Last Updated: Sep 07, 2014
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White / Wyatt Family Tree by Laurel Durham 2014
This tree attempts to document the migration of the 17th century Whites/Wyatts It is important to note that this document is simply a collection of data by Laurel Durham, for the purpose of placing ancestors into family units. It embraces and reflects the valuable past and on-going research of Mike White, Fred Sorrell, Sydni Thurmond-Hamill, Deborah T. Parks and others. The notations in parentheses are that of Laurel Durham, designed to trigger recall and identify points for further research.) A project of this magnitude could not be undertaken by just one person. It is a family effort. Abbreviations: KC – Kent Co, England NK – New Kent Co, VA GC – Gloucester Co, VA HC – Hanover Co, VA BE – Family castle called “Boxley” in Kent Co, England BV – Family plantation called “Boxley” in Gloucester Co, VA Notes: All persons in this
tree are of the surname White unless otherwise noted.
1. Sir Thomas Wyatt Sr [i](____-____) was beheaded for rebelling against a royal marriage 2. Sir Thomas Wyatt Jr [ii](____-____) + Jane Haute (____-____)
Sir George Wyatt
[iii](1550-1625) b. in England, d. in Ireland; Queen
Elizabeth restored Boxley of England & Allington Castle to him i. Sir Francis [iv](c1588-1644) (ck birth order & names of children) m. Margaret Sandys; was Royal Governor of VA November, 1621, to August 26, 1625, and served again as Royal Governor from November, 1626, to February, 1641; Gov. Wyatt may have used up to 5 different spellings of his last name in official documents a. Henry[v] (bet c1608 to 1620-1654 testate) inherited Boxley of England; m. Jane Duke (her sister Elizabeth m. Nathaniel Bacon, the Rebel, against the expressed condition of her father's will [Richmond, VA: Dietz Press, 1949, 478 pgs by Duke, Walter Garland]; was awarded land in NK in 1641: p. 126 Patent bk. 1, pt. 2, p.757. “Henry WYATT, Esq., eldest son of Sir Francis WYATT, 50 acres in Pasbyehaies, James City Co., Dec. 16 1641. 21 yr. lease. Beg. upon a high bank in an old field, etc., adj. land of Capt. Robert Hutchinson, etc. near house of Mr. John WHITE, etc. to the mouth of the Swamp, etc. But the 3 acres for the two paths, one leading to Powhatan Bridge and the other to Chickahominy not respecting the variation. Annual rent 2 Bbls. of Merchantable Corn, for every 50 acres, etc.” John White’s land was further described in 1639 as being in James City Co, VA: “John White, grantee, 1639, “350 acres on Chickahominy River, beginning at the first part of wood of the hither side of the lower gulfe”; (VERY IMP: SO HENRY WYATT WAS A RENTER AND HE HAD A JOHN WHITE AS A NEIGHBOR. JOHN WHITE OWNED THIS 350 ACRE PARCEL BY 1639, 2 YEARS BEFORE HENRY WYATT STARTED RENTING A 50 ACRE PARCEL NEXT TO HIS) b. Edwin[vi] c. Francis[vii] – d. young d. Edward[viii] – d. young e. Elizabeth[ix]
Haute (1594-1638) iii. Eleanor[x] B. Sir Henry[xi] m. unk C. Lady Eleanor[xii] (1624-1649) stayed in England; an only child; d. testate, heirs were a niece and nephew (Haute’s children Anne & John) D. Sir George[xiii] E. Sir Thomas[xiv]
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Family of Rev. Haute Wyatt (1594-1638)
Rev. Haute[xv] Wyatt, (1594-1638) m. (1) 16__ Barbara Mitford and (2) 16__ Anne Cocke; d. in England; was in Jamestown from 1621-1625, but returned to England in 1625 to become Vicar of Merston and Boxley Parishes of Kent Co, England, which he served until his death. While in VA, he obtained large grants of land for his children. After his death, his sons Edward, George and John returned to VA. Edward (1619-bef 1672) George (1622-poss. 1705) Thomas[xvi] (1626-1627); d. young John (1628-1666 or 1686) Anne “of England”[xvii] (1631-____) stayed in England, no issue
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Family of Edward Wyatt (1619-bef 1672)
Edward[xviii] Wyatt, (1619-bef 1672) m. Jane Conquest; owned patented land in GC in 1663; the Wyatts were considered “rebels of the crown” in VA 1. Conquest Sr[xix] (16__-c1674) m. unk; entered into a lease with the Chiskoyack Indians; their kids were: a. Conquest Wyatt Jr (aft 1653-aft 1674) inherited his father’s lands (including the Chiskoyack Indian lease) which his father entered into, and his brother, Capt. John witnessed. It also shows that Conquest Sr. died before Jr. was an adult, since he had named guardians. Guardians of Conquest Wyatt [Jr] v. Bartholomew Austin, 03/12/1674 or 1675, James City. “The lease let by the Cheskoyake Indians to Austin was found to be good and 150 acres of land is to be laid out by the surveyor.” [McIlwaine 1979B:401] b. Capt. John Wyatt (____-____) occupation mariner in the West Indies
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Family of George Wyatt (1622-1671)
George “Coop”[xx] Wyatt, b. 0/00/1622 in Jamestown, MA, d. 1671 in GC; owned land in Williamsburg, GC, VA in 1642 called “Middle Plantation” (present day Wm & Mary College, which was purchased from the Wyatt family) with his brother Edward; Capt. Richard Popeley, George Lake, & George Wyatt, grantees, 04/12/1642, 400 acres, “Lake & Wyatt, coopers...adj. the Middle House...W. upon the Pallisadoes, etc." [Nugent 1992 (I): 161-162, PB2/59]; removed to NK in 16__; occupation: cooper; buried in _____________; special notes: Middle Plantation was fortified in 1644 after an Indian massacre m. 16__ in _____ to Susannah unk, b. ___, d. ____ in ________; buried in ______; their known children were: 1. Henry Wyatt, b. 00/00/1647 2. Richard, b. 00/00/1650 in ___________, d. ____aft his brother’s Henry’s death in c1703; owned land in ____________; occupation: _______; buried in _____________; special notes: was Henry’s son Richard’s guardian and helped Alice to recover lands after Henry’s death; this Richard had a son Henry!!!!!!!!!! 3. Susannah, b. aft 1650 in ___________, d. ____ in ____; owned land in ____________; occupation: N/A; buried in _____________; special notes:
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Family of John Wyatt (1628-1666 or 1686) John Wyatt[xxi] (1628-1666 or 1686) m. (1) Mary Cocke and (2) Jane Osbourne
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Family of Henry Wyatt (1647-c1703)
Henry Wyatt, b. 00/00/1647 in ___________, d. c1703 in NK; owned land in Henrico Co, VA on the south side of the Chickahominy in 1679 and patented land near Chickahominy Main Swamp in 1682; Type: patent ttb file HWYAT679 of mosaic XGGROO Dat 1 Oct 1679 Ref VPB 7:12;1 To Henry WYATT’s consideration of 18 persons; Re 900a Henrico/ on Cattail Br Fk & main run of Chickahominy Decl -7 Location: -7488 -52303 F127 L0 P255; Pt 0. Gum Ln SWxS; 218p; Pt 1. __ Ln SExS; 68p; Pt 2. To ?Horf Run HYD Ln SExS; 48p; Pt 3. Second Br HYD Ln SExS; 268p; Pt 4. Third Br HYD Ln SExS; 10.0p; [est dir] Pt 5. Fourth Br HYD Ln NExN; 160p; Pt 6. __ Ln SExS; 32p; 'as the variacow' Pt 7. __ Ln SExS; 106p; 'fifty three chains'; Pt 8. Cattail Br fork HYD Ln ESE; 52p; Pt 9. __ Ln SE; 32p; Pt 10. __ Ln SSE; 50p; Pt 11. __ Ln ExS; 120p; Pt 12. Spring HYD Ln NxE; 80p; Pt 13. Main run of Chickahominy HYD Lm; Sta 5: Brg from ENE to NEXE to match GGroo687Sta 5: Brg from NEXE to NEXN to match GGroo687Sta 4: from 260 to 0 trial for area end. Type: patent ref VPB 7:123 dated 20 Apr 1682 decl -5 to Mr. Henry WYATT’s con trans. of 13 pers. John Medos, Anthony Rocke, Wm Garner, Wm Tarton, Jean Moor, Rice Hughes, Edwd Bumpass, Charles Scott, Robert Steward, Wm Smart, Eliz Round, Robert Burrell, Marrin Middleton; Location: -62570 -36251 F127 L0 P255; Pt A) Crnr. W. Oake at the mouth of a br. of Chickahominy main Swamp ln NxE; 240p; butting upon the land of Edmond Grosse; Pt B) Crnr. p. near the head of a br. ln WNW; 286P; Pt C) Crnr. w. Oake ln WxS; 180P; Pt D) Crnr. hickory on the W side of Elder Sw. lm N; 160p; up W side Elder Sw. 160p; Pt E) Crnr. gum by the sd Sw. ln SWxW; 80P; Pt F) a burning P. ln W; 96P; Pt G) Crnr. r. Oake by Piney Island slash lm ssw; 65p; down Piney Island Slash; Pt H) P. standing by the main Swamp aforesaid lm; down Chickahominy Sw. being bounded on all side by marked trees from aforesaid swamps Grosses land; (NOTE: THIS MAY BE IMP: JOHN WHITE SR. OWNED LAND ON CAT TAIL BRANCH BY 1732 AS LISTED ON A NEIGHBOR’S DEED – COULD JOHN WHITE SR. BE RELATED TO THIS HENRY WIATT?)
occupation: transported at least 2 groups of people (1679 & 1682); buried in _____________; special notes: vestryman in St. Peter’s Parish, NK in 1686; listed as son and heir of George Wyatt “of Middle Plantation” in 1671 IS THIS THE SAME HENRY AS OUR LINE? PROB NOT BUT INSTEAD COUSINS THRU COMMON ANCESTOR GEORGE, HAUTE’S SON! Another Henry Wyatt was listed as dec’d by 1745 in a land description of Edward Curd “Type: patent ttb file ECURD745 of mosaic XECURD Dat 20 Mar 1745/46 Ref VPB 25:10;1 To Edw Curd Con 30s; Re 294a Henrico/ S s main run of Chickahominy swamp Decl -2 Location: 13001 -49561 F127 L0 P255; Pt 0. Capt. Jas Cockes cor gum on S s main run of Chickahominy Swamp HYD Ln S40W; 224p; on his line thru swamp & low grounds; Pt 1. Cor gum on edge of the Mirey Ground Ln S40W; 6p; under the hills of the main high land the following courses; Pt 2. __ Ln N73W; 52p; Pt 3. Maple in a br HYD Ln N25W; 42p; Pt 4. Cor wh oak Ln N32E; 46p; Pt 5. __ Ln N11E; 36p; Pt 6. Cor Ln N71W; 140p; Pt 7. Large cor pine in the slashy ground Ln S81W; 38p; Pt 8. Cor pine Ln N45.5W; 48p; Pt 9. Large cor poplar in line of Henry WYATT’s decd on a hillside just abv Holly Br which poplar now divides Edw Curd & Obadiah Smith Ln N24E; 84p; thru very mirey ground; Pt 10. Cor Ash by main run of Chickahominy Swamp HYD Lm; down run with meanders to beginning.”
