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Glenn Thrapp
Glenn comes to
us via his brother-in-law
who's grandmother is Callie Adaline White
5 Feb 1881 - 18 Mar 1963, Daugher of
John Lee White & Minta Sererra C. Earnest.
John Lee White's father was William M. White
son of Elias White. Glenn has adopted this lineage
and has many interesting stories he would like to share
as time permits. We look forward to Glenn's Correspondence.
Personally, I'm very excited
to be able to receive and share
family stories, "be they good or not so good!" That's life!
Thank You Glenn!
Though Glenn has been retired for the past couple
of years
you sure wouldn't believe it, to hear him talk... If your ever in
the Texarkana area, you might find him at one of his 3 antique
stands at the the Galarena II Mall on I-30. If you should be so
lucky to see him, "tell him Mike sent you", not sure if that will
do you any good, but might net a cup of coffee!