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Presented by: Mike White

Page 72

Desoto Bend Wild Life Refuge

Pied-billed Grebe
(observed off Sandbar Chute)
(Aug 24, 2015)


Gold Finch
(observed in a water puddle at Sandbar Chute
where they get drinks and bathe on hot days)

(Aug 24, 2015)


Gold Finch

(Aug 27, 2015)


Monarch Butterfly
(Feeding on one of its favorite plants)
(Aug 25, 2015)


Unidentified at this time

(Aug 25, 2015)





Unidentified at this time

(Aug 27, 2015)



Unidentified at this time

(Aug 25, 2015)



Orchard Oriole

(Aug 25, 2015)


Orchard Oriole

(Aug 27, 2015)



Orchard Oriole

(Aug 27, 2015)




Unknown at this time
(Aug 27, 2015)


Juvenile & Adult Cedar Waxwings

(Aug 25, 2015)


Adult Cedar Waxwing

Juvenile & Adult Cedar Waxwings

(Aug 25, 2015)









Cedar Waxwings
(mixed Adults & Juveniles)
(Aug 27, 2015)






Prairie Plants
(Aug 27, 2015)


Downy Woodpecker

(Aug 27, 2015)



Blue Heron

(Aug 25, 2015)


Indigo Bunting

(Aug 27, 2015)





Northern Flicker Woodpecker

(Aug 27, 2015)



Prairie Flowers

(Aug 27, 2015)