m. 16__ in _____ to Alice[xxii] unk, b. ___, d. 02/16/1723 in St. Peter’s Parish, NK; buried in ______; Alice the widow owned 1300 acres in NK in 1704 and 800 acres in Charles City Co, VA in 1704; their known children were: Richard, b. 00/00/1___ in ___________, d. ____ in ____; owned land in ____________; occupation: _______; buried in _____________; special notes: his uncle Richard (b. 1650) was his guardian upon his father’s death in c1703; Alice remarried c1705 to Major Peter Field (d. 1707), who then moved in with her; they had a lot of slaves
* * * * * * * * * * * * * Family of Henry White (1631-16__) OUR LINE
Henry “our Henry”[xxiii] White, b. 00/00/1631 in __________, d. 00/00/00 (remember he didn’t die in 1671 – nor 1711 that was the Quaker Henry in Perquimans; our Henry may have died before 1696 – see endnotes for link to research by Donnie White in 2003)POSS Henry and John Sr were brothers, our Henry is really not OUR Henry at all (instead an uncle) AND perhaps Mary Croshaw was married to both Henry and John Sr. (the brothers). This would explain a lot of things. RE-CK the will dates of Mary (did she have a will??? or whomever’s will listed Joseph, Unity, etc. as heirs?) and then figure out Mary’s order of marriages) in ____; owned land in ____________; occupation: __________; buried in _____________; (THE ONLY THING THAT WILL CLARIFY ALL OF THESE WHITES IS THE LAND DESCRIPTIONS!!!) special notes: the Henry White in York Co, VA who died testate in 1671 is not our Henry; poss father of our Henry was John White [From Calendar of ____, p. 201, “1654 Petition of John White, Merchant, license for ship to VA from the Colonial Papers, vol, 12 #30, p. 135] – but this could also refer to Capt. John Wyatt, mariner, s/o Conquest Wyatt Sr. There is also an entry re a Col. White [“1656 Report of Col. White, etc., as to what persons had been enticed on August board ship Conquer, about to sail to VA” (from Colonial Papers, vol. 13, #29, p. 169)]; and a John White listed in the deed of Henry Wyatt (poss Henry Wyatt and John White Sr were brothers, as well as neighbors, and Henry kept the spelling of his father and John chose not to?) as a neighbor in 1641 (THIS COULD BE VERY IMP:) “Henry WYATT, Esq., eldest son of Sir Francis WYATT, 50 acres in Pasbyehaies, James City Co., Dec. 16 1641. 21 yr. lease. Beg. upon a high bank in an old field, etc., adj. land of Capt. Robert Hutchinson, etc. near house of Mr. John WHITE (Sr?), etc. to the mouth of the Swamp, etc. But the 3 acres for the two paths, one leading to Powhatan Bridge and the other to Chickahominy not respecting the variation. Annual rent 2 Bbls. of Merchantable Corn, for every 50 acres, etc.” In a 1696 Davis Davenport deed, it refers to “the old Henry White place”, which may indicate that our Henry White died before then. Henry may have had a sister named Sarah White Davis, w/o William Davis. m. 1655 in _____ to Mary Croshaw[xxiv], b. ___, d. ____ in ________; buried in ______; special notes: Major Joseph Croshaw (poss dates 1610-1697) who was Mary’s dad, in 1651 patented land which became the plantation known as Poplar Neck: “1000 acres in York Co., upon the side of York River, commonly known by the name of Poplar Neck, abutting n. w. upon the mouth of St. Andrew's Creek" (later called Carter's Creek) "n. e. upon York River, s. e. upon a small creek called Croshaw's Desire dividing this land & the land now in possession of Richard Croshaw into the woods, w. s. w. & by s. and s. w. along the Indian Field upon the land of Jas. Harris, w. by n. upon the land of Samuel Snead, n. w. by w. upon a line of marked trees leading along to St. Andrew's Creek.” Other land that Mary’s dad owned included: in NK: 1682 owned surplus land in Ramoncock Neck (Romancoke); 1668 as grantee; 1661 as grantee; 1659 as grantee; 1658 as neighbor; 1655 as neighbor; in York Co: 03/1653 & 11/1653 as grantee (same description as his land in 1659 in NK above); 1651 as grantee; not listed as Major in this transaction, 10 acres called “Poplar Neck”; 1651 as grantee; large acreage (different from Poplar Neck); 1649 as grantee; 1350 acres on Moggadegum Creek (Mattadequin); in Unk Co: 10/19/1643 as grantee; not listed as Major in this transaction, 350 acres vague description; in Charles River Co: 05/22/1638; 600 acres “north of Queen’s Creek”. (PERHAPS THERE WAS A JOSEPH CROSHAW JR & THAT’S WHY THERE IS CONFUSION BETWEEN THE HENRY WHITE WHO M. MARY CROSHAW AND WHO HAD CHILDREN JOSEPH, ETC. NEED TO CK DATES OF BIRTH & DEATH FOR MAJOR JOSEPH CROSHAW. I THOUGHT I READ SOMEWHERE THAT HE DIED IN 1659. IF SO, THEN SOME OF THESE LAND GRANTS WOULD HAVE BEEN TO A DIFFERENT JOSEPH). There was also a Richard Croshaw as a neighbor to Major Joseph Croshaw: Richard Croshaw, in York Co: 1649 as grantee; neighbor to Major Joseph Croshaw; 750 acres on “north side of York River”; Joseph owned land on “south side of York River”; there is a possibility that they had a son named William b. prior to 1716 who owned 400 acres of land in HC in 1737 “adjoining Christopher Smith, John Poindexter…” BUT this might be the son of Henry White of York CO, VA (see above); their known children were: 1. John Sr. “who left orphans”[xxv], b. 00/00/1647 WILD IDEA HERE: poss this John Sr was “our Henry’s” brother and John Sr had John Jr. It would follow then that it was John Jr who left the orphans. The reason I suspect this is b/c Henry & Mary Croshaw weren’t married until 1655, 8 years after John Sr’s DOB. Also, our Henry was supposedly born in 1631. Barrett White’s bible documents Mary Croshaw somehow (RE-CK this). So, I think the dates of John Sr were (16__-aft1704 and poss aft1712 or poss 1744 since one of these Johns owned land and John Jr. would have been too young) and John Jr (1697-bet 1763 to 1767): in ___________, d. testate in 00/00/1744 (THIS IS ILLOGICAL THAT HE LEFT ORPHANS AT AGE 97 – MAYBE THERE WERE 2 JOHN WHITES WHO LEFT ORPHANS?) in ____; he was a landowner from at least between 1705-1743 (up until now, I’ve assumed it was the same John, but the wild idea tells me it included both Sr and Jr) it could also mean that Sr and Jr were uncle and nephew and the reason they were referred to as Sr and Jr was to distinguish between them and not necessarily that they were father and son – a common practice at the time); owned land at Ellyson’s Mill (depending on date it could be either Sr or Jr) (may be the same land as his plantation in Louisa and it may be precinct #17), owned 274 acre plantation in Louisa Co, VA by 1729 (Jr) at “junction of Deep Creek & S. Anna River” which passed to his (Jr’s) son “Colonel” William by 1758; “John White, grantee, 09/27/1729, 1888 acres on both sides of the South Anna River & Little & Indian Creeks” (I THINK THIS IS THE SAME LAND AS “JUNCTION OF DEEP CREEK & S. ANNA RIVER WHICH WENT TO “COLONEL” WILLIAM); other possible landholdings may have been John White (Jr) listed as neighbor on someone else’s deed in 1729 on the “South Anna River, Deep Creek”, and John White (Jr) listed as neighbor on someone else’s deed in 1732, on “Cattail Branch”; there was also some Property in Nansemond Co, VA owned by a John White, grantee, 1696, (Sr) “300 acres on both sides of the head of Beaverdam Swamp adjoining the land of John Copeland’s”; a John White (Sr) is listed on the 1704 VA Rent Roll from NK; occupation: _______; buried in _____________; special notes: land defined on p. 447 of the Vestry of St. Paul’s Parish, January, 1705/6, “Pursuant to an Order of Court, Appointing Mr. John White (Sr) of the highways dated July 29, 1695, the said Mr. John White _____ himself to the vestry of St. Paul’s Parish in the manner & form followeth: The bounds of the precincts which Mr. John White was appointed of, as followeth: beginning at the mouth of Elder Swamp running up it to the _____ branch of Mattedicun, called Little Creek, down that to the Fork, where Lancaster formerly dwelt, then up that creek P, Polegreen’s Quarter, _____ of Beaverdam Swamp, then down that, and the main Swamp, to the ______ Elder Swamp, where it began.” John White (prob Sr or poss Jr if he could own it by age 16?) owned the mill in 10/08/1712, from Vestry p. 57: “In Obedience to an Order of New Kent County Court dated the 11th of Sept., 1712, it’s ordered that Issack Winston have John Pirant, Nathaniel Hodgkinson, Joseph Hambleton, Major Meriwether’s Lower Quarter, Thomas East, and Thomas Basset, & their male tithables to assist him in Clearing a Road from Mr. John White’s Mill to Half Sink.” His (Jr) son Barrett inherited John’s(Jr) land on the north bank of the Chickahominy river by 1759, and is listed as its landowner in 1765, 1769 and 1787; Devise of John White, St. Paul's Parish, Hanover Co., Va. Louisa Co. Deed Book C, pp. 72 3. July 6, 1758: “Whereas John White (Jr) late of the Parish of St. Paul in the County of Hanover by his last will and testament has devised and bequeathed part of the estate whereof he did possess to be equally divided among six of his, the said testator's, children to wit: Edith White now the wife of John Holt, Elisha White, Wm. White, Tillah now the wife of Thomas King, Helena Maria now the wife of Joseph Holt, and Martha now the wife of Sackville Brewer. Each of whom are subscribers to these presents whereas also we, the said subscribers, have by and with consent of the said testator's executors equally divided that part of the said John White’s estate so given to be divided amongst us according to the said testator’s will excepting one negro woman slave named Lydia which said slave we have jointly agreed to lend to Katherine Brain our mother and the rest of the estate both real and personal lent to our said mother by the said testator's will and to be by her enjoyed during her natural life and then to be equally divided amongst us. We, the subscribers, do therefore by these presents acknowledge, confess, and declare for ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators and assigns that we each and every one of us did and do consent and agree with the said division as equally and justly made. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this sixth day of July, one thousand seven hundred and fifty eight (6 July 1758). Witnesses: Signed and Sealed: James Brewer; John Holt; Edmond Brewer; Elisha White; John Henderson; William White; Philip Brewer; Thomas King; Sarah Brewer; Joseph Holt; Sackville Brewer; At a Court held for Louisa County the 28th day of June, 1761 this instrument of writing was this day in open Court proved to be the act of the legatees thereto subscribed and by the oaths of John Henderson and Philip Brewer admitted to record and is recorded. Teste: James Littlepage, Clerk of Court”; 17 Nov. 1755 The Vestry Book of St. Paul's Parish, page 339; Vestry ordered land into precincts for Processioning. John White, Jr. made return on own land in precinct 15 and made return on land of John White's Orphans (in possession of Robert Braine) in precinct 16. m. (1) bef 1697 in _____ to unk a. John Jr. (1697-bet 1763-1767); baptized in 1697 per Vestry records; special notes: born in NK; inherited his father’s land in 1744 and probably until his death, which then went to his half-brother Barrett by 1767 (this may have been in precinct #16 or 22); he also owned land in precinct #21 from 1731-1767; John Jr.’s inherited land was listed in the Vestry on ”November 30, 1763, p. 428 [Boundaries of Processioning Precinct No. 22] . . .the lands of John White, Thomas East’s orphans, Kelly Hughes, Thomas Wild, John Forsie, James Allen, Turner Richardson, Philip Frazier, Anthony Winston, William Hughes, and that James Allen and Turner Richardson see the processioning performed, and return their proceedings according to law. . . In Obedience to the within Order, we the subscribers have seen the lines of all the land peaceably processioned, from the Road crossing Chickahominy at the Three Runs Bridge, down said Swamp, to Beaverdam swamp, which includes the lands of Samuel Morris, William Hughes, William Craighead, John Ellis’s orphans, Aaron Trueheart, Thomas Wild, Robert Smith, Robert Lee, Barrett White, Anthony Winston Gent., Matthew Whitlock, Charles Richardson, John Richardson, Elizabeth Tyree, Philip Frazier. The Subscribers examined a line between Aaron Trueheart & William Hughes, which we have returned to the Wardens according to Law, [signed by] James Allen, Turner Richardson.” More on this land from “The William and Mary Quarterly, Vol. XXI, No. 1 (Jul 1912)” contains several references to George Alvis in a transcript entitled, “Records of Hanover County,” pages 47 ff, “copied by me in the winter of 1910-1911—S. O. Southall.”[26] Page 54 for 1734 states, “Estate of David Alvis in hands of David Crenshaw, his late Guardian.” Page 58 has a notice that land was sold 5 Mar 1734 by Laurence Ferguson to John Ross, “adjoining George Alvis, dec’d.” A deed cited in page 63 between the three daughters of Susan Ellitt on 15 Jul 1735 is the only known evidence that George had a first marriage and a daughter Susan. And a reference on page 146 is to the widow of George’s son, David Alvis, from 4 Oct 1787. Edward Pleasant’s Valentine Papers also include references to George Alvis. First, from the Winston Family section of the Valentine papers: Isaac Winston, deed from Martin Slaughter and Jane, his wife: Robert King and Susannah, his wife; and Samuel Macgehee and Elizabeth, his wife, 217 acres of land, being the land conveyed by George Alvis to Susannah Ellit, descended to her daughters the said Jane, Susannah and Elizabeth. Witnesses John WHITE, Jr., William Winston, Jr., Isaac Winston, Jr., and John Talley, July 16, 1735. Ibid. p. 342” 17 Nov. 1755 The Vestry Book of St. Paul's Parish, page 339; Vestry ordered land into precincts for Processioning. John White, Jr. made return on own land in precinct 15 and made return on land of John White's Orphans (in possession of Robert Braine) in precinct 16. In 1748, a John White Jr. purchased land from Joseph & Mary Walker described as “on the S. Anna river and upon both sides of Hammond’s Creek (213 acres) with a mill and one acre on the other side of the creek”
b. Samuel[xxvi] (bef 1710-poss d. testate in 1771 in Brunswick Co, VA) (NOT SURE WHO HIS MOTHER IS); poss. m. Sarah unk (Hester?); occupation: blacksmith; owned land in precinct #16; received a land grant in HC in 1739 for 400 acres “Samuel White, grantee, 09/22/1739, adjoining Robert Hester’s land”, which he sold in 1745. That land description in 1745 was: “20 Sep 1745 Land Patent: William Spiller, 1,600 acres in Louisa County between Contrary River and Christopher Run, adjoining Mr. Chiswell, Col. Meriwether, Robert Hester, William Taite, Thomas Adams, and John Kendrick – being 400 acres formerly granted to Samuel WHITE on 22 Sep 1739, and 800 acres granted John Kembrow in two patents on 22 June 1740, both said grantees having conveyed to said Spiller, and the 400-acre residue never before granted. For £2.” [Virginia Patents 22:482] (REMEMBER HESTOR IS A FIRST NAME OF ONE OF ROBERT WHITE’S KIDS) “Location: 5429 9771 F127 L0 P255; Pt 0. corner white oak Ln s34w; 174p; Chiswell’s line; Pt 1. Col. Meriwether’s corner stake between several marked trees Ln s82w; 542p; Meriwether’s line; Pt 2. white oak in Meriwether’s line Ln n25w; 180p; new line; Pt 3. Ln n63w; 160p; Pt 4. sapling in Robert Hester’s line Ln n27e; 400p; Robert Hester’s line; Pt 5. Taite’s corner pine in Hester’s line Ln s63e; 160p; William Taite’s line; Pt 6. Taite’s & Thomas Adam’s corner white oak and pine Ln s27w; 174p; Thomas Adam’s line; Pt 7. oak & black oak Ln s54e; 150p; Pt 8. of saplings Ln n65e; 260p; Pt 9. white oak & pine saplings Ln n86e; 11p; Pt 10. & John Kendrick’s corner two white oak Ln n86e; 269p; John Kendrick’s line; Pt 11. Kendrick’s corner two pines and a red oak bush in Chiswell’s line Ln s5w; 184p; Chiswell’s line.” “Type: patent ref VAPB 33:241 To John Poindexter dated 16 Aug 1756 RE: 400a between the N Fork of Contrary & Christopher’s Run; Location: -929 12310 F127 L0 P255; Pt 0. corner shrubby white oak in Col Meriwether’s line Ln s82w; 60p; Meriwether’s line Pt 1. white oak Ln s37w; 150p; Meriwether’s line - jgs patent says 27 but 37 is right; Pt 2. Kenbrow’s corner white oak saplings in Meriwether’s line Ln n44w; 237p; John Embrown’s; Pt 3. red oak bush in Robert Hester’s line Ln n27e; 223p; Robert Hester’s line; Pt 4. WHITE’S corner pine Ln s63e; 160p; Samuel WHITE’S line; Pt 5. WHITE’S & Spiller’s corner smt Ln s25e; 180p; Spiller’s line.” “Type: patent ref VAPB 18:508 To Samuel WHITE dated 22 Sep 1739 Decl -3; RE: 400 acres repatented to William Spiller 20 Sep 1745 VAPB 22:482; Location: -3009 9934 F127 L0 P255; Pt 0. sapling in Robert Hester's line Ln s63e; 84p; Pt 1. Ln s63e; 76p; Pt 2. Ln n27e; 70p; Pt 3. Ln n27e; 138p; Pt 4. branch Ln n27e; 192p; Pt 5. oak and pine Ln n63w; 40p; Pt 6. Ln n63w; 40p; Pt 7. of the branch Ln n63w; 80p; Pt 8. in Hester's line Ln s27w; 160p; Pt 9. Ln s27w; 20p; Pt 10. Ln s27w; 166p; Pt 11. Ln s27w; 54p.”
