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Revolutionary War

Provided by: Jack White

     During the Revolutionary War, most County Committees of Safety attempted to discover who supported the revolutionary movement and who was loyal to the king. To that end, individuals were required to swear their allegiance or refuse, and those who refused were subject to ridicule, persecution, and often they were prosecuted and their lands taken away from them. Many of the records have been lost, for example those of Orange and Caswell County, North Carolina no longer seem to be extant. For Granville County, most of the records remain. I am not sure what age requirement was attached to the oath. Undoubtedly there was a starting age. Possibly there may have been a top limit to the age of those required to swear the oath. Here are the names for the Goshen, Beaverdam, and Country Line District. Note names of interest Benjamin Denney, James Winfree, Ambrose Jones and others.

     An Account of Persons who took the State Oath in Granville County, 1778

     I will bear faithful and true Allegiance to the State of North Carolina and will truly endeavor to support, maintain, and defend the independent Government thereof against George the third, King of Great Britain and his successors, and the attempts of any other Person, Prince, power, state or Potentate, who by secret arts, treasons, Conspiracies or by open force shall attempt to subvert the same and will in every respect conduct myself as a peaceful orderly subject and that I will disclose and make known to the governor, some member of the Council of State, some Justice of the Superior Courts or of the Peace, all treasons, Conspiracies and attempts committed or intended against the State which shall come to my knowledge.

     And that all persons being Quakers, Moravians, Menonnists & Dunkards & under the circumstances above mentioned in Law, shall make the following affirmation or depart the State. I, A.B., do solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I will bear true Fidelity to the independent State of North Carolina and to the Powers & authorities which are or may be established for the good governments thereof and I do renounce any Fidelity to the present King of Great Britain, his Heirs and Successors, and that I will disclose and make known to the Governor, some member of the Council of State, Judge of the Superior Court or Justice of the peace, all Treasons, Conspiracies or attempts committed or intended against the same which shall come to my knowledge.
A List of Persons who have taken the Oath of Allegiance in Goshen District:
Thomas Grant
Charles Edwards
Richard Davis
Chisley Daniel
Thos. Edwards
Ben Crenshaw
Hazlewood Wilkerson
David Bale
Rev’d George McJohn
Prov’d certificate of taking oath
Stephen Gafford
Nathaniel Malone
Daniel Malone
Bartley Greer
Robt. Sanford
William Allen
Henry Hester, a certificate
James Hester, a certificate
Francis Hester, a certificate
David Wilkerson
John Wilkerson, Jr
Thomas Owen
John Fitts,
Nimrod Ellis
Joel Pope
Charles Wade
Seth P. Pool
Wm Hart
John P. Poole
Wm Page
Patrick Obrian
Francis Howard
Thomas Wright
William Glass
Thomas Bond
John Owen
John Harris
Samuel Ward
Joseph Roberts
Abraham Hester
Peter Burnett
John Wilkerson
George Malone
David Knott
Chas Harris
James Harris
Reubin Harris
Absolom Pryor
Jon Hath
William Ford
John Step
Ned Howard
James Norwell
John Duncan
James Knott
William Gill, Jr
John Owen
James Winfree
Andrew Patterson
William Ballard
Jos Gill
Matthew Duty
Wm Howel
Wm Whitehead
Jos Chandler
Dennis Obrian
William Duty
Nath’l Page
William Carter
James Landris
John Downey
John Pettypool
Rich’d Bennett
Francis Howard, Jr. a certificate
John Knott
Reuben Jones
Gabriel Jones
Rich’d Brigs
John Sanders
Milenton Easley


A list of Names of such Persons as have either Refused or Neglected to take the Oath prescribed by law: Richard Duty Daniel Grant

Oath of Allegiance of the State of North Carolina & for the County of Granville & District of Bever Dam taken By the Subscribers & administered by Thos. Banks. To-wit
Wm. (his x mark) Wilkerson, Sr.
Benj. (his X mark) Lunsford
Jeremiah (his X mark) Bailey, Sr.
Wm. (his X mark) Wilkerson, Jr.
Jas (his X mark) Wilkerson, Jr.
Hannon Wilkerson
Richard Bradford
Joshua James
William (his X mark) Hewett
George Pridy
Thos. Bradford, Jun.
John Champion, Jun.
John Sandlen, Sen.
Thos. Bradford, Sen
Alexander Vincent
Peter Vincent
James (his X mark) Leathers
Jeremiah (his X mark) Blalock
Jon Seagroves
Cade (his X mark) Blalock
Wm (his X mark) Champion
Philemon Bradford, Sen
John Hold
John Good
Abe (his X mark) Mayfield
Chris. (his X mark) Ketle, Sen
James Elliott
Chris. (his X mark) Kettle, Jun
Isaac (his X mark) Ralph
John (his X mark) Ranes, Jun.
John (his X mark) Kettle
Thomas Roller
Philemon Bradford, Jun.
Joseph (his X mark) Fuller
John Petty Cobb
John Hooker
Richard (his X mark) Nance
Stephen (his X mark) Hicks
William (his X mark) Hitley
Jos. Blackwell
Wilson (his X mark) Rogers
John (his X mark) Sutton
James (his X mark) Hitley
Ralph Banks


The following took the Oath in Country Line District. John Young, Esq:

Joseph Bridgers produces a certificate
William Yancey
Ralph Neal
Joel Chandler
Charles Spalding
Henry Spalding
James Yancey, Jun.
Lewis Yancey
M. Hunt
John Stovall
William Pool
Drury Stovall
William Pool
Drury Stovall
Samuel Harrison
William Buchanan
Samuel Whitehead
Thomas Mutter
Lab’n Johnston
William Puryear
Thos. Pool
Benjamin Harrison
Luke Sanders
Henry Malone
Stephen Hester, by certificate
John Baynet
John Puryear
James Yancey
Chas Yancey Thomas More
John Dunkin
John Wood
Josiah Farmer
George Newton
William Royster
Robrt uryear
Barth’w Stovall
Thomas Stovall
Josiah Stovall
Ambrose JONES
Isack White
Robert White
James Stanley
John Stovall
Owen Griffin
Littleton Johnston
Benjamin Bearden
John Hart
Hugh Salt
James Williamson
William Wright
William Stovaul
Hilip Yancey
William Haggis
Gideon Chrenshaw
Joseph Blanks
Haden Pryor
William Owens,
Daniel Malone
William Puryear


The names of the persons in County Line District who have refused
or neglected to take the Oath of allegiance to the State of N. Carolina

James Reed
John W. Graves
Abraham Crenshaw
Ransom Boswell
John Reed
George Reed
Benjamin Stovall
Josepth Hart
Millington Easley
John Chandler, Jun.
David Chandler
Aaron Pinson
John Young

From the book State Records of North Carolina, Vol 22, Miscellaneous, Walter Clark, Richard Thornton Library,
Oxford, NC, and reprinted in Granville Connections Journal of the Granville County Genealogical Society 1746, Inc. Vol 6, No 2. Spring 2000


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