Source of Map:
Sloan & Eplon's Survey
1869, printed 1887.
To order map see bottom.
Union Co is to the right, look
in the center and up a bit for Cedar Springs.
Notice in the lower right along the Fairforest Ck, a P White & H White,
also notice in upper left, a Whites and White's Mill, Also, note along the
Fair Forest Ck, a Golightly PO ( Ben White's Wife). Bobo's are also listed
in several area's. Appears our descendants had a presence in this county.

To Order the complete Map:
Spartanburg Co Historical Association
P.O. Box 887
Spartanburg SC 29306
For latest cost call 864-596-3501
Cost: (as of 2000)
1887 Map pictured above = $5 dollars (Large poster size)
= $10 dollars (Medium poster size)
= $4 dollars (I order both, shipped in cyclinder)
note: Excellent condition and on good lasting paper.