There was a Samuel who lived in HC, was a blacksmith and purchased materials for his trade in 1744 – source was Ancestry’s “A Merchant’s Account Book: Hanover Co, VA 1743-44, Edgar MacDonald, p. 185-202; perhaps he moved to Brunswick Co, VA bet 1740-1743. m. (2) bef 1727 in _____ to Catherine Barrett[xxvii], b. 00/00/0000, d. aft 00/00/1758 in ________; buried in ______; special notes: ___________; she remarried by 1758 to Robert Brane/Braine in Louisa Co, VA; Could William Barrett be her father or grandfather? William Barrett, grantee, 06/07/1648, 700 acres “Easternmost side of Chickahominy River, "Warrany ould town," and Warrany Creek.” [Nugent 1992, (I): 175, PB2/141]; John & Catherine’s known children were (orphans are underlined)(RECHECK BIRTH ORDER): c. “Colonel” William[xxviii], b. 00/00/1731 in ___________, d. 00/00/1790 in Louisa Co, VA; m. 1787 Elizabeth Starke White, widow of brother Barrett, Marriages: [Henley Index of VA Newspapers] “Col. William White of Louisa & Mrs. Eliza White of HC” published on 07/26/1787 (date of wedding was prob. 07/18/1787); inherited his father’s 274 acre plantation in Louisa Co, VA by 1758 at “junction of Deep Creek & S. Anna River” which was sold at his death by his heirs Elisha, John and wife Elizabeth “Betty” Starke (this land was also described in 1778 VA Gazette ad as his current residence at the time and “near Anderson’s bridge on the south river”); he also owned land in Charlotte Co, VA near Horsepen’s Creek (848 acres including a tobacco plantation) for which an ad was placed in the Gazette that ended after July 1778; a court case shows that Col. William White lived at White’s Spring [Branch] in Louisa Co, VA from at least 1777-1783, owned slaves, may have lost family members to smallpox or diphtheria, and may have been related to and/or a neighbor of a John White: (NOTE: we now know that smallpox is not caused by unsanitary water, but diphtheria was.) Case No. 1786-013 (Richard Anderson v. William White) cont. of water problems: p. 16 Anderson rebuilt his dam, causing water to overflow up to the Col. William White family house (at White’s Spring). The Whites apparently got sick from smallpox or diphtheria because of it. Some of their slaves died in 1777. Anderson kept his dam this way until 1783. John White deposed in this case. [Library of VA Chancery Court records for Louisa Co, VA]; Case No. 1838-010 (Ladd v. Nathan B. Clarke) p. 16 contains a very nice plat map of the White homeplace as owned in 1838 by George W. Trueheart. [Library of VA Chancery Court records for Louisa Co, VA]; occupation: _______; buried in _____________; special notes: served in Rev War; there is a letter of a William White of Louisa to VA Governor on 10/16/1783: RE: status of arms at a blacksmith’s shop (in for repair), payment of the soldier tax on behalf of the county, reason for the delay was he was out of town “on the assembly” (he was responsible for collecting the tax) [Library of VA]; their known children were Catherine (who m. 1782 to George Earnest in Louisa Co, VA) (NOTE: THIS IS NOT THE WILLIAM WHO DIED AT BRANDYWINE AS THE INTERNET HAS REPORTED.); another daughter was Mary m. John Price who d. testate in Henrico bef 1783; his will listed their children: Samuel, James, Barrett, John, William, Daniel, Elisha, Martha, Mary, Catherine and Sarah; his will also names a grandson John Starke d. Barrett, (1727-1782) m. Elizabeth “Betty” Starke[xxix] (1733-1815); inherited his father’s land by 1759 on the north bank of the Chickahominy river including “White’s mill; land records show this same land as being owned by a Barrett White in 1787, 5 years after Barrett died so perhaps it was a Barrett Jr. or still owned by the estate?) and then he took over John Jr.’s land in 1767 when his brother died (in precinct #15-remember some of these precinct numbers changed); from a St. Paul's Parish Register entry on November 19, 1759, “In Obedience to an Order of Saint Paul’s hereunto Annexed, we the Subscribers have seen the following Land processioned, viz; John White now Barrett White’s, Thomas East's orphans, Archibald Hughes now Robert Smith's, Thomas Wild, John Forsie's now Henry Timberlake’s, John Ellis, Aaron Trueheart, Samuel Morris, William Hughes, John Richardson, James Allen, Turner Richardson, William Craighead, William Murrey, Philemon Frazier, Robert Templeton, Mathew Whitlock and Anthony Winston. Examined John Ellis, James Allen.” Still owned land on November 12, 1779, “Ordered into one precinct for processioning the Lands of William Bailey, David Richardson, Jeremiah Jones, William Jones, William Lemay, Widow Kemp, James Whitlock, David Whitlock, Benjamin Tyree, Matthew Whitlock, Benjamin Oliver, & Charles Richardson, dec'd, & that Barrett White and John Starke do see the said processioning performed and return their proceedings according to the law.” e. “Captain” Elisha, b. bef 1744, d. 00/00/1801 in HC (see separate entry for further info); inherited a portion of father’s land in 1758 f. Martha[xxx] (bef 1744-____) inherited a portion of father’s land in 1758 g. Edith[xxxi] (bef 1744-____) m. John Holt; inherited a portion of father’s land in 1758 h. Tillah[xxxii] (bef 1744-____) m. Thomas King; inherited a portion of father’s land in 1758 i. Helena Maria[xxxiii] (bef 1744-____) m. Joseph Holt; inherited a portion of father’s land in 1758 j. Mary[xxxiv] (1720-1806) k. James[xxxv] (bef 1734-aft 1785) m. Sarah unk; served in Rev War; owned land by 1755; From “The Vestry Book of St. Paul’s Parish (HC, VA) (1706-1786)” by Chamberlayne, p. 423 mentions James White [Sr., an orphan; RE: land transferred to him] as “land of John Barker, dec’d” and “the land of Robert Brane” and “the lands not mentioned in your order”. Also, from “The Vestry Book of St. Paul’s Parish (HC, VA) (1706-1786)” by Chamberlayne, p. 461, a James White is mentioned (NOT SURE IF JR, SR OR SOMEONE FROM ANOTHER BRANCH) in the “processioning of…Hooper, William Thurman, James White’s heirs, Elias White, Daniel Booz…”; p. 276 in the Vestry, there’s an entry showing “land of Farquar Matteson/Matheson, dec’d, to James White, the land of John Barker” [1755]; p. 351 in the Vestry mentions Farquar Matheson as a neighbor to John Barker in 1756; p. 423 land transfers: William Thurman to Thomas Bates; Farquar Matheson to James White (both on 02/29/1764); (Note: if James’ middle initial was “G” and he moved to Cumberland Co, KY, it could have stood for Garland – RESEARCH LEWIS G. TRUEHEART’S MIDDLE NAME –if it’s Garland, then James is prob. Garland also. There was a John Garland c. 1787 selling land to Moor Bell, Ellis and others [source USGenWeb]; also a Peter Garland in land processioning with Elias White); 1785 James White & Sarah, his wife, to Thos. Meux of New Kent 218 a. Thos. Meux at the time in possession “Rice Wolf Pit branch on John Barker's line” witnessed by John White & James Lipscomb. l. Robert “the Quartermaster” Jr? (Why would he have been called Jr if his dad was John? unless his dad’s middle or first name was Robert but went by John? There was a custom of that time to refer to a Jr if another older family member had the same name such as an uncle. (There was our Robert who would have been older b. 1743. This may be a hint that he was a cousin.); served in Rev War “John’s 7 sons served”[xxxvi] (17__-aft 1838); a Robert Jr. inherited his father’s land as a portion of the White home place – in 1827 a Jr. is listed as a neighboring landholder (on Chickahominy Swamp) and is subpoenaed in an 1832 Chancery Court case 1832-006 (Edward Sydnor v. George T. Ellis & Thomas Williams [Esq.]); Jr. is also a plaintiff in an 1838 HC Chancery case (Robert White [Jr.] v. Admr of Harry Timberlake]); a Robert White was appointed Deputy Commissary General of Issues for the middle department on 08/14/177_ and resigned on 09/15/177_ because he was involved in a trial (poss. the trial of his brother Elisha in or after 1778 re: the duel) [George Washington papers on Rotunda website]; letter from Col. John Starke to Col. William Davies on 09/21/1781 Starke appointed Robert White, Quarter Master, to his battalion; he stated the reason Robert White didn’t show up right away was because he was serving in another Reg. [Library of VA]; occupation: co-owner with brothers Barrett & Elisha of a woolen mill: “The Subscribers, being engaged in the erection of a woolen and worsted manufactory, have met with great encouragement, by our worthy representatives, in their late convention, which we esteem as the most certain prelude of success; and being encouraged by many of the most patriotic gentlemen of the country, have presumed to ask the assistance of such persons as may be inclined to promote so beneficial an undertaking. We have given security to repay in work all the money any gentlemen may advance for our encouragement, in the following manner, viz. Half the price of our work to be received in cash, the other half, from time to time, is to be placed to the credit of our generous benefactor, till the whole is repaid; which will enable the Subscribers to carry on their business with life and spirit, at a great expense sent to Great Britain for a number of the best workmen, among whom there is to be a stocking weaver, which branch of business will, if we meet with proper encouragement, be carefully attended to. As our works will be very convenient to the counties of King William, New Kent, and Henrico (being placed in the lower end of Hanover), we hope their inhabitants in particular will favor us with our custom. To the gentlemen who have subscribed, we gratefully return our sincere and warmest thanks, and entreat them, and others, who may be inclined to promote American manufacturers, to favor us with their subscriptions as soon as possible, as we are under the necessity to advance considerable sums to complete the works, and procure the necessary utensils. Subscriptions are taken, and the monies received, by Mr. Bartholomew Dandridge of New Kent, Major John Hickman of King William, Mr. William Duval, attorney of Henrico, and in Hanover by the public’s obliged and very humble servants, Elisha and Robert WHITE. We the Subscribers will be responsible to the gentlemen who have or may subscribe for the encouragement of Elisha and Robert WHITE, wool manufactory, and do oblige ourselves that they shall comply with their engagement to the Subscribers, or that they shall return the Subscribers their money. Witness our hands the 15th day of August, 1774. Samuel Meredith, Barrett WHITE, John Stark, Richard Chapman
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Family of Barrett White (1727-1782)
Barrett[xxxvii] White, b. 07/27/1727 in __________, d. 02/18/1782 in ____; owned land by 1759 on Ellyson’s mill as described in their Bible “6 miles east of Richmond…1/2 of a mile from Sugar Loaf Island is Beaverdam and a ¼ of a mile from Ellyson’s mill (Ellerson’s mill, which later came to be known as “White’s Mill”) on the north bank of the Chickahominy river” (the land descriptions may all be referring to the White homeplace as Barrett is listed as owning land by 1759, in 1765, 1769 and 1787 which was after his death – perhaps his estate or a Barrett Jr.?; he took over John Jr.’s land in 1767 when his brother died (in precinct #15-remember some of these precinct numbers changed); received a land grant in 1765 for 273 acres in HC “beginning by the mouth of a branch on the north side of the Main Run of Chickahominy Swamp”; “Type: patent ref VPB 36:829 dated 26 Jul 1765 to Barrett WHITE con 10 Shillings; Re 273a Hanover/200a part being formerly Granted to John Robinson by Letters Patent bearing date the 21st day of October 1787 the Right &Title whereof is since become vested in the sd Barrett WHITE and 73a the residue never before Granted; Location: 1552 7872 F127 L0 P255; Pt A) at a Gum by the mouth of a Branch on the N side of the main Run of the Chickahominy swamp thence up the sd Branch by the water course to lm nne; 50p; guess, up a Br. of Chickahominy sw.; Pt B) Lee's corner Pine ln S64E; 12P; [Lee]; Pt C) 3 red oaks by the edge of an old Field in a valley ln S46E; 50P; Pt D) a drain or small branch thence down the same to lm e; 50p; guess down a small br.; Pt E) Beaverdam swamp thence up the said swamp to lm n; 100p; guess, up Beaverdam sw.; Pt F) a hickory on the S side of the sd WHITE’S Mill Pond ln N70.5W; 208P; fm sd WHITE’S Mill Pond; Pt G) the head of Robinson’s branch lm ssw; 50p; guess, down Robinson’s br.; Pt H) a large gum by the edge of the sunken ground of Chickahominy Swamp in S18.5W; 32P; Pt I) the main Run of the sd Swamp lm; down the main Run of sd Sw.” Barrett also owned land in 1769: “This Indenture made the second day of May in the year of our Lord Christ 1769, between Anthony Winston of the parish of St. Paul’s and county of Hanover of the one part, and John Austin of the same parish and county aforesaid on the other part, witnesseth that the said Anthony Winston for, and in consideration of, the sum of 130 pounds 15 shillings current money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the said John Austin, the receipt whereof he does hereby acknowledge, have granted, bargained, and _____, released and confirmed, and by these presents for himself and his heirs, grant, bargain, sell, _____, alien, release and confirm unto the said John Austin, and to his heirs and assigns forever, four hundred and forty five acres of land lying and being in the parish of St. Paul’s and county of Hanover on the northwest side of Beaver Dam Swamp, being in three tracts; one known by the name of the Old Plantation, being the place where Isaac Winston, late of HC, died; containing 147 and one quarter acres and bounded as followeth; beginning at a corner ash on WHITE’s Mill bound running south 86 and a quarter degrees, west 118 poles to a red oak on a branch up _____, south sixty two and a half degrees, west 40 poles two pointers in Trueheart's line, then along his line south 22 degrees, west 52 to a red oak, and south 19 and a half degrees, west 42 to Barrett WHITE’s corner of several marked trees, vans on his line, south 66 and a half degrees, east 171 poles to a red oak, and south 76 degrees, east 46 poles, and south 96 and a half acres, east 31 poles to his Mill Pond, thence up it to the beginning. The second tract combining two hundred and thirty eight and three quarters acres, and