store known as "Gibbs and Coffin".
When Gibbs' brother Sandford arrived in
Huntsville in 1847 he became a partner in the
store, which by then had come under the sole
proprietorship of Thomas Gibbs after the death
of Coffin. Together the brothers parleyed Gibbs
Brothers and Company into a highly successful
commercial enterprise. Before Thomas' death in
1872, the Gibbses had become one the wealthiest
and most influential families in the
Huntsville/Walker County area.[iii]
Adair (as Gustavus Adair was known by his
friends and family)Wynne's paternal family,
while not among the earliest arrivals in
Huntsville, would probably be proud to say, "but
we got here as soon as we could". His
grandfather, Col. Erasmus Wynne, and father,
John Magruder Wynne, came to Huntsville/Walker
County from Alabama in 1854. J. Magruder Wynne
married Mary DeBarry Adair, a young woman from
another of Huntsville's prominent early
families, shortly after arriving in Texas, and
Gustavus Adair Wynne was born in Walker County
five years later.[iv]
John Magruder Wynne was also involved in
developing Huntsville and Walker County's
commercial potential. In 1872 the Gibbs
brothers, along with Magruder Wynne and
other merchants interested in developing
Huntsville, succeeded in getting a railway
line built to Huntsville, which at the time
was a key to any successful economic
development. For many years Wynne had
managed a successful plantation operation
west of Huntsville in the rich bottom lands
along the West Fork of the San Jacinto
River. After the rail line was built, Wynne
established a wholesale cotton business, the
Wynne Cotton Wharf in 1872, the first such
enterprise in Walker County. Taking
advantage of being tied in to the railway
infrastructure, Wynne became one of the
leading wholesale cotton agents in the area,
drawing business from surrounding counties
as well. As Wynne's cotton business grew, so
did the need to offer his clients credit and
other financial services, as was typical for
most cotton merchants during the time.
Because there were few banks operating
outside of the major cities in the South,
farmers and planters alike looked to local
merchants for credit to carry them from
planting season to harvest. In 1873, in
partnership with his brother-in-law Sam Y.
Smith, Wynne opened a private banking
operation in conjunction with his cotton
business to serve the further needs of his
clients. The Wynne-Smith banking business
was reportedly the earliest of its kind in
Huntsville and was established at a time
when commercial banking services of any type
were rare in Texas or, indeed, in the South
as a whole. It was here at his father's
business that Adair Wynne received his first
training in accounting and banking, which
would become his life's work. [v]
Meanwhile, Sandford Gibbs was in a similar
situation with his clientele at the Gibbs
Brothers store. Like Magruder Wynne and
other merchants throughout the cotton South,
Gibbs regularly extended credit and other
financial services to his customers. In
September 1879 he formed a private banking
operation of his own in conjunction with the
store. The next month Gibbs hired Adair
Wynne, who was only twenty at the time, to
oversee the newly founded banking operation
and keep the books for the store.[vi]
It is likely that Adair Wynne first
became acquainted with his bride-to-be,
Samuella Gibbs, while managing the Gibbs
private bank. It is also likely that the
couple met frequently at the First Methodist
Church, in which both the Wynne and Gibbs
families were active and had played key
roles in helping to establish in the years
before the Civil War. By the 1880s, with the
aid of such prominent and successful
families as the Gibbses and Wynnes, the
First Methodist Church had grown to be the
largest and most influential congregation in
Huntsville, and it was there that Gustavus
Adair Wynne and Samuella Gibbs were married
in November 1883. [vii]
Anticipating Samuella's marriage, Sandford
Gibbs made arrangements to present the new
couple with a wedding gift. In September
1882 Sandford paid M. C. and Amanda
Taliferro $1,000 for their homestead
property located three blocks west of the
courthouse square beside the road leading to
Bryan that would later become Eleventh
Street. According to Walker County deed and
tax records, the property originally
included lots 532 , 533 and part of lot 529
located in city block 64. Gibbs deeded the
property, except for a portion of lot 529,
to Samuella the next month (October 1882),
and the newlywed couple moved to the
property following their marriage in
November 1883. The value of the Taliferro
property before it was sold to Sandford
Gibbs ($900) and the deed description (the
Taliferros sold their "homestead" with all
"improvements") indicate that there was
already a house on the property, but whether
or not this structure served as the original
core structure for the Wynne home cannot be
determined with the available evidence. [viii]
The Wynne family oral history tradition
indicates that the home began as a
"honeymoon cottage" of modest proportions
and grew with rooms being added and a second
story being built at some point as the
family increased and Adair Wynne prospered
in the banking business. The family history
accords with the only documentary evidence
at hand: tax records which indicate an
evolutionary growth in the value of the
house keyed to pivotal events in the
family's history. Adair and Samuella's first
daughter, Mae, was born in 1884, and
apparently the house provided adequate space
for the young family. The first increase in
the value of the property did not take place
until 1889, when its value jumped $400,
indicating that some improvements were made
in the house. Perhaps the Wynnes were making
room for their second child, Gibbs Adair,
who was born in January 1890. [ix]
Gibbs Adair's birth also coincided with the
establishment of the first chartered
national bank in Huntsville, the Gibbs
National Bank, a major development in the
economic life of the community that was
engineered largely through the efforts of
Adair Wynne. Wynne suggested to Mrs. Sallie
Gibbs, whose husband Sandford Gibbs had died
in 1886, that the time was ripe for such a
change, because "there was considerable
agitation over the question of a national
bank for Huntsville..." at the time.
