
How this site is organized

All Names are Click- able on this Web Site

Email me with Changes, Additions, Comments, etc at:  or 

My Name is Mike White, I am descended from:
Robt White Sr > Elias White > Benjamin White > Thomas White > Newton White > Benjamin White > Me - Mike White

With the help of many of our family and relatives and connections, we compiled this web is in 1996

This Web Site is Actually 3 Web Sites:
White's and allied families
Foster's and allied families
Wagnon's and allied families

White's arrived in Bowie Co TX 1846

Click a name under each Section to go to that 
Families Personal Web Page, from those pages
may be other links related to that family only
When Possible both sides of the family are 
covered as much as possible.

Navigation Page = Portal to entire web site
(All names are usually Links to their web pages)

Please note that 'Everything is NOT LINKED from the
Navigation page, but, in most cases are linked from
pages, off the Navigation Page

Mission / Goals of this web site

Discovering Robert White Sr's roots, prior to Union
County SC (1788), his parents and siblings, would be
considered the 'Holly-Grail" of discoveries, to put it mildly.
I have research links, to the current state of this venture.

We can cover only so much detail without a direct
descendant's help, therefore, it is the responsibility
of each researcher & family member to confirm the
details of their respective families, fortunately, for
us, many have, and have contributed to our greater
White family, without, all the sharing & help, this
web site, would not, have been possible.

My Interest, is in the Greater family, of the White's
and their descendants. Though, I have covered my 
direct lineage in detail, I am, as detailed, with all 
branches of our families. Bringing together all of
our stories and experiences and sharing them
among our thousands of descendants.

This web site is a continuation of our Family research,
that others have contributed over the many years,
together we have expanded the initial knowledge
of our families and allied families
 and history.

It is not possible for one person to accomplish such a 
task, I have received help from so many family 
historians, researchers, & family members, and
can only Thank them, on a Grand scale.

As most family researchers, we have been on many
travels over the years to find and seek our ancestors
stories, from Libraries, Archives, Cemeteries, Court
House's, City Hall's, Deed offices, old home places,
Interview with family members, and thousands of
hours on computers, it is a story that is never finished...
When you view the data, a simple date and place, may
have taken a long trip to a library or place to obtain.

The Web Pages are meant to be entertaining & interesting
and may help those, in the family seeking information on 
there respective families.  I have much more data than is 
displayed on the pages, you can email me with questions
and I will search my records, for your request.

The Data on each web page sometimes assumes you have
some knowledge of Genealogy, know how to read the census

Sometimes the data is controversial, among other researchers,
must always remember "we are only one discovery from being 
proven wrong", but I feel we have a handle of most of the facts as
they relate to our family, feel free to criticize and correct me, if 
you think otherwise, this is essential to 'getting-it-right'.  

Now with Genetic Genealogical DNA Testing, opens a whole
new world or approach to family research, it to, has helped
in confirming connections, and opening new hopes of
furthering our understanding and knowledge of our
family roots, I have been fully tested myself...
as others are tested in the future, and more
advances are made in this field of genealogy,
hopefully, will lead to future discoveries.

Mike 'Would Hope...'

"I would hope you find the Web Pages easy to understand and 
navigate, I would hope this would give a family member or 
child a place to visit and gain a since of his Family History,
I would hope to stimulate family interest and respect for 
those Pioneer ancestors of ours, I would hope each of 
us would, in our own ways, improve our lives and 
leave the world in a better condition, for our
future generations.  I would hope we have 
advanced our civilization as well
as our ancestors, I would hope
our children find this true..."  

"Remember, every piece of information if vital, it's usually, the most seemingly, trivial,
unimportant bits & pieces of information, that have lead to the greatest family discoveries..."

All information shared to this Web Site is credited to the provider, unless otherwise specified.

This web site assumes you are related in some
 way to the greater family of descendants, however slight

The site first covers Robert Sr's 12 known children, in as much detail as possible.

Each of Robert's 10 surviving children, have their own Web Pages. Most have 3 generations, others go down the tree further...

On each of the Web pages are records for those families that have been found. If there was information on the Spouses side of the family history, it is also included.

One Goal of this site is finding our Roots prior to Robert White Sr., and in the process, connecting and discovering our lineages and family heritage, and contributions, from our pioneering ancestors, and of course, have fun doing so... 

After Robert White's immediate family, we focus on Robert's son Elias White's Family, and his descendants, fairly close to current times. 

Elias White, then son Benjamin White, then son Thomas White, and Newton White.

However, at each level we cover as much as possible on every child of each Grand Parent. 

I believe we have located most of Elias descendants, but many mysteries remain to be solved, and discovered. 

After Thomas Monroe's Family we focus on NEWTON JOHNSON & WIFE EMMA FRANCIS FOSTER WHITE'S lineage.  These family ties also lived in Union/Spartanburg SC. 

Again, remember, that all of Thomas Monroe White's children are covered in detail, not just
Newton's, and will be continually updated, as discoveries are made.

Emma Foster's web site covers all of our Grand Parents (descendants of Newton & Emma [Foster] White), on her side of the family, Shaver's, Letcher's, Foster's & Fowler's, Lewis's.  

The Foster's, Fowler's, Letcher's, Shaver's and others are so intermarried (mixed) among each other, one must think of a 'frog-in-a-blender'.  They started marrying each other in SC, then AL and onto Bowie Co TX, a true feat to organize and understand all the connections, but some of us have gained (we think) that level of experience and can help in understanding. 

Strangely, research on this side of the family as lead us back to Union Co and Spartanburg Co SC, where the White's arrived in 1788.  Some arriving in this area before the White's.

The Web Site has tons of family information, pictures, histories etc, and research documents, and references. ALWAYS REMEMBER - Do your own research, never take what someone else declares correct as the final answer, a bit of advice, I am continually reminded of... 

The web site is constantly being updated. and will never be finished... 

This Web Site is made possible by so many Family Researchers living and past, from the various branches, it is not, reasonable, to mention them all here, but credits to the provider is mentioned along with the documents they have provided, or assisted on.  

I have learned during my short life in the Genealogy world, that everything about families is very significant, never take anything for granted in the Gen World, the most, seemingly, unimportant event, bits & pieces of info, have many times, led to earth-shattering discoveries and connections, and opened-the-flood-gates, for our researchers, down a branch of the family, always just a connection-away from a Family break through...

Any help or information on any of these families or ones that we haven't discovered, will be appreciated. 

Enjoy the Web Site. 