bounded as followeth to wit: beginning at a large white oak running north 57 degrees, west 159 pounds two pointers, and north 32 degrees, east 25 and a half poles, 20 off _____ vans on his and Moor Bell’s lines, North 12 degrees, West 147th place to a red oak, and north 51 degrees, west 22 poles to a corner _____ off with locks, then on his 9, south 81 and 3 quarters degrees, each 191 poles to Richardson's corner hickory, then self 3040 grease, east 47 plans to corner gone on the mill pond, then _____ the mill pond and the meanders of the said Beaver Dam Swamp to the beginning, this tract is known by the name of the Tarkiln Ridge, the third is of attractiveness 59 acres lying in the low ground of Chickahominy granted by patent to the said Anthony Winston and John East about the year 1756 as by the _____ wilfully appear, together with all houses, orchards, gardens, fences, woods, under _____, waters and water courses in there on standing growing and being with all profits commodities, advantages and appurtenances whatsoever to the same belonging on any wise appertaining except about half an acre where's the graveyard how is at the old place, and also the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders thereof, and off every part and parcel thereof except as it is before accepted. To have and to hold the said three tracts for parcels of land aforementioned according to the national known bounds and courses above-mentioned with there and every off their apartments is unto the said John Austin, his heirs and assigns, to the only _____ and behalf of him the said John Austin, his heirs and assigns forever. And, the said Anthony Winston's and his heirs of government grant and agree to and with that said John Austin, his heirs and assigns, that he in the shell and me at all times hereafter peaceably in quietly have hold and enjoy the said grants granted Lambs and premises free and clear from all forums sales gifts, grants, mortgages, rites of Delta or any other encumbrances whatsoever, and they said Anthony Winston and his heirs shall and will warrant and forever defend the two first tracts of land above-mentioned known by the names of the old place and the pass kill Ridge and all the premises with me a princess unto the said John Austin, his heirs and assigns forever, against all and every other person or persons that Chilean eat clean their I'm too, and likewise do want the title of the other tract of 59 acres that I myself or any cleaning under me or my ears shall not set up any title to the same, but that its shell and may be lawful for the said John Austin, his heirs and assigns, to enjoy this thing for ever. And lastly that he, the said Anthony Winston and his heirs and all and every other person claiming in the federal lands and premises above-mentioned or any part thereof shall and will at all times here after at the request and cost of the said John Austin, his heirs and assigns, make do here with or cause could be executed all and every such further and reasonable grants axe and a princes in law for the better and more perfect conveying. And appearing of the said premises with the apartments is on to the said John Austin, he is a reason to sign for ever. In witness where of the said Anthony Winston his hand in seal _____ does said Anthony Winston only wants to 59 acres of swamp from any claim of his heirs _____ or assigns. John Street Nathan Bell William Bell Thomas Austin memorandum that on the 17 day of March, 1769 quiet and peaceable possession and seized of the within granted land and premises made, done and delivered by the within mentioned Anthony Winston to the aforesaid John Austin according to the form and effect of the with in Britain deed in presence of John Street, Nathan Bell, Moor Bell or William Thomas Austin find Anthony Winston feel March the 17th, 1769, then recorded of John Austin 130 pounds 15 shillings current money of Virginia being the consideration money mentioned in the within written deed. Received by me, Anthony Winston, John Street, Nathan Bell, Moor Bell, Thomas Austin at a court held for HC, on Thursday the 5th day of October, 1769, this deed in dance and the memorandum of delivery and seized and receipt thereon and doors were approved by the oath of Thomas Austin and also by the affirmation of Nathan Bell and Moor Bell, two of the people commonly called Quakers, three of the witnesses.” occupation: __________; buried in _____________; evidence that brothers Elisha, William & Barrett lived in Louisa Co, VA in 1756, 1757 and 1769): Case No. 1768-005 (Estate of Riddle v. William White) included a 1756 Subpoena of Elisha & Barrett White and a 1757 Subpoena of William White, p. 6 is a change of verdict of a previous judgment. Previous to this case, Elisha bought a horse from Riddle but didn’t pay him for it until Riddle sued him. Elisha asked Barrett for the money. Elisha was indebted to the estate for the horse. The judge ended up calling them all into court simultaneously to settle. Sounds like a case of 2 rich brothers (Elisha & Barrett) thinking they could get away from paying money for the horse and the more responsible brother, Col. William, holding them accountable. [Library of VA Chancery Court records for Louisa Co, VA]; special notes: Barrett was appointed member of the County Committee of Hanover; served in Rev War; was involved with the “Mill Pond” case since he had control over the flow of water which affected his neighbors (one of which was Anthony Winston, who sued Barrett); the land including the mill went to Barrett’s son William White, who sold it to George Trueheart in ____ (year) who then continued to have legal problems over water rights; further notes on the Mill Pond case are in the endnotes
(CHECK TO SEE IF BARRETT MAY HAVE BEEN 1ST MARRIED TO AN UNK TRUEHEART. HIS SON COL WILLIAM WAS LISTED AS A BROTHER TO A TRUEHEART – PERHAPS IT WAS A STEP BROTHER? OR MAYBE COL. WILLIAM REMARRIED?) m. 1754 in _____ to Elizabeth Starke[xxxviii], b. 1733, d. 12/14/1815 (NEED TO CONFIRM HER DOD – IS IT IN A WILL?) in ________; buried in ______; special notes: very religious Presbyterians and followers of Rev. Samuel Davies at Polegreen Church[xxxix]; their known children were: 1. Col. Philip[xl] (1766-08/15/1822) m. Lucy Mills (1769-aft 1822); moved to KY in March, 1796; [obit in Richmond Enquirer, pub’d 10/11/1822, p. 3, c. 5] “Died at his mansion house in Kentucky on Aug. 15, Col. Philip White, in his 56th year. He had been a magistrate and a member of the state legislature. He served in the War of 1812. He had emigrated from near Meadow Bridges, HC. He leaves a widow and 9 children.” Their children named in Philip’s will were: John Barrett White (____-____) (m. 1814 Jane Clarke (1795-18__)), Elizabeth (m. McBrayer), Zachariah, Everard, Thomas, Joseph M., Jefferson, Philip and Martha (m. Foster). Peyton White (1786-____) was listed as their son in Philip’s obit (I THINK! RE-CK WHERE I FOUND THIS) so perhaps Peyton was a middle name of one of the heirs; Philip d. testate [page 103, will book #1, Frankfort, Franklin County, KY circa. 1822] 2. Thomas White (aka General Thomas White)[xli] (1758-1825) m. 17__ Elizabeth Blackwell; enlisted at age 17 in 1775, served under Col./Capt. Thomas Meriwether of NK’s Company of Light Infantry in 1st VA Regiment, payroll records Sept/Oct 1777, appears as sergeant in 1777, his service records shows he was a corporal and 1st lieutenant (John, Jr. and William also show up in the muster of the 1st VA Regiment both under Capt. Meriwether) (David Blackwell’s Rev War application lists Capt. Thomas’s birth in 1764 in HC – THIS IS ILLOGICAL AND MAKES HIM TOO YOUNG TO BE A CAPT BY THEN. THE 1758 FROM HIS WIDOW’S APP IS PROB CORRECT.); a Capt. Thomas was listed in the Rev War Impressed Property list; year of birth 1758 was from pension app of his widow Elizabeth Blackwell White; Clement & William L. White were administrators of his estate (poss his sons?); there was a Corp. Thomas White at Valley Forge (winter of 1777-78) 3. Captain William “DNA ANCESTOR” (00/00/1772-09/10/1820) 4. Francis[xlii] (1765-1839) m. 02/23/1785 Rev. John Penney in HC (her brother Thomas was a security for their marriage); moved to Anderson Co, KY (NOTE: Times Dispatch 10/16/1910 does not list Francis as a child of Barrett & Elizabeth White); Frances rc’d John’s Rev War pension for his service in the 2nd VA. “John Penny, Sr., (1764-1833), founder of Fox Creek Baptist Church, was born in Hanover County, Va. He was a member of the Chickahominy Church in his native County, where a contemporary John Clay, father of the renowned Henry Clay, ministered. Penny married Frances White in 1789, and removed to the Fox Creek, [Anderson County] Kentucky vicinity about 1790. Ideas of religious reform intrigued early Kentucky. Penny had the vision and in his first charge ministered experimentally to a "new, pure, and separate church" near him called "Reformed Baptist". This was a generation before the plea of the Campbells came in from Bethany like a tidal wave. Local dissension destroyed Penny's "immaculate" dream, and he reacted to a conservative stand, maintaining it until his passing forty years later in the great cholera epidemic. He organized the Salt River Church in 1798, and preached there for 35 years. Seldom did he preach longer than 35 minutes. He would then exhort with constraining power, filling and overflowing the "mourners' bench", — an earnest pleader for souls. A granddaughter thus describes him: He was small in stature, fair complexion, had keen blue eyes and Roman nose . . . straight in his carriage . . . prided himself on being old-fashioned . . . always dressed in snuff-colored cloth . . . coat . . . ornamented with plain silver buttons, each of which bore his initials ... a neat, plain-looking, plain- spoken old gentleman. Serving three years in the 2nd Virginia State Regiment his discharge was dated March 1, 1780. Frances White Penny, (1765-1839), his widow, survived him six years drawing his pensioned annuity of $80.00. William White Penny, (1790-1833), son of John and Frances White Penny married in 1813, Mary Edward, (1793-1857). Susan Penny, (1826-1893), daughter of William White and Mary Edward Penny, married in 1864, Darius Hackley, (1813-1883). Ada Lee Hackley, (1865-1942), daughter of Darius and Susan Penny Hackley, married in 1887, Charles Kavanaugh Crossfield, (1863-1934). Moreover the parents of Frances White Penny were: Barrett White (1727-1782), who married in 1754, Elizabeth Starke, (1736-1815). Barrett White and General John Starke were both of Hanover County, Va., serving in the Revolution from November 8, 1775, onward.” 5. Mary[xliii] (1770-1820) (m. Robert Blackwell) moved to Anderson Co, KY (Mary’s name was retrieved from Times Dispatch 10/16/1910) 6. Sarah “Sally”[xliv] (17__-18__) m. 1800 Edward Garland Sydnor (10/16/1769-unk) who was involved with the Mill Pond case; stayed in HC
* * * * * * * * * * * * * Family of Captain William White (1773-1820)
Captain William[xlv] White “DNA ANCESTOR”, b. 00/00/1772 in __________, d. 09/10/1820 on Richmond Hill, VA; inherited the White home place from his father Barrett and consequently was involved in the Mill Pond case; occupation: captain in War of 1812? and farmer; buried in _____________; special notes: In the 1835 Mill Pond case’s deposition of Maj. Samuel Winston, Winston states that Capt. [Wm] White & Lewis Trueheart were brothers, which statement needs more research since it can’t mean they were brothers-in-law, since Captain William’s only brothers were Col. Philip & General Thomas White, and his 3 sisters married Penney, Blackwell & Sydnor, unless one of these was a 2nd marriage SO what’s going on???? poss half brothers or step-brothers OR MARY TRUEHEART WAS HIS 1ST WIFE, POSS DYING BET 1784-1799 AND MILDRED ELLIS WAS HIS 2ND WIFE?; obit in Richmond Commercial Compiler, pub’d 09/16/1820, p. 3, c. 3. “Died on Sept. 10, on Richmond Hill, Capt. William White, late resident of HC, in the 48th year of his age.” m. 1799 in _________ to Mildred Ellis [Henley Index of VA Newspapers] “Capt. William White & Miss Mildred Ellis, both of HC” published on 09/06/1799 in 3 newspapers (VA Argus, Norfolk Herald, & VA Gazette), b. ___, d. ______ in ________; buried in ______; special notes: ___________; their known children were: 1. William Spotswood[xlvi] (07/30/1800-00/00/1873); lame in one leg from birth; lived with his grandparents from age 2-8, born at Beaverdam; m. Jane Isabella Wate (1803-1878) 2. Twin infants (1802-1802)[xlvii] 3. Thomas Jefferson[xlviii] (1804-____); moved to MO 4. Harriett E.[xlix] (1807-____); m. James McLaurin 5. Elizabeth Ann[l] (1809-____); unmarried 6. Philip Barrett[li] (1812-____); this is probably the nephew of Barrett White (1727-1782); he might have gone by his middle name since there is a Barrett who deposes in an 1838 case in Chancery Court (Robert White [who went by Jr. in 1807] v. Admr of Harry Timberlake)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * Family of Captain Elisha White (bef 1744-1801)
“Captain” Elisha[lii] White, b. bef 1744 in __________, d. 00/00/1801 in HC; owned 1,000 acres of land in Charlotte Co, VA (it was advertised for sale in 1770 in the VA Gazette) and 4,000 acres of bounty land after 1777; occupation: Rev War captain; buried in _____________; special notes: served in Rev War as 2nd Lt, 1st CL 06/11/1777; AWOL 05/1778 (a superior officer recommended he disappear for a while due to his participation in a duel – details below), Captain in 1779, rcd land grant for service of 4,000 acres, was a captain in the Hanover Militia in 1777; processioned lands in 1779 in the same precinct as William Thurmond, dec’d, and Andrew Thurmond,; Elisha’s pension certificate warrant request was signed on 01/14/1814 by Hannah Gregory & Catherine Cameron (Carmron) to “…Elisha [might be Elisha, Jr.] White, Joseph Price, Robert White…”; killed Lt. John Green in a duel on 04/29/1778 while in the military, was named in correspondence of Patrick Henry and George Washington for participating in this illegal duel (GW instructed his superior to have him arrested), Elisha claims he was provoked, the deceased’s father reconciled with Elisha and no other records were found showing he was prosecuted, etc., since he received bounty land, they probably let him off the hook. Elisha also served at Valley Forge.
