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Excrept provided by:
Jerry White McClurg Matheson
Source: World Book Encyclopedia 1962 Edition
John Eliot, is an ancestor of Anne Gibbs,
wife of Elias White, Robert Sr's son. He was
a brother to Mary Eliot, who married Edward
Pason, ancestor of Anne.
If trouble reading here's the
Eliot, John (1604-1690), was an American Missionary to the Indians of Massachusetts. He came to America from England in 1631, and was made the teacher of the church in Roxbury, Mass. He organized his first village of Indian converts at Natick, near Boston in 1651. By 1674, he had 14 villages with more than 1,000 Indians under his supervision. But King Philip's War in 1675 scattered his converts. Eliot was born in England. He translated the Bible into and Indian dialect. Earle E. Cairns |