Originally, the switch from a private
banking operation conducted within the
framework of the Gibbs Brothers store to a
chartered bank wholly independent of the
assets or liabilities of the store was to be
signaled by simply naming the new bank
"First National Bank of Huntsville". But
after further thought, it was decided to
honor the recently deceased Sandford Gibbs
by naming the new enterprise "Gibbs National
Bank". Adair Wynne was the bank's first
cashier, was a member of the first Board of
Directors, and served as an officer of the
bank and finally as Chairman of the Board
for the rest of his life. [x]
Closely following the birth of Gibbs Adair
and the establishment of Gibbs National
Bank, another daughter, Sallie, was born to
the Wynnes in 1891. At that time, according
to tax records, there was a further increase
in the property value, from $1,000 to
$1,500; perhaps another addition had been
made to the house to accommodate the new
addition to the Wynne family. In 1897 yet
another $500 rise in the property's taxable
value indicated further improvements that
brought the Wynne home to its appearance
circa.1899 in the earliest photograph yet
found of the home.[xi]
In the picture may be seen a fully realized
two-story Queen Anne Victorian home with
typical features that made the style popular
in Texas and the nation during the last two
decades of the nineteenth century. The home
has a steeply pitched roof with irregularity
in the roof-lines that is typically seen in
most Queen Anne houses. The second story
porch, the ground floor wrap-around veranda,
the spindlework decoration on the porches
and the decorative wrought-iron work on the
roof also display typical Queen Anne
features which are further brought out by
the arched facade front-porch entryway.
Though there is no direct evidence that
Adair Wynne used any mail-order building
plans or materials that were becoming
increasingly popular and readily available
during this period, the home design is
similar in many ways to those found in
catalogs published by George Pallisers or
Robert Shoppell, or even more specifically
to George Barber's Design 2 in his
Cottage Souvenir No. 2 collection of
plans. Palliser advertized his house plans
in the local newspaper,
Huntsville Item, during the 1880s,
and the plans included designs from which
one could build either a two-story "cottage"
from the ground up, or transform a two- room
shot-gun house into an expensive home. In
any case, the Wynne home photographed in
1899 was a stylish Queen Anne house and was
already considered one of the architectural
landmarks in the town befitting the Wynne
family's station in the community. [xii]
While the Wynne home and family were
growing, Adair Wynne's banking career also
prospered. During the early and mid-1890s,
at a time when the United States was
suffering from a major economic depression,
the bank's deposits increased and the
business was so successful that, well into
the next century, the bank regularly paid
dividends that averaged eight percent or
more. While the bank's prosperity cannot be
attributed totally to Adair Wynne (indeed,
he would be the first one to tout the role
of others), a promotional piece that
appeared in the
Item a year after the bank's opening
observed: "the mere mention of his name"
(i.e., G.A. Wynne) in connection with the
new bank is a guarantee of its solidity. The
bank's sound reputation even found its way
into national notoriety when
Financier of New York, one of the
leading financial and banking journals of
the day, regularly ranked the Gibbs National
Bank in the upper tier on its "National Bank
Honor Rolls". While Adair Wynne served as
cashier, and indeed throughout his
fifty-year career with the bank, the
institution was identified with promoting
the healthy economic growth of the
area....[and known for its] ... concern for
the economic welfare of Walker County's
citizens. One illustration of that concern
can be found in the bank officers' reaction
to the Panic of 1907. Not only did they
extend special financial support to Sam
Houston State Normal School and the State
Penitentiary, the two leading employers in
the area, but they provided increased credit
or gave extended loans to local farmers on
liberal terms so they could hold their