Elisha White also served in the French & Indian Wars: “Elisha White, Louisa Co, 03/13/1780, No. 975. It appears to the court by the oath of Captain Joseph Fox that Elisha White enlisted and served as a Lt. in his company of rangers in the year 1755…signed John Nelson, Clerk” VGSQ, vol. 38, #3, p. 205.
This next entry is a Rev War order for clothing to be provided to some new recruits Jack WHITE, James Childer and James Derham), recruited by Lt. Elisha WHITE: (from a transcription of CLOTHING AND ACCOUTREMENTS OF THE OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS OF THE VA FORCES 1775-1780. From the RECORDS of the PUBLIC STORE at WILLIAMSBURG Mary R. M. Goodwin, June 1962), Page 24 [Williamsburg, October 6, 1778]: "UNITED STATES Per verbal order by Mr. Page, for Soldiers allowed by Act of Assembly 473, to Jack WHITE, James Childer & James Derham, recruited by Capt. WHITE of ye 1st Reg.: Viz- to 6 pr Shoes @ 24/. 6 pr Stockings @ 15/11:14: 0; 6 Shirts @ 25/. 3 Hatts @ 7/6d 8:12: 6; 3 Suits of Regimental Cloaths @ £15.10/46:10: 0, £66:16: 6 "Per Elisha WHITE, Lt."\RR0049.xml Served in the Colonial Militia: “Elisha White, Lieutenant, in Capt. Joseph Fox's Company of Rangers in 1755. Louisa Co., Mar. 13, 1780.” [VA Colonial Militia, 1651-1776, Crozier, 1954.] Elisha & Lucy sold land in 1791 “John Winston & Thos. Macon, Justices; whereas Elisha White, gent., & Lucy his wife, sold Mar. 11, 1791, to Thos. Butler, &c.” m. 17__ in _____ to Lucy unk[liii], b. ___, d. c 03/1819 testate in Louisa Co, VA; buried in ______; special notes: she bequeathed the proceeds from the sale of her land and one female slave to her grandchildren and the rest of her property went to her daughter Katherine; their known children were: 1. Robert[liv] (d. bef 1819) wife unk; children were George, Lucy, Katherine, Sarah, Robert, Elizabeth, Nancy 2. John “son of Elisha”[lv] (17__- bef 1819) wife unk; children were William, Nancy, Katherine; there was a John White, Jr. and a Jesse White in: HC Deeds 1783-1792 Page 350: 9 March 1772 “Jeremiah Wade to Littlebury Wade, Sr. 1200 land on North Fork of Matadequin Cr., devised by William Wade, Dec'd. to his son Jeremiah Wade, Excepting Mill & 10 acres sold to Col. John Syme; containing 242 acres bounded by Samuel Fox, James WHITE, Nicholas & Charles Talley, William Reyolds (sic) & sd. fork of Matadequin. Wit: John WHITE Jr, Robert Wade, Andrew Thurman, Jesse WHITE. Proved 4 June 1789 by oath of Robert Wade and Andrew Thurman. 6 Aug 1789 proved by oath of John WHITE.”; multiple deeds owned by White family members in 1789 on the west fork of Mattadequin Creek include John “son of Elisha” (poss), John Jr., James and Jesse 3. Jesse[lvi] (d. bef 1819) wife unk; children were Thomas, John, Katherine, Elisha, Lucy; multiple deeds owned by White family members in 1789 on the west fork of Mattadequin Creek include John “son of Elisha” (poss), John Jr., James and Jesse 4. Elisha Jr.[lvii] (d. bef 1819-poss d. 1781 in Henrico) – m. Theodolia Cowley; there was an Elisha Jr.[lviii] serving as a captain in the Rev War in 1780; their only son was Elisha Cowley White 5. Katherine[lix] (17__- aft 1819), m. 1787 John Jackson in HC (Lucy White’s executor in 1819); (DATES DON’T ALIGN unless it is referring to a John Jackson Jr or if Lucy White’s exec. was Jr): The SC Magazine of Ancestral Research (SCMAR), Vol. XIX, #1, Winter, 1991, Union Co. Coroner's Inquisitions, 1806-1869 (cont. from Vol. XVIII, p. 193), p. 43 Inquest over John Jackson, 07/17/1810, “An Inquest taken for Union District on the body of John Jackson own dwelling house there lying dead by twelve good and lawful men after being duly sworn say that they believe the said John Jackson murdered himself with a rifle gun, the ball entered into his head a small distance above his right eye ranging into his brain. Dated 02/17/1810. Signed and sealed by Robert WHITE, foreman, James K. Benson, Bird Murphy, Hiram Gibbs, Thomas Hays, John Goodwin, Robert WHITE, Samuel Bullington, Zacharias Gibbs, Robert Boatman, Robert Bullington and Jesse Boatman”; there was another John White who lived approx. 05/1752-aft 1843 who was from Louisa Co, VA, had a brother William (who may have gone by the name Billey), subbed for multiple brothers William and/or Billey in the Rev War, made an application for pension in 1843 at age 91 and who verified a Catherine White’s pension application on her widowed husband John Jackson (this Catherine White Jackson’s info came from her own pension application in 1842, stating that she was 72 at the time, was born a White, m. Capt. John W. Jackson on 10/27/1787 in HC by the Rev. Elkanah Talley in the Protestant Episcopal Church, had multiple children with John Jackson one being Elisha Jackson, lived in Louisa Co, VA, prob DOB 1770 and she died on 04/20/1859. I think this is a different Catherine White Jackson than the w/o John Jackson who was Lucy White’s executor in 1819 WYATT Refs (keep the first set together):
Alice Wyatt shown with 1300 acres in New Kent
Co., also widdow Wyatt had 800 acres in Charles City Co.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Family of Samuel White (bef 1710 - ____)
Samuel White, Sr., b. bef 1710 in __________, d. 00/00/____ (poss. d. testate in 1771) in __________; owned land in ________adjoining the land of Robert Hestor; occupation: blacksmith; buried in _____________; special notes: purchased materials for his trade in 1744 in HC (REMEMBER THIS DOESN’T NECESSARILY MEAN HE LIVED IN HC BY BUYING MATERIALS THERE. HE COULD HAVE MOVED TO BRUNSWICK CO, VA AND SHOPPED IN HC!!! NOTICE THE KIDS OF SAMUEL JR. WERE BORN IN BOTH HC & OLD BRUNSWICK. ) m. 1___ in _________ to __________, b. ___, d. ______ in ________; buried in ______; special notes: (HER NAME MAY HAVE BEEN SARAH) ___________; their known children were: 1. Samuel Jr. “Corporal Samuel”[lx] (____-c. 1780) He served in the French & Indian Wars as a Corporal in the 2nd VA Regiment commanded by Col. William Byrd [III], certificate signed by Samuel Meredith; Elias White was listed as heir-at-law for the bounty land awarded to Corporal Samuel Jr. in King William Co, VA 02/04/1780
From VGSQ, vol. __, #__, p. __: “Samuel White, Jr., King William Co., 02/16/1780, No. 483. Elias White produced a certificate from under the hand of Samuel Meredith that Samuel White, Jr., served as a corporal in the 2nd VA Served in the Colonial Militia: “Samuel White, Jr., Corporal, 2nd VA Regiment, Col. Wm. Byrd, commanding; continued in said service till his death. Certificate from Samuel Meredith. Elias White heir-at-law. King William Co, Feb. 4, 1780.” [VA Colonial Militia, 1651-1776, Crozier, 1954.]
m. 17__ in _________ to __________, b. ___, d. ______ in ________; buried in ______; special notes: ___________; their known children were (not in birth order):
a. poss. Hampton b. Elias, Sr. owned land in HC from at least 1759 to 1767 & also in 1787 (June 6, 1787. — Micajah X Hogg & Martha his wife to Benjamin Howard both of St Paul 1707 acres adj. Thos. Hooper, Elias WHITE, Jas. Boatwright. [ (p. 121)]; signed slave petition in 1784, had a son named Elias, Jr. in HC; c. Christopher resided in Halifax Co, VA in 1810 and was listed on deed of Robert Jourdan of Halifax Co, VA (deed bk 22, p. 337) “Robert Jourdan of Halifax Co. VA to Christopher WHITE of same county power of atty. to go into Fairfield Co. SC and attend to division of negroes belonging to the est. of Richard Church dec’d, late of Amelia Co. VA, where Richard Church died and his will admitted to record and negroes said to be in possession of William Pettypool of Fairfield Co., SC who married Susannah Church, one of the daughters of Richard Church, dec’d. I Robert Jourdan who married Elizabeth Church dau. of Richard Church dec’d, appoint Christopher WHITE to attend to the division of the slaves and receive my portion of the same, which is I/6 part, d. 26 Feb. 1810. R. 26 Feb. 1810." d. Mary e. Elizabeth “Betty” f. John g. Robert “our DNA Ancestor”, (1743-1843) b. in Old Brunswick Co, VA, m. Mildred Whitehead, had son Elias in Halifax h. poss. Moses OR poss. our Robert was names Robert Moses White or Moses Robert White OR it was our Robert’s son Moses (aka Robert Jr.) who witnessed Stephen’s will below (he would have been 19 at the time) i. poss. Ruth (1757-____) m. John Ingram in Union Co, SC in 1778. They moved about 1799 to GA, prob. Clarke Co). [“Dyer Family History, England to America, 1600-1980” by Watson B. Dyer, pp. 385-389; posted by Linda LeBlanc on GenForum 01/14/00] [] Boys’ names in the Ingram families included Martin, Tillman, Little. The Ingrams were from Old Brunswick Co, VA. [Rev. War pension application]
Stephen (17__-1796) m. Agnes unk; occupation blacksmith;
Co, SC Will Book A:
2. poss. Hannah[lxi] (c1736 & d. 1783 in Brunswick Co, VA); Hannah’s info is based off of the will of a Samuel White from Brunswick that listed a daughter “Hannah Gunn”; m. William Gunn in Brunswick Co, VA c. 1755;
* * * * * * * * * * * * * Family of our Robert White Robert White, Sr., b. 00/00/1743 in Old Brunswick Co, VA, d. 00/00/1843 in __________; owned land in Union Co, SC deeds: E-89: 7 Sept. 1797, James Duncan (son of Alexander) to Robert WHITE of Union Co. SC; to Samuel Simpson, James Duncan (son of Alexander), Bird Murphy & Robert WHITE, Simpson to erect bridges on Tygar River at Bobo's Ford, our land on either side (apparently an easement). Wit. Drury Murrell, John Bailey. (FHL film 255,060); and N-54: 2 July 1815, James Duncan son of Alexander of Union Co. SC for love and affection to my grandsons William B. Murphy, Thomas Fincher Murphy, and James N? Gist Murphy, sons of Bird Murphy Esq. of same dist., and for diverse other causes, give to said grandson William B. Murphy the use for his life of all the following lands with the improvements thereon: 10 acres which I bought of William Bond, 117 acres I bought of Robert Martin and 13 acres I bought of Kindred Bobo, making together 140 acres, with the grist and saw mills on the tract of 10 acres and apple orchard on the tract of 13 acres which joins the 10 acre tract, beg. on S side Tyger River, ... to corner on the old line of a grant to William Wofford on 10 May 1770 for 300 acres, then to the River, to a corner made between my land and Gabriel Ray's land on a line run by James K. Hanson? on 22 June 1815; to said William B. Murphy for life, and then his lawful issue if any, but if he dies without lawful issue, then to my grandson Thomas Fincher Murphy for life and then his lawful issue, of if he dies without lawful issue, then to my grandson James N. Gist Murphy; wit. W.C. Pearson, Robert WHITE, Peter Jackson; release of dower by Elizabeth Duncan (X), wife of James Duncan son of Alexander, 2 Oct. 1815 to Bird Murphy, JP. (FHL film 255,063) occupation blacksmith; buried in _____________; special notes: Misc. Brunswick Co, VA research of Whites: 1748 Poll Tax includes William & Valintine White [USGenweb]; Court-ordered road clearing in 1745 & 1775 for William White; Wills Index includes: Daniel 1795; Daniel 1800; George 1737; George 1800; Samuel 1771 (might be our guy); Sarah 1789; Valentine 1782; William 1783; 1748 Valintine witnessed indenture of John Jones & Henry Rose; 1784 Samuel White, Gent. ordered to travel to Mary Davis’s house to examine her for an indenture (she couldn’t travel); 1791 Deed of John & Elizabeth (double ck that their last name was indeed White) to Elisha Clark mentions neighbor William White
Our Robert White (data from Mike White 2014): [added by Mike White: ] b. 1743 in Old Brunswick Co, VA (near Tar River, NC), d. 1843 in Cross Keys, Union Co, SC; served 6 years in the Rev War; lived in Old Brunswick from 1743-1780 (enlisted from there); lived in Caswell Co, NC from 1780-1787 (or longer) near father-in-law William Whitehead; moved to Union Co, SC in 1788; moved to Spartanburg, SC in 1829 & died there; occupation blacksmith & farmer; his name may have been Robert Moses White or Moses Robert White. [added by Mike White: ] m (1) 1775 Mildred “Milly” Whitehead (17__-1807); their children were: Born in NC (poss. Caswell Co, NC): William (1776-1829) their eldest child Delilah Susan (1780-1851) m. Sion Murphy Robert, Jr. (1784-1880) full name was Moses Robert White or Robert Moses White (listed in Padgett Creek Church as “Moses”) Stephen (1786-1867) m. Betterton Mary “Polly” (1788-1875) m. Rhodes Tillman (1791-____) m. Rhodes
Born in Union Co, SC: Elizabeth (1793-1845) m. Bobo Mildred (1795-aft 1850) m. Bullington Elias (1797-1873) m. Anne B. Gibbs Benjamin Franklin (1800-1879) m. Thurza Melvina Golightly; invented the “Shape Note”; fifer in War of 1812 2 infants who died m (2) c. 1807-1810 Elizabeth unk (no children) m. 17__ in _________ to Mildred “Milly” Whitehead, b. ___, d. ______ in ________; buried in ______; special notes: ___________; their known children were: 1. William (1776-____) 2. Delilah Susan (1780-____) 3. Robert Jr. “aka Moses” (1784-____) 4. Stephen (1786-____) 5. Mary (1788-____) 6. Tillman (1791-____) 7. Elizabeth (1793-____) 8. Mildred (1795-____) 9. Elias (1797-____) 10. Benjamin Franklin (1800-____) Shape Note Guy
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Peter White of KQ owned land in 1701 and 1702. A neighbor of his was a George Chapman. Could this name have been passed down through to the Moses & Chapman Whites line? Jeremiah & Thomas White are on the 1704 VA Rent Roll from KQ * Rev. War Impressed Property [Public Service Claims, Rev. War 1780-1783, Library of VA]: HC: Wyatt, John Starke, Wyatt White, Capt. Thomas (aka Gen. Thomas; Barrett’s son) Thomas (I don’t know who this is.) Robert, Quarter Master (John, Sr.’s son) Capt. Elisha (son of John Sr.) James (prob. son of John Sr.) Elisha (Coms. Pro. Tempro) = Commissioner of _________ Elea (Comr. Fred. Co.) Barrett (son of John Sr.)
