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A Short History of Roanoke VA
History of Roanoke
The first pioneers explored the Roanoke Valley region as early as the 17th
century. An exploration party's report in 1671 told of the "blue
mountains and a snug flat valley beside the upper Roanoke River." For
the next seventy years, after this initial exploration, the region
remained undisturbed by settlers.
As the land to the east of the mountains became developed, pioneers began
moving into the western regions of Virginia. These early settlers from
eastern Virginia were joined by people from Pennsylvania seeking new lands
in the rich Shenandoah Valley. The newcomers began farming in the Roanoke
Valley by 1740.
As tradesmen and farmers moved into the region, new counties and
communities were established. Botetourt County was created in 1769, with
the town of Fincastle as its seat. For a short period, the vast county
stretched westward to the Mississippi River. Roanoke County was separated
from Botetourt in 1838. Craig County was formed in 1851 from Botetourt,
Roanoke, Giles and Monroe Counties with New Castle as its seat.
Towns formed within what is now the city of Roanoke in the first decades
of the 19th Century. Antwerp was subdivided in 1801, followed by
Gainesborough in 1825 (the present Gainsboro neighborhood) and Old Lick in
1834. The Gainesborough settlement remained the most populous community
until 1874 when the Town of Big
Lick was chartered. This tiny village of less than five hundred people was
to become the Town of Roanoke in 1882 and in 1884, the city of Roanoke.
The new town was located along the old Atlantic, Mississippi and Ohio
Railroad later to become the Norfolk and Western.
The completion of the Shenandoah Valley Railroad from Hagerstown,
Maryland, to its junction with the newly formed Norfolk & Western
Railroad in 1882, marked the start of Roanoke's rapid growth. The adjacent
Town of Vinton was also incorporated at this time.
The Town of Salem, established in 1806, became the county seat for Roanoke
County. Salem was the largest town within the area during these formative
years and was located on two stage lines. Salem remained the major center
of activity in the Roanoke area until the mid 1880's. Salem became an
independent city in 1968.
A geographic location, west of the Blue Ridge Mountains and midway of the
"great valley" between Maryland and Tennessee, has been the key
to Roanoke's growth. A transportation center, the community has flourished
as the headquarters of the great Norfolk Southern Corporation. Air
passenger and freight needs are handled at
the Roanoke Regional Airport. A network of fine modern highways has
attracted numerous interstate motor freight lines to establish terminals.
The Roanoke Valley is western Virginia's center for industry, trade,
health, education, travel, conventions and entertainment.
Roanoke, Virginia is located midway between New York City and Atlanta on
Interstate 81, 168 miles west of the state capital, Richmond. The city is
the center of one of Virginia's largest metropolitan regions, and a hub of
transportation, finance, and industry for the southwestern part of the
state. The scenic beauty of the Roanoke
Valley, located between the Blue Ridge and the Virginia Allegheny
Highlands, makes the city a pleasant as well as an economically diverse
place to live and work. The city's position on the East Coast gives it
ready access to close to two-thirds of the total population of the nation
within a radius of 500 miles.
Ground Elevation
1149 Feet
Annual Average Temperature
Maximum Average Temperature
Minimum Average Temperature
Monthly Average Rainfall
Annual Average Rainfall
Annual Average Snowfall
July: Maximum Average Temperature
July: Minimum Average Temperature
January: Maximum Average Temperature
January: Minimum Average Temperature
Growing Season Average
190 Days
(April 15 - October 22)