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Presented by: Mike White


Desoto Bend Wild Life Refuge

Starling in Winter Plumage

(Oct 13, 2015)



Wood Pewee

(Oct 13, 2015)



(Oct 13, 2015)


Unknown at this time
(some type of Sparrow?)

(Oct 13, 2015)





Unknown at this time
(some type of Sparrow?)

(Oct 15, 2015)





(Oct 13, 2015)








Unknown at this time
(these birds below were being
stalked by a Red Tail Hawk below)

(Oct 13, 2015)




Red Tail Hawk
(was stalking the birds above)

(Oct 13, 2015)










(Oct 13, 2015)




Cormorants sharing perch with Mallard Ducks

(Oct 13, 2015)


Canadian Geese sharing perch with Mallard Ducks

(Oct 13, 2015)