King & Queen Co, VA: Wyatt, William Thomas (est) John James Wiatt, unk
Louisa CO, VA: White, William (6 entries, 4 are just William, 1 is Col. and 1 is a clerk) Richard (est) Moses Capt. John (prob. son of Capt. Elisha & Lucy) D. Chapman Richard
New Kent Co, VA: White, Col. Anthony
Richmond: White, Zachariah John
Spotsylvania: White, Thomas John
Henrico: White, Mary Elisha (est) Catherine (prob. mother of Tarpley) Henry
GC: Wyatt, Theophilis Sarah John James Francis Wyate, unk White, William James Whyte, unk
Chesterfield: White, Capt. Walton Capt. Elisha
Charlotte: White, William Capt. Samuel Samuel (justice) Matthew John Daniel
Caroline: (no Whites) Wyatt, Hubbard (est) Walker, Wyatt
Brunswick: nothing found (White, Wiatt, Wyatt)
Amherst: Wiatt, John Powell, Wiatt
Albemarle: Wyatt, Mills
Halifax: White, John
Will of Catherine White, Henrico, lists her kids as heirs in 1785: Tarpley (inherited her grist mill on Boor Swamp) Epaphroditus dec’d Joanna Catherine John Richard Rawley/Raleigh * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Family of Captain Tarpley White (____ - ____) NOTE: NOT SURE IF TARPLEY IS IN OUR DIRECT LINE OR NOT
unk + Catherine White (____-1788 d. testate) of Henrico Co, VA had the following children: 1. Richard (____-aft 1785); child Joanna 2. Dr. Raleigh[lxii] (c1744-09/15/1834), m. Ann unk; d. in Pittsylvania Co, VA; enlisted c. 1777, 7th VA Regiment; was a practicing physician in Pittsylvania Co, VA in 1822 3. Captain Tarpley (____-1811) 4. Lt. John (____-1807); children Elizabeth, Catherine; d. testate in Henrico Co, VA; his nephew Isaac from brother Tarpley was an heir and devisee 5. Captain Epaphroditis[lxiii] (____-bef 1785); child Catherine; served as a captain in the Rev War in 1777-1779 in Halifax Co, VA and other places; witnessed the will of Joseph Ashby in Halifax Co, VA in 1764; he was listed as dec’d by 1785 in his mother’s will 6. Joanna (____-aft 1785) 7. Catherine (____-aft 1785)
Captain Tarpley White[lxiv] b. ____ in __________, d. 00/00/1811 in __________; owned 330 acres of land (neighbor of his brother John) in Henrico Co, VA in 1790, 1801 & 1802; inherited a grist mill on Boor Swamp from his mother; occupation: ____________; buried in _____________; special notes: served in the Rev War as a captain of the infantry, 7th VA Regiment, Continental Line, 02/1776-01/1781, Ensign in 7th VA in 1776, 2nd Lt. in 1776, 5th VA in 1778, Captain-Lt. in 1779, Capt. in 1780 and retired in 1781; in 1838 his heirs received his 5 years of pension through his estate; his named heirs were Thomas White (not sure who this is- poss a step-son?), Isaac White (his son), Mildred (his last wife), and his 2 step-daughters Betsy & Nancy Bottoms; he owned land in several places but probably just lived in Henrico: 1787 deed of land sale from Unity Clopton to Tarpley White for 125 acres in unk county, he may have received 1000 acres of bounty land in OH and sold it to Charles Copland [Ancestry], 60 acres in OH in 1806, 50 acres in OH sold in 1806 to William Lytle, 50 acres of land in OH in 1807 sold to Robert Means, 50 acres in OH in 1803 sold to Thomas Root; was executor of the estate of William Harwood in 1790; he became guardian of Elizabeth “Betsy” Harwood (prob. d/o William Harwood) and poss. guardian of Elisha Harwood in 1793 [Henrico Co personal property tax list]; was a Freemason in Pittsylvania Co, VA Lodge #24 (also listed as a member is a Richard White) with meetings held regularly in Chatham, VA; was a member of the Society of the Cincinnati aft 1783 poss m. 2 or 3 times: (1) poss 1st or 2nd wife might have been Elizabeth Divers in 1792 [DAR]; (2 or 3) Mildred Bottoms poss. in 1810 in Henrico Co, VA (1810 census lists Mildred Bottoms separately from Tarpley a few entries above his so I assume they married after 1810 and until his death in 1811); she had 2 daughters from a previous marriage who were named heirs in Captain Tarpley’s will 1. Isaac 2. 1 step-son of a different surname, but not “Bottoms” (poss. 1st name is Epaphroditis, so a nephew to Tarpley’s brother of the same name) 3. Step-daughter Betsy Bottoms 4. Step-daughter Nancy Bottoms
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 37: 1 March 1698/9. Thomas Bray of St. Peter's Parish, NK to Lewis Davis of King & Queen Co. 200 acres in St. John's Parish, KQ it being the plantation whereon John Saxtori formerly dwelt above ye great Meadow on Pamunkey River which land was part of a devident of 3,000 acres granted by patent bearing date 7 April 1674 to Charles Edmonds, Thomas Hancock & Richard Taylor, and since assigned to David Bray and Michael Sherman by Robert Hancock, son & heir of Thomas Hancock, dec'd, and by the said David Bray and Michael Sherman assigned to me, bounding on the land of Peter WHITE &c, Recorded 21 Sept. 1702. Wits: John Foster, George Chapman, Benjamin Arnold.
[Abstracts of King William Record Books (Photostat Copies from VA State Archives, Nos. 1 and 2, and part of No, 3) (Comprising the Years 1702 through 1795) * John WHITE, Jr. of HC to Robert Cook of Henrico County for L 50, 217 acres on N. side of James River bounded by John Gunn, Captain James Young, John WHITE and Nathaniel Vandewall. [4 Nov 1745 - Henrico County Court, page 93] * Edward Pleasants Valentine Papers also includes references to George Alves. First, from the Winston Family section of the Valentine papers: Isaac Winston, deed from Martin Slaughter and Jane, his wife: Robert King and Susannah, his wife; and Samuel Macgehee and Elizabeth, his wife, 217 acres of land, being the land conveyed by George Alvis to Susannah Ellite, descended to her daughters the said Jane, Susannah and Elizabeth. Witnesses, John WHITE, Jr., William Winston, Jr., Isaac Winston, Jr., and John Talley, July 16, 1735. Ibid. p. 342.[30] * William & Ann WHITE witnessed the will of Frances Lea of Louisa Co in 1765. Thomas WHITE of Spotsylvania Co was named as friend and heir. * Valley Forge Muster List * Campbell Chronicles and Family Sketches by R. H. Early Benjamin Hughes, born 1763 in HC, was a son of Henry and Margaret Hughes. At the age of sixteen he enlisted as a private in the VA troops under Captains Elisha WHITE, Samuel WHITE, Samuel Hubbard, William Tinsley, Thomas Richardson and William Anderson. He served altogether about three years. His father's home was burned, but the family records were recorded in the parish register of the Rev. Patrick Henry, who was a neighbor and friend of the family. After the Revolution, Hughes moved to Bedford but in 1805 settled in Campbell. He married a daughter of Littleberry Tucker, of HC and was joined in Campbell by his wife's brother, Thomas Tucker. The name Littleberry is preserved in the Hughes family. * * [CALENDARv5] (p40)- Oct 17, 1789, HC Co, Petition from Capt. Thomas WHITE's Company of Militia of HC Co, to the Governor & Council of State (fines for non-attendance at General Muster) Showing that every one of them had been fined 10s Each by a Court Martial for non-attendance at a General Muster, & praying to be acquitted for the following reasons: That they had not been warned so to do; that the sheriff gave them the first notice by demanding the fines; that they conceive that they have the Constitutional right to be heard before being condemned; are convinced that upon principals of common justice, they could have cleared themselves, had they been allowed the liberty of defending themselves; and appeal to the dispensing power of the Executive for relief from the fine. This petition is accompanied by a sworn statement from John Chappel, Nathan Barker, & Jeremiah Lindsey, Sergeants in Capt. Thomas WHITE's Company, setting forth that they did not receive orders to warn the said Company to appear at the General Muster, & did not warn them that they heard no such orders given; Lindsey however recollected hearing the Lieutenant of said company, after the company was disbanded, and a great part gone, give notice of the General Muster. The names of the Company are William Spur, David Martin, John Bailey, Nathaniel Talley, David Gooch, Edmund Hooper, James Bingham, John Wood, John Boatright, Obediah Tucker, George Slaughter, Anthony Ingram, Joseph Gathright, Thomas Slaughter, Elias WHITE, David Acre, Heartwell Boatright, John Perry, James Hooper, John Acree, Aaron Marsh, Richard Meux, & Joshua Acree. * * From William & Mary Quarterly Historical Magazine, vol. __, #__, p. 59-61: WYATT OR WIATT FAMILIES.
[I think this next paragraph shows Henry Jr. in 1679 owning land – however he acquired it – that he (Jr) was vestryman, he was b in 1647 to his father Henry (and Mary Croshaw) when his father was only 16, but since Henry and Mary Croshaw’s supposed marriage date was 1659, maybe Mary Croshaw was his 2nd wife and a step mother to Henry Jr – Henry Jr’s wife was Alice ____. Then, I think Richard Wyatt “guardian etc” (was Henry Sr’s son and Henry Jr’s brother) and named his own boy Henry, who was a legatee of Henry Wyatt SR!! (in other words, his grandfather) and worked towards helping his sister-in-law, Alice, to settle her husband’s estate (Richard’s brother Henry Jr).]