cotton off the market until crop prices
improved. [xiii]In
addition to his role as a leading figure in
the Huntsville business community, Adair
Wynne was also active in the civic life of
the community. He served on the Huntsville
City School District Board of Trustees and
was elected to several terms as City
Treasurer. He was involved in the Masonic
Lodge and actively supported the First
Methodist Church and was at the center of
organizing many charitable activities in the
community over the years.[xiv]
Ever the gracious hostess, Samuella Gibbs
Wynne opened the Wynne home to friends and
family on many occasions, particularly after
the children reached adolescence and young
adulthood. Mae and Sallie Wynne, with the
help of their mother, of course, hosted many
get- togethers for Huntsville's young
people. Ranging from a party organized for
the high school girls basketball team to
coordinating a meeting of the "Entre Nous
Club", a literary and social club, the Wynne
home was regularly the scene of social
events in the community. Mae Wynne even
hosted an early morning outing of
horseback-riding in late January 1906, and
according to an article in the
Huntsville Item, a good time was had
by all:
The morning could not have been a more
perfect one if it had been made to order ...
and never was a jollier merrier and more
enjoyable three hours spent in Huntsville.
Mrs. Wynne assisted her daughter in
receiving the guests with such a smiling,
cordial welcome that the frost of an early
morning was completely forgotten, and
pleasure unmarred is the only word to
express the feeling with which the
equestrians cantered so merrily along.
Fortunately no accidents occurred, and after
enjoying several hours riding the crowd
gathered again at the Wynne home where a
most sumptuous collation was served ... a
bountiful supply of peanuts and deviled ham
sandwiches, olives, crackers, luscious
chocolate, coffee and fruit was at the
disposal of the guests to which they did
ample justice. [xv]
By 1910 Adair Wynne and his family, securely
nestled in their stylish, two-story Queen
Anne Victorian home, were playing a leading
role in Huntsville's economic, social and
cultural development. Another photograph
taken circa 1910 shows the Wynne home in its
Queen Anne incarnation. Property-tax records
indicate that improvements were made in 1911
and 1913, increasing the property value in
$500 increments to $3,000. At this point the
house probably remained in the Queen Anne
style, but by 1916-1917 several developments
indicate that Adair Wynne undertook a major
renovation campaign that completely
transformed the home into the Classical
Revival style seen today, rendering the
Wynne home into "Huntsville's most
successful historically layered house."
During the years 1916-1917 the property tax
rolls show an increase in the value of the
Wynne property of $1,500, raising the
overall value to $4,500. This leap in value
is in accord with the Wynne family oral
history that the last major renovation of
the house took place at this time. It was
during this period, while World War I raged
in Europe and before the United States
entered the war, that a major economic boom
was surging in the United States,
particularly in the agricultural sectors, as
cotton prices soared to more than twenty
cents a pound. Buoyed by war-time
prosperity, the Wynnes would have had more
disposable income on hand with which to
begin a major reconstruction program. It was
also a time in the family's history when the
elder Wynnes would have had the house all to
themselves. All three of the children had
married and moved to other homes with their
spouses, or had gone on to establish
careers. Mae Wynne married Ike Barton
McFarland in 1914, and the couple moved to
Houston. Although Mae Wynne McFarland lived
in Houston, she made frequent trips to
Huntsville and retained a life-long interest
in the developments and history of her
native town. Gibbs A. Wynne moved to Houston
in 1911 when he took a job with the First
National Bank of Houston, following in his
father's footsteps in the banking business.
He married Lela Mae Brown in 1916 and,
although the couple remained in Houston
until 1919, they later returned to take up
residence in Huntsville. It was also during
this time that Sallie Wynne married W. A.
