Updated Mar 07, 2017
Susan (Norman) White 2nd Wife of Robert White Jr.
Union Co SC Marriage Records |
Susan's Obituary | The Story | |
Susan's Grave Stone | Parents of Susan (Gibbs?) Norman | |
The Daughter of Susan Norman White - Angeline Norman White Gibbs Sparks | ||
Will of Thomas Norman (father) | Will of Judith Norman (mother) | |
Padgett's Creek Baptist Church Minutes - Norman's and Descendants | ||
Why am I changing SUSAN GIBBS surname to SUSAN NORMAN? Two sources have changed my mind: 1. Susan's Obituary 2. A new photo of the complete Head Stone of Susan White, next to Robert Jr. 3. Cedar Springs Baptist Church Minutes
record the arrival of Susan. The Story: The White Family Book, recorded Susan as a Gibbs. In 1998 I
took a photo Susan White Padgett's Crk Baptist Church Minutes: Feb ??, 1832 Received Susanna Norman by Experience. Cedar Springs Baptist Church Minutes:
Jan 22, 1842 (Page 49) ...Received Susanna White by Letter. This date matches with the following Obituary: OBITUARY - CAROLINA SPARTAN dated 10-11-1882 Page 3:
TOP From Mary Norman, a descendant, is said that Susan had a daughter, Angelina (Ann) White, that was born in abt 1820, this indicates Susan had a previous marriage. Mary Cooper, Robert Jr's first wife died in 1840, I estimate that Robert remarried between 1841/42. Angelina married James Gibbs, it is possible, SUSAN was previously married to a GIBBS, and that is where they came up with her surname. I have searched high and low, and have NEVER found a piece of evidence that Robert's 2nd wife was a Gibbs. Though we do have a Gibbs connection at several point in the family, one being Elias White, Robt's brother who married Anna Gibbs, daughter of Zachariah Gibbs, who was the son of James Gibbs, who died in 1794. There were several James Gibbs of this period. Susan's middle name could have been GIBBS? The worst case situation, there were several Robert White's about, it is possible, Susan Norman was married to another Robert? My problem here is, our Robert Jr., is buried in the middle of both wives, Susan to the left, Mary to the right. There is just to much other information that links these three together. Angelina was married