(4) Major William Wyatt (of whom hereafter). * [same source as above] p. 143: Survey, in 1804, of the land of Roe [sic, Rowe] Wyatt, deceased: (1) The Dower, (2) Frances Wiatt, (3) Squire Wiatt, (4) Samuel Wiatt, (5) Overton Wiat, (G) William Wiatt. From p. 152 GENEALOGICAL GLEANINGS IN ENGLAND. the VA Land Registry Office: Ralph Wyatt, Gent., Book No. 1, p. 590, lease to Richard Johnson, Roger Davis and Abraham Wood, 44 planters, "for one parcel of Islands," 1636; Henry Wyat, Esq., eldest son of Sir Francis Wyat, p. 757, lease for 21 years, of 50 acres in Pasbyhaies, James City Co for the raising of corn for the better protection of the plantation, Dec. 16, 1641; Thomas Wyat, p. 916, 2000 acres on the south side of the Rappahannock river, "twenty miles up," Sept. 24, 1643; George Wyatt, No. 2, p. 54, 250 acres in James City Co, April 12, 1642; Richard Wyatt, p. 154, 500 acres in Mobjack Bay, Aug. 20, 1645; William Wyatt, No. 3, p. 4, 400 acres in GC, April 27, 1653; & p. 354, 300 acres in NK, June 6, 1665; Edward Wyatt and Robert Grig, 4, p. 439, 370 acres in Kingston Parish, GC, April 19, 1662; William Wyatt, 5, p. 286, 400 acres in GC, March 16, 1663; Major William Wyatt, p. 439, 1940 acres in NK, May 20, 1664; William Wyatt, p. 453, 300 acres in NK, May 20, 1664; Anthony Wyatt, p. 510, 282 acres in NK, June 28, 1664; Thomas Wyatt, p. 608, 500 acres in Mobjack Bay, May 9, 1666; William Wyatt, 6, p. 322, 500 acres in NK, June 20, 1670; Anthony Wyatt, p. 247, 398 acres in Charles City Co, July 24, 1669; William Wyatt, p. 296, 2240 acres in NK, April 17, 1669; p. 364, 1900 acres in NK, Oct. 21, 1670; & 7, p. 32, 850 acres in NK, April 25, 1680; Henry Wyatt, p. 123, 649 acres in NK, April 20, 1682; John and Richard Wyatt, p. 321, 650 acres in NK, Sept. 20, 1683; Nicholas Wyatt, p. 510, 115 acres in Brandon Parish [Charles City Co ?], April 27, 1686; John Wyatt, 9, p. 654, 700 acres in KQ, May 2, 1705; James Wyatt, No. 10, p. 85, 139 in upper Parish of Nansemond Co, May 2, 1713; Richard Wyatt, p. 247, 285 acres in Charles City Co, Aug. 15, 1715; Francis Wyatt, 23, p. 635, 377 acres in Prince George Co, Nov. 25, 1743; Francis Wyatt and Mary Hawkins, No. 28, p. 208, 100 acres in Prince George Co, Aug. 20, 1747, and in same, p. 211, 200 acres in Amelia Co, Aug. 20, 1747. Edward Wyatt (1619-bef 1672) received land from the Indians in 1655 as verified by this document: 44 Oct. 29, 1655. This day Pindabake the Protector of the young King of Chiskoyackwas at my house, intending to have spoken with the Governor [Sir Francis Wyatt], then expected to be heard, but he came not, & therefore he designed to leave his mind with me, Major William Wiat & divers others, as followith, viz: that Wassahickon the __________ had freely given unto Mr. Edward Wyatt and his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, all the land from Mr. Hugh Guinn's old marked trees to Vttamarke Creeke, including all Pagan _____ high Land, being freely given, and with the consent of all the rest of the Indians, it was also agreed among them all that neither the King nor any other of his Indians should sell, alienate or dispose of any land belonging unto them without the consent of Mr. Ed. Wyatt, which was the only business that he had to acquaint the Governor therewith in the behalf of Mr. Ed. Wyat, as we here doe testify under our hands, this present 29th of October, 1655. The mark of William Bennett John West Jr Toby West The mark of William Godfrey The mark of John Talbutt Pindabake, Protector of John King \Q, the young King of Chiskoyake Signed and sealed in the presence of all whose names are here subscribed.* Wyatt — Sally S. Wyatt, wife of William Bibb, of Prince Edward county, VA, and afterwards of Elbert county, Ga., and mother of William Wyatt Bibb, first governor of Alabama (as to whom, see Appleton's Cyclopaedia of National Biography). In Gilmer's Georgians it is stated that <c her brother, Joseph Wyatt, represented in the Senate of VA, for more than twenty years, a part of Mr. John Randolph's congressional district." My wife is a great-granddaughter of William Wyatt Bibb. — H. H. Parker, Portland, Oregon. Joseph Wyatt, of Charlotte County, long a member of the VA Assembly, was the son of Joseph Wyatt, of New Kent county, and was born August 24, 1767. He was son of Joseph Wyatt and Dorothy his wife, and had a brother Peyton, born Nov. 15, 1763. Joseph Wyatt was in 1752 executor of John Wyatt, of New Kent. Joseph Wyatt, Sr. may have been a son of Henry Wyatt, who was a son of Richard Wyatt, probably a son of George Wyatt, of Middle Plantation, a nephew of Governor Sir Francis Wyatt. (See Quarterly, X. p. 61.)* LOUISA: Moses White (____-bef 1795), d. intestate in Louisa Co, VA; left 500 a. in Louisa + slaves, everything was liquidated and distributed equally Chapman (unk – bet 1763 to 1780), oldest son, administrator of the estate (what year was this? may have to adjust father Moses’ DOD accordingly—conflict between death dates of Moses and Chapman AND remember that bet 1780 and 1783, both Chapman and Moses were listed in the Rev War impressed property records – Chapman served as this father’s administrator BUT Chapman’s war service records say he died bet 1763 and 1780 and left everything to a Moses White. Perhaps there is another Moses White or a brother of Chapman’s may have had the middle name of Moses. COULD THIS BE OUR ROBERT MOSES WHITE? Chapman enlisted in 1763, so he would have had to be what age to serve? OR MAYBE there was another set of Moses & Chapman Whites in Louisa?) Mary (m. Frances Giddions/Gideon) Elizabeth Ann (m. Caleb Manley) William Salley Penelope – minor Robert – minor Dycee – minor From Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly (VGSQ), vol. 38, #3: “Chapman White, Louisa Co, 02/14/1780, no. 412. Captain William Phillips [proved] that Chapman White enlisted and served in his company of Volunteer Rangers in the year 1763. The said Chapman is since dead and Moses White is heir-at-law to the said Chapman…Captain Phillips declared on oath that he had not a commission but was directed by the governor to raise a company of volunteers. As the call was pressing, he had not time to apply for a commission. Signed by John Nelson, Clerk.” Served in the Colonial Militia: “Chapman White, served in Capt. Wm. Phillip's Company of Volunteer Rangers in 1763, till legally discharged. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780.” [VA Colonial Militia, 1651-1776, Crozier, 1954.] LOUISA: William (____-1787 testate) m (1) Ann Price (had all children by) and (2) Susannah Davis; will of William White Sr. of Louisa Co, VA (02/1787) names his children: William (rcd plantation) – exec. Sarah (m. Poindexter) rc’d land in fork of Gold Mine Creek and land on s. side of Pole Cat Branch and another small piece of land Milly (m. Maupine) Moses – exec. John – exec. Richard, dec’d (his kids were Richardson, Sandy, Delpha) Mary (m. Thomson) Caty, dec’d (m 1 Bruce & m 2 Thomson) He prob. had a brother Thomas in Spotsylvania (The Hughes Family may have sold their land in HC in 1787 to move to Halifax. The Thomas WHITE mentioned in this deed may be some relation to Elizabeth Tillman, who m. unk Hughes in Halifax. Thomas WHITE still lived in HC in 1790: William and Mary Quarterly p. 117, Sept. 5, 1787. — John Hughes & Fanny his wife to Jas. Hooper 100 acres St Paul South Fork of Stag Creek adj. Edmund Taylor, John Nowell &Thos. WHITE, Austin Morris. [HC Co, VA] The following is probably from this same family: 9 May 1743 Deed: William Monkus, of Louisa County, to William Hendrick, of HC, for £20 Virginia money, 400 acres in Louisa County on the South fork of Contrary Creek, adjoining Charles Smith, Christopher Smith, Mr. John Poindexter, Benjamin Brown, Ambrose Joshua Smith... /s/ William “W” Monkus. Wit: Thomas Prestwood, Jr., Anne “O” WHITE, Wm. WHITE. [Louisa County, VA, Deeds A:68] HENRY CO: Capt. Elisha White, Jr. (son of Capt. Elisha White, Sr. of HC) (____-bef 1782) m. Theodolia Cowley had one son, Elisha Cowley White BRUNSWICK: wills: William d. 1783, poss b/o Valentine Valentine (bef 1727-1782), poss b/o William Samuel d. 1771, poss our guy Sarah d. 1789 poss the widow of one of the following: William, Valentine, Samuel, Samuel, George Daniel d. 1795 Daniel d. 1800 George d. 1737 George d. 1800 Samuel (bef 1763-aft 1784) HC: Lt. William White, (____-1812) 1st VA Reg., r’cd bounty land 2666 2/3 acres in 1783; lived and died in HC m. Caty Mildred Thomas 06/28/1783 (c1759 – aft 1858); served in the Rev War from 1775 to 1783; Caty lived and was prob. born in Caroline Co and removed to HC (prob. with her husband) in 1806 and lived there until at least 1850 (prob. died in HC) their kids were: Richard Baylor (Williams?) (unk- aft 1850) rc’d inherited land in 1850 from his father William Ann Thomas (unk – aft 1851) rc’d inherited land in 1850 from her father William Millicent/Mildred “Aunt Milly” (____-1850); unmarried Alice (unk- aft 1850) rc’d inherited land in 1850 from her father William Chilion (unk- aft 1850) rc’d inherited land in 1850 from his father William William Warner “Warner” (unk- aft 1850) owned land in Beaverdam in 1850; rc’d inherited land in 1850 from his father William Silas (unk- aft 1850) rc’d inherited land in 1850 from his father William Eliza F. (unk- aft 1851), m. unk McDowell; rc’d inherited land in 1850 from her father William James Thomas (____-1820 intestate/no issue); unmarried Edmund T. (unk- aft 1850); rc’d inherited land in 1850 from his father William Lewis G., dec’d at time of Caty’s Rev. War application (his kids were Albert W., Joseph R., William L., Eliza, Thomas Philips, dec’d, and Elizabeth dec’d who left kids William, George, John and 1 more son THE SAME LT. WM WHITE (ABOVE) IS REFERENCED IN DETAIL in the VA Genealogical Society’s publication of vol. 12, #1, Jan 1974: it listed him as Lt. (not Capt), d. on 12/02/1812 (perhaps during war of 1812?), wife Caty age 99 in 18__, children receiving inherited land at that time were: Warrant No. 9239 for 810-2/11 acres on 5 Oct. 1850 to Richard B. Williams, Silas, Warner (of Beaverdam), Chillion, Alice, and Edmund White, and Eliza McDowell who was Elisa White, children and heirs of Lt. William White. Warrant No. 9245 for 101-3/11 acres issued 22 Oct. 1850 to George P. Phillips, John F. Phillips, and Minerva Pleasants, formerly Minerva Phillips, heirs at law of Lt. William White, dec’d. (COULD THESE BE WILLIAM’S GRANDCHILDREN?) Warrant No. 9281 for 202-6/11 acres issued on 6 March 1851 to Eliza F. Phillips, formerly Elisa F. White, Joseph R. White, Wm. L. White, Albert W. White, and Ann F. Partlow, formerly Ann F. White, heirs-at-law of Wm. White, dec’d. William White, Lt. Folder: On this 14th day of September 1858, personally appeared before Mr. William R. Winn, a Notary Public…that Caty White aged 99 years made oath that she is the widow of Lt. William White of the Rev War; that her marriage took place 28 June 1783. William White served as a lieutenant in Col. George Gibson’s Regiment, Virginia Line. He served from May 1st, 1775 to the end of the war, November 3, 1783. Lt. White died in 1812 (another memo gives his death as 2 December 1812) and that she has remained a widow ever since. A separate memo dated 1850 stated she resided in HC and has resided there for 44 years past; and that previous thereof she resided in the County of Caroline. [John K. Martin papers] Abstracts from the Papers of John K. Martin, compiled by Mrs. Helen K. Yates Richard White soldier. Memo headed Point of Fork, 1 May 1783. The bearer, Richard White, a soldier in the State Legion who has acted as an artificer at this point, being engaged for the war, has served the term for which he was enlisted. He, therefore, is discharged from the service of the said Legion per order of the Governor of the said state. Given under my hand this first day of May 1783. Signed, John Peyton. William White, Capt. folder. William White was a Rev War soldier and pensioner; died on 22 July 1828; married about 1793 or 1794, as his eldest child was born on 29 January 1795. His widow, Martha, died 28 February 1837. Memo headed Stanardsville, 2 April 1855 and signed by E. H. Pritchett. In a separate folder, also marked Capt. Wm. White, is an oath by John White stating that he is heir-at-law to Wm. White, dec’d, and that Wm. White was a Captain when he was killed. Memo from a court held for Louisa County, May 12, 1783. This installment concludes the series of abstracts of the John K. Martin papers that was begun in the January, 1969, issue of the Quarterly. John K. martin, an attorney living in Richmond, served the state as a pension and claim agent for a long period during the mid-1800s. In the voluminous collection of his personal papers deposited in the VA State Archives are twelve boxes relating to Rev War claims. These claims have been the basis for the series. county?: Capt. Thomas White (1758-1825), m. Elizabeth Blackwell in 1783 (bondsman was Elisha White) she d. aft 1825 & filed a Rev. War application as his widow which includes his obituary. They had 9 kids. He was a Brigadier General (from Richmond Inquirer). Clement & William L. White were his executors, so prob. his kids. county?: Nathaniel White (____-1836 testate) m. Mildred unk (perhaps Tyler?) Nathaniel’s will was Exh. A in the mill pond case Their kids were: Josiah F., exec. Catherine Tyler John, dec’d.; grandkids were named as heirs (Alexander & Mildred) David Mary Jarvis Philman William Elizabeth
From VA county records on King & Queen Co Book #9 Entry #374 Peter WHITE 1701 355 a.
Military: Lt. John WHITE, Continental Line, 12/28/1776-1782 (or later) (this may be Tarpley’s brother) [VA Co Records on] * Served in the Colonial Militia: “Augustine White, soldier in each of the old VA Regiments commanded by Col. Byrd and Col. Stephen in the late war, until they were disbanded; and that he was a non-commissioned officer. Frederick County, May 1780.” [VA Colonial Militia, 1651-1776, Crozier, 1954.] Served in the Colonial Militia: “George White (who is since dead), soldier, till properly discharged, in 1758 in a regiment raised for immediate defense, etc. Mary White, widow. Caroline Co., Feb., 1780.” [VA Colonial Militia, 1651-1776, Crozier, 1954.]* ORANGE CO, VA: This is another Lt. William White. He is the one who died at Brandywine. His brother, Capt. Richard P. White, and he grew up in Orange Co, VA (where they both enlisted from). William was the uncle of Malinda Lewis White Benning. * * * * * * * * * * * * * Neighbors of our Wyatts in the mid-1600s and the tie between Middle Plantation (later called Boxley) with our NK people through William Claibourne, the Barretts, the Hammonds (Hamon), Joseph Croshaw and John West:
Nicholas Brooke, Sr. grantee, 07/12/1642, 500 acres, “Middle Plantation…SW upon the Palisadoe” [Nugent 1992 (1): 186, PB2/192]; John Broach, grantee, 07/09/1646, “Near the Middle Plantation, upon the Horse Path, and...E. upon the Indian Spring." [Nugent 1992, (I): 167, PB2/94]; Nicholas Brooke, the Younger, grantee, 08/13/1646, 500 acres “Lying S.W. upon the Palisadoes.” [Nugent 1992, (I): 167, PB2/90]; Nicholas Brooke, the Younger, grantee, 08/13/1646, 500 acres “Middle Plantation bound S.W. by the Pallisadoes.” [Nugent 1992, (I): 224, PB2/360]; Richard Lee, Gent., grantee, 08/20/1646, 1,250 acres, “A neck of land between two branches where the "foot company" met w/ the boats "when they went Pamunkey March" under the command of "Capt. William Claiborne." [Nugent 1992, (I): 162, PB2/62]; Manwarring Hamon, Esq., grantee, 03/15/1649, 3,760 acres on “S. side of York River, called Fort Royall.” [Nugent 1992. (1): 187, PB2, 195]; William Hoccaday, grantee, 06/06/1649, 1,346 acres
on “York River and Warreny Creek”,
[Nugent 1992 Thomas Gibson, grantee, 04/03/1651, 900 acres on “A branch of the swamp known as Queen’s Creek includes “some Indian fields”, [Nugent 1992 (1): 210-211, PB2/304]; Joseph Croshaw, grantee, 12/10/1651, 1,000 acres on “patented lands known as Poplar Neck is SW of the Indian Field”, [Nugent 1992, (1): 222, PB2/352]; Henry Tyler, grantee, 01/07/1652, 254 acres “bounded SE upon the Pallisadoes”, [Nugent 1992, (1): 272, PB3/165]; James Besouth, grantee, 03/19/1652, 98 acres on “Indian Spring Path”, [Nugent (1): 246-247, PB3/39]; Capt. John West, Esq., grantee, 07/03/1652, 850 acres on “Narrows of Yorke River” with a reference to a creek called Tancks Maccadegums and Armogotegue (or Annogotegue). [Nugent 1992, (I): 258, P B3/93]; Joseph Croshaw, grantee, 03/02/1653, 700 acres “by
old mill…to Ricohock Path”, [Nugent 1992, (I): 227, Major William Lewis, grantee, 07/01/1653, 362 acres on “S side of the freshes of Yorke River… Totopotomoys, his fort called Asiskewincke.", [Nugent 1992, (I): 235, PB3/16]
Wyatts who owned land in NK: From NK Book #3 [VA county records on]: Entry #354 William Wyatt 1655 300 a. Entry #439 Maj. William Wyatt 1664 1,940 a. Entry #453 Maj. William Wyatt 1664 300 a.
