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Presented by: Mike White

Page 65

Desoto Bend Wild Life Refuge

American White Pelican's
(Aug 07, 2015)

Started arriving at about 6:45pm landed on 'Pelican Island' (my term)
Located: by the sheltered picnic area, take trail straight back to lake, there is
a shallow area in center, that is usually a sand-bar this time of the year, but was
covered under shallow water this year, a favorite resting area for these Pelican's.



















The Pelican & the Blue Heron

Several hours before the above pelicans arrived there was a single pelican by itself, in the lake,
sharing a perch with a Blue Heron, after the large group of pelicans above left, our
single Pelican still remained, at the north end of the lake.




Dragonfly - Twelve Spotted Skimmer
