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The next few days were spent in Texas where he murdered James Salmon and tree Negroes. He recruited a few desperate characters and promised them they would go to Little Rock and drive Powell Clayton and his militia from the state. Crossing back into southwest Arkansas Baker was able to get a sizeable following for the people had suffered so much from Clayton's militia they were anxious to strike back. R. F. Catterson estimated Baker's force at this time to be about one hundered fifty men, armed and mounted. Instead of going to Little Rock, he told his men he must return to Texas to gather up the rest of his forces, and facing about he re-entered Texas. At this most of the men who had volunteered in order to avenge the wrongs they had suffered from Clayton's militia, promptly returned to their homes.

Baker now abandoned his plan, if he ever had one, of striking at Clayton. Instead, he began to round up his personal enemies along the Texas-Arkansas line, but most of them learned of his presence and hid out to prevent capture and punishment. Baker was especially interested in finding Thomas Orr who had married the Foster girl and was living with her father. Baker went to the Foster home, tore the door from its hinges, and captured Orr and Foster. Next day Baker hanged Orr, but needing the rope for another hanging cut him down and left him for dead. After the desperadoes left, Orr revived and returned to Foster's house. Foster was released about noon the next day.

Baker released all his other prisoners and went to Rondo, committing several crimes on the way. At Rondo he found two companies of men and thought they had gathered to march with him to Little Rock. He was, however, mistaken, for they had organized under orders from General Catterson. When Baker sensed the situation he fled, taking a few of his faithful back into Texas.

On January 4, 1869 Baker and a lone companion, an Irishman by the name of Kirby, suddenly appeeared on the north bank of Sulphur River and stopped all night at a farm house where they learned that Orr was still alive.