Land: York Co Book #5 Entry #529 Edward Wyatt 1663 850 a. Entry #536 Henry Wyatt 1663 100 a.
Henrico Co Book #7 Entry #12 Henry Wyatt 1679 900 a.
Mentions location of William Wyatt’s land on SE side of Mattapony River. Neighbor was Thomas Ballard. 07/1655 [“Ye kingdome of Accawmacke or The Eastern Shore of VA in the Seventeenth Century” (Google eBook), J.C. Wise, p. 157.] * 1674, 1 Oct: The General Court ordered Maj. William WYATT issue an order against the Sheriff of NK for the non-appearance of Mr. Ambrose Clare [Clark?] and Mr. Anthony Arnold, "for what shall he make them appear justly due the next general court, in case he does not cause them to then appear."
* Henry Wyatt land in NK, VA: Section 12 consists of five items, deeds, 1672–1698, to Henry Wyatt (1647–ca. 1703) for land in NK, VA, from Mrs. Mary Barnhouse, Richard Barnhouse (witnessed by Roger Thompson and Thomas Wilkinson and bears affidavit of Job Howes), Mrs. Jane Binnyon, William Binnyon (witnessed by Thomas Smith and John Turner and bears affidavit of Job Howes), Jonathan Price (witnessed by Thomas Butts, Thomas Robinson, and Francis Samson and bears affidavit of Job Howes), and Richmond Terrell (witnessed by John Hall and John Lewis and bears seal); and an affidavit, 1729, of Henry Wyatt concerning a mill in NK, VA (witnessed by Richard Adams, Walter Clopton, and George Wilkinson). (THIS HENRY WYATT WITH THE 1729 MILL WAS PROB THE SON OF OUR HENRY) Alice Wyatt witness to NK, VA affidavit in c. 1708: Section 16 consists of three items, an affidavit [ca. 1708] of Mrs. Frances Barnett (of NK, VA) concerning a deed of gift to her children (witnessed by Edward Carroll and Mrs. Alice Wyatt)… * p. 267 Patent bk. 7, p. 321. Mr. John & Richard WYATT, 650 acres NK, N. side of Mattopony River, 20 Sept. 1683. Beg. at Christopher Carleton in Mr. Richard Tunstall’s line, to Timothy Carter; on Mr. William Fleming; to William Henderson; on Mostezouque SW to Apposeconue, 19 Mar. 1660; & granted Major William WYATT, 24 May 1654; 10 acres for transportation of Morgan Rosier. * p.229 Patent bk. 3, p.4. WILLIAM WYAT, 400 acres in GC, 27 Apr. 1653. Upon SE side of Mattapony River, about 2 miles above the Indian Ferry, bounding W.N.W. upon land of Mr. Richard Barnehouse, etc. Transp. of 8 persons: William WYAT... p.240 Patent bk. 3, p.26. Hen. Soanes, 1200 acres on the NE side of Mattapony River, beneath the land of MR. William WYAT, 10 Mar. 1653. p.241 Patent bk. 3, p.27. Hen. Soanes, 200 acres GC, 10 Mar. 1653. On the NE side of Mattapony River beg. above the land of MR. William WYAT... p. 276 Patent bk. 3, p.193. Richard Barnhouse, Jr., 200 acres GC, 27 Apr. 1653. On S side of Mattapony River, bounded upon land of MR. WILLIAM WYATT. p. 283 Patent bk. 3, p.233. WILLIAM WYATT, 400 acres GC, upon SE side of Mettapony River, 20 DEC. 1653. About 7 mi. up the river, bounded from a branch dividing this & a tract surveyed for William Ginsey. Transp. of 8 pers. p. 288 Patent bk. 3, p.258. John Ashly & -----Hamper, 10 Mar. 1653. Transp. of 6 persons: ANN WYATT.... p. 284 Patent bk. 3, p.237. Major William Lewis, 640 acres GC, 25 May 1654. On NE side of Mattapony River behind the land of Arthur Price & WILLIAM WYATT. p. 307 Patent bk. 3, p.340. Peter Ford, 500 acres Cacamount in GC, on the NE side of Mettopony River, behind land of MR. WILLIAM WYATT. p. 309 Patent bk. 3, Thomas Ballard, 1,000 acres GC, now called NK., on SE side of Mettopony River & along the head of MR. WILLIAM WYATT’S LAND. 16 July 1655. p. 310 Patent bk. 3, p.354. WILLIAM WYATT, 300 acres NK., on NE side of Mettopony river behind his own land & adj. land of Mr. Henry Soanes. 6 June 1655. Transp. of 6 pers. P. 520 Patent bk. 5, p.388 (429). MAJOR William WYATT, 1940 acres NK., 20 May 1664. NE side of Mattapony River, bounded WNW on land of Richard Barnehouse, NNE &c. including the whole marsh, being 850 acres of land & marsh, thence into the woods adj. said Barnehouse, NNE along his head line &c. to marked beach in Aposcoke Swamp, adj. land of John Cosby &c. 400 acres granted said WYATT 27 Apr. 1653; 640 acres granted to Col. Robert Abtall 19 Mar. 1660 & sold to said WYATT; 450 acres granted said WYATT 1 Apr. 1661;350 acres assigned by Ralph Masey to Thomas. Pluckett, who sold to said WYATT, & 100 acres the residue for trans. of 2 pers. p. 522 Patent bk. 5, p.395 (453). MAJOR William WYATT, 300 acres NK., 28 June 1664. On NE side of Mattapony River behind his own land, beg. at his own uppermost corner tree, running Ely. &c. adj. land of Mr. Henry Soane, &c. Trans. of 6 pers. p. 553 Patent bk. 5, p.497 (608). THOMAS WYATT, 500 acres in Mobjack Bay; 9 May 1666. 250 acres on Easternmost side of Ware River, beg. near a little point (of) Oyster shell, running N &c;& 250 acres abutting upon the narrow of Ware River &c. unto Cow Creek &c. Granted to RICHARD WYATT, DEC’D. 20 Aug. 1645 & now due said THOMAS, HIS SON & HEIRE. ***all of the above land records are from records abstracted from the seven volumes * There was a widow Wyatt on the 1704 NK, VA Quit Rent roll: [i] Sir Thomas Wyatt Sr - [ii] Sir Thomas Wyatt Jr [iii] Sir George Wyatt [iv] Sir Francis [v] Henry “of Boxley”
[vi] Edwin [vii] Francis [viii] Edward [ix] Elizabeth [x] Eleanor [xi] Sir Henry [xii] Lady Eleanor [xiii] Sir George [xiv] Sir Thomas [xv] Rev. Haute Wyatt - Times Dispatch, Vol. 1904, No. 16504, 03/20/1904 [xvi] Thomas [xvii] Anne “of England” [xviii] Edward Wyatt - Times Dispatch, Vol. 1904, No. 16504, 03/20/1904 [xix] Conquest Sr. [xx] George “Coop” [xxi] John [xxii] Alice unk Wyatt Field – St. Peter’s Parish Register NK on; Monticello Records accessed on The Portal to Texas History [xxiii] Henry “our Henry” – Barrett White Family Bible; “Old Henry White place” research by Donnie White, 2003 [xxiv] Mary Croshaw - Barrett White Family Bible [xxv] John Sr. - Barrett White Family Bible, Louisa Co Deed Book I, p. 44; research of Bradley Beaver; VA DOT Road Orders Report [xxvi] prob. Samuel – VA Library Land Records [xxvii] Catherine Barrett -- Barrett White Family Bible [xxviii] “Colonel William” – HC Tax List 1786-1789, Barrett White Family Bible, Louisa Co Deed Book I, p. 44; research of Bradley Beaver; VA Gazette 1778; his daughter Catherine White Earnest’s marriage date was documented in George Woodson’s Rev. War pension application [xxix] Elizabeth “Betty” Starke – HC Tax List 1782-1799, Barrett White Family Bible [xxx] Martha [xxxi] Edith [xxxii] Tillah [xxxiii] Helena Maria [xxxiv] prob. Mary [xxxv] James -- research of Bradley Beaver [xxxvi] 1 more son [xxxvii] Barrett – DAR Lineage Book, vol. XL, III (vol. 43), 1916, Barrett White Family Bible; W.S. White Autobiography; research of Bradley Beaver; VA Library Land Records; notes on Mill Pond case (Hanover Chancery Court case no. 1835-001 Thomas G. Clarke & Edward Sydnor v. George W. Trueheart from one of the court documents, the mill had been in their family for “at least 80 years…the county had conceded the right to the mill…to have been acquired by law” also that Barrett is the father of William White and “one of the original and earliest proprietors of the mill”; summer and fall months were the worst for the health of the family and neighbors of the Whites who lived near the stagnant waters as a result of the water level maintained by the Whites to irrigate their crops of corn and tobacco; some neighbors were left with no water and couldn’t lease out their land or grow crops; “Hanover County Chancery Wills & Notes”, VA DOT Road Orders Report [xxxviii] Elizabeth Starke White White – DO WE HAVE A WILL FOR HER? [xxxix] Rev. Samuel Davies (c1724-c1761) arrived in HC from PA in 1747 at age 23 and preached there until 1759; was part of the “Great Awakening” movement which challenged the Church of England; forced the governor to allow 4 reading rooms called Morris Reading Rooms (3 of the 4 were in HC) and by 1750 Davies had 8 of these meeting houses; led the group called the “Hanover Dissenters” in pursuit of religious freedom; in 1786, the VA government accepted the Statute of Religious Freedom; by 1800, Baptists, Methodists and Quakers worshipped in HC; Davies’ denomination was Presbyterian; source of all of this info: brochure of HC Complete_Historic_Tourism_map.pdf [xl] Philip – HC Tax List 1784 living with mother Elizabeth Starke and listed as her minor son, 1787-1795 as HOH, Barrett White Family Bible; Genealogies of VA Families, p. 686; Will Book 1 Franklin Co, KY [xli] Thomas White (Captain, Lieutenant, Corporal and General) “US Compiled Rev. War Military Service Records (1775-1783), VA (M881), Roll 0908-0918 1st VA State Regiment, slides #1831-1898”, pension application of Elizabeth Blackwell White, application of David Blackwell [xlii] Francis – Rev War pension application of John Penny; “Kentucky’s Fox Creek: Vignettes of the Village Church, and of the R. H. Crossfield Heritage” by Charles Crossfield Ware [xliii] Mary White Blackwell – [xliv] Sarah “Sally” White – “The Times Dispatch, Genealogical Column” pub’d 03/31/1912, Richmond, VA [xlv] William “DNA Ancestor” - Barrett White Family Bible; “Rev. Wm S. White, D.D., and His Times (1800-1873): An Autobiography” by William Spotswood White, p. 17--. [xlvi] William Spotswood - Barrett White Family Bible; W.S. White Autobiography; SAR member #48448 application of Hugh A. White [xlvii] Twin infants - Barrett White Family Bible; W.S. White Autobiography [xlviii] Thomas Jefferson - Barrett White Family Bible; W.S. White Autobiography [xlix] Harriett E. - Barrett White Family Bible; W.S. White Autobiography [l] Elizabeth Ann - Barrett White Family Bible; W.S. White Autobiography [li] Philip Barrett - Barrett White Family Bible; W.S. White Autobiography; Chancery Records Index from [lii] “Captain” Elisha – HC Tax List 1783-1802, 1784 Petitioner, St. Paul’s Vestry Book p. 549 (1779 land processioning), VA Gazette 1770; VA Library Land Records [liii] Lucy unk White – Louisa Co, VA Will Book 6, p. 87 [liv] Robert White – Will of Lucy White 1818 from Louisa Co, VA Will Book 6, p. 87 [lv] John “son of Elisha” – listed as a minor and living with father in HC Tax List 1783-1785 and as HOH in 1796 [lvi] Jesse White -- Will of Lucy White 1818 from Louisa Co, VA Will Book 6, p. 87 [lvii] Elisha, Jr. (son of Elisha & Lucy White) -- Will of Lucy White 1818 from Louisa Co, VA Will Book 6, p. 87 [lviii] Elisha, Jr. (not sure if our line or not) – Historical Register of Virginians in the Revolution”, p. 821, on Ancestry [lix] Katherine White Jackson -- Will of Lucy White 1818 from Louisa Co, VA Will Book 6, p. 87; Rev War pension application of Nathaniel Anderson [lx] “Corporal Samuel” White, Jr. – [lxi] poss Hannah “daughter of Samuel White”
[lxii] Dr. Raleigh White – Western Weekly Review, 1834, Franklin, TN; pension apps of James Soyars, Rawley White [lxiii] Captain Epaphroditus White – pension apps of James Bates, Benjamin Hunt; will of Catherine White [lxiv] Captain Tarpley White - VA Co Records on; pension applications of Tarpley White, James Snellings; Library of VA Brock Database; 1810 Henrico census; VA land records; bounty land database on Ancestry (Virginians who received bounty land in OH); Heitman’s Historical Register of Officers of the Continental Army During the War of the Rev, p. 432; SAR KY Society Yearbook 1896: Officers of the VA line who rc’d bounty land located in KY, OH or IN (THE BOOK DIDN’T SPECIFY WHICH COUNTIES IN VA THESE MEN LIVED IN); DAR lineage book, vol. 166, p. 78 application of Margaret Brooks Malcolmson; “Hereward Records and Papers (1620-1940)” by Susan Herod Winter, p. 434; Henrico Co, VA personal property tax list c 1793; “Proceedings of the Grand Annual Communication of the M.W. Grand Lodge of the State of VA” pub’d 1877; “Sesquicentennial History and Roster of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of VA (1783-1933)” by Edgar Hume, pub’d 1934, p. 310 |
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