Reynaud and moved to Houston. So, with
resources available and an empty nest, the
Wynnes began the process of transforming
their Queen Anne Victorian home into a
Classical Revival style mansion. [xvii]
By 1916 the Queen Anne style had largely
fallen out of favor with American home
owners. The Classical Revival style, which
first became prominent in the architecture
of American public buildings in the 1890s,
was a simpler, less elaborate, yet-- at the
same time-- grander style. When adapted to
domestic architecture, in the South in
particular, the style brought to mind the
plantation homes of the Old South. Using
features that typified the Classical Revival
style, Adair Wynne had a double-story
classical portico built that completely
enclosed the east and south sides of the
house and a portion of the west face as
well, which increased the size of the home
by as much as twenty-five percent. Paired
composite cypress columns and smaller Doric
columns supported the grand portico, which
along with an elaborate entryway, were the
dominant features of the newly designed
house. The Queen Anne design features were
removed from the exterior of the house and
the roof line irregularities were
successfully masked by the imposing symmetry
of the Classical portico, making the
transformation of the Wynne home complete
except for remaining Victorian interior
design features such as intricately carved
balusters decorating the front stairwell, a
crowned cove ceiling in the dining room and
an oblong stained-glass window seated above
the room's west windows. Except for repairs
and maintenance and the installation of
indoor plumbing in 1926 and air conditioning
in the 1970s, after the alterations made in
1916-1917, no major stylistic changes were
made in the home. [xviii]
The trend toward building in the Classical
Revival style during the time that Adair
Wynne redesigned his house can also be seen
in several other homes that still exist in
Huntsville. One dramatic example is the S.
D. Johnson home at 2715 Lake Road. The "Top
O ' the Hill", as it is called, was built
about 1911 and exhibits many of the features
used in the Wynne home. A two-story porch
and facade supported by Doric columns give
the Johnson home its Classical Revival
appearance, which is dramatized by
surrounding open fields comprising many
acres. Another example of an earlier home
being transformed into a Classical Revival
structure can be seen at the
Thomason-Eastham-Thomason house at 906
Avenue M (The Whistler Bed and Breakfast).
The Thomason-Eastham home was redesigned
about 1912 in the Classical Revival style
when a two-story portico with Doric columns
was added, masking the earlier Greek Revival
features incorporated into the house when it
was first built about 1859.[xix]
In its Classical Revival incarnation the
Wynne home continued to be one of the
outstanding architectural landmarks in
Huntsville. Following the transformation of
the house, the Wynne family continued its
contributions to Huntsville's legacy.
Following in his father's footsteps, Gibbs
Adair Wynne, his wife Lela, and their
daughter Samuella, moved back to Huntsville
in 1919 when he was made cashier at the
Gibbs National Bank. Adair Wynne had left
the position to become Chairman of the Board
and Vice President. The young family moved
into the recently expanded home and another
daughter, Mary Ruth, was born in 1920.
Samuella Gibbs Wynne, Adair's devoted wife,
died in 1921. Adair Wynne continued to share
the house with Gibbs Adair, his wife Lela,
and his granddaughters until his death in
1940. [xx]
During this time Adair, who was supposed to
have officially "retired" from the bank in
1928, devoted himself to his granddaughters,
who called him "Old Daddy", an affectionate
nickname that evolved into "O' Daddy" after
Adair let it be known that he was not old.
Friends and acquaintances even adopted the
altered nickname, and before long whenever
the name "O' Daddy" came up in conversation,
nearly everyone in the community understood
to whom it referred. Adair also enjoyed
gardening and hunting and fishing. Some of
the larger pecan trees still producing
abundant crops of nuts on the property were
grafted by Adair Wynne himself as he had
always enjoyed tree and plant husbandry as a
hobby. A snippet from the
Item, which could either be read as a
Texas brag or a testament to Adair Wynne's
gardening skills, mentioned "three truly
fine radishes" Wynne brought them, one being
thirteen inches in circumference, while the
other two were a measly twelve and half,
with all three weighing in at two and
one-half pounds. Interest in the outdoors
led him and his son to organize the Heath
Branch Fishing Club (later known as Club
Lake) west of Huntsville so that he and his
friends could enjoy the quiet of the country
and indulge themselves in hunting, fishing
and horseback riding. Adair Wynne also
remained active in civic and church affairs
after his retirement. While he was
officially retired from the bank that he
helped found and which he helped guide for
thirty-eight years, he was never far from
his old office, even during his retirement. [xxi]
At his passing hundreds came to mourn the
death of "Huntsville's Leading Citizen" (as
Huntsville Item characterized him)
under the roof of the Wynne home itself. The
Item featured a tribute to Adair
Wynne on its editorial page that had this to
say about his contribution to Huntsville's
legacy: As the roster is called of those
who composed the leadership of Huntsville in
those glorious decades of Texas history,
many names of men and women outstanding in
the making of the little city are brought to
the memory of its living citizens. Among
these names none is worthy of higher regard
than that of G. A. Wynne.[xxii]
After the death of his father, Gibbs A.
Wynne continued to serve as an officer at
the bank and succeeded his father on the
Board of Directors. He was also involved in
civic affairs in Huntsville and served on
the Board of Stewards at the First Methodist
Church for many years. Known for his
devotion to his family, he was also an avid
horseman and was as one of the first judges
at the Texas Prison Rodeo. In declining
health for many years, G. A. Wynne retired
as a bank officer in 1945 and from his seat
on the Board at First National Bank in 1956.
He died in 1959, leaving behind his wife,
Lela; his two daughters, Samuella and Ruth;
two sisters, Mae Wynne McFarland and Sallie
A. Reynaud; a grandson and a niece.
Mae Wynne McFarland also made a major
contribution to the cultural and historic
legacy of Huntsville and Walker County.
Although she did not live in the Wynne home
after her marriage to Ike B. McFarland, her
lifelong interest in the history of
Huntsville and Walker County, and in
genealogy and historic preservation,
naturally drew her back to her historical
city of birth on many occasions. Indeed,
much of what is known about the history of
early Huntsville and Walker County is
primarily due to her efforts in collecting
and cataloging information from old
newspapers, documents found in both the
Texas and National Archives and from
interviews she conducted with local
residents. She also accumulated and
cataloged information on other Texas history
topics. Mrs. McFarland was also the driving
force behind organizing Huntsville chapters
of the Daughters of the American Revolution
and the Daughters of the Republic of Texas
and was active in other
patriotic/genealogical organizations around
the state as well. An early advocate of
highway beautification, she lobbied the
Texas Legislature to adopt laws protecting
wild flowers growing beside highways and
roads and to have historical markers placed
there at significant sites. Mrs. McFarland
died in 1962 and was buried in the Wynne
family plot in the historic Oakwood Cemetery
in Huntsville. [xxiv]
After the passing of her mother-in-law in
1921, Lela Mae Wynne served as the gracious
hostess and matron for the Wynne home for
another sixty-five years. A devoted mother
to her two daughters, she particularly
enjoyed hosting children's parties. Her
daughter, Mrs. Samuella Palmer, recalls a
Halloween party once held in the house attic
(a regular play place for the girls during
cool weather) that featured peeled grapes as
eyeballs and other ghoulish treats. On
another occasion the Wynnes treated children
to a special "moonlight" party during a
summer full moon, activities reminiscent of
those enjoyed by the previous generation of
children at the Wynne home. Mrs. Wynne also
regularly hosted bridge parties and other
social/civic events for adults of the
community. As a lover of both art and music
and an accomplished pianist, Mrs. Wynne
imbued in her daughters a life-long
appreciation of the arts. Indeed, her
daughter Samuella began a successful career
as a commercial artist soon after leaving
home, and both daughters supported the local
arts and were familiar faces at art shows
and exhibits over the years. Lela Mae Brown
Wynne died in 1984, leaving the home to her
two daughters, Mrs. Samuella Palmer and Mrs.
Ruth Hollinshead. The daughters lived in the
home for some years after their mother's
death, and shortly before Ruth Hollinshead
passed away in 1998, the Wynne sisters
decided to donate the home to the City of
Huntsville for use as a Cultural Arts
Center. [xxv]The
donation of the Wynne Home is the capstone
to nearly one hundred and fifty years of the
Wynne family's contributions to Huntsville's
cultural legacy. The home itself has stood
for nearly one hundred years as a
significant architectural landmark and a
place where the Wynne family welcomed fellow
members of the community to share their
hospitality as well as their appreciation of
the arts and Huntsville's history. The Wynne
Home has undergone many transformations,
from a simple "honeymoon cottage" to a
stylish two-story Queen Anne family home to
a "mansion" rendered in the Classical
Revival style. While the imposing Classical
Revival style will be retained, now it is
the purpose of the structure that will be
transformed. The family home will become a
resource center for the community to study
and preserve the cultural arts and history,
a lasting tribute to the Wynne family and
the community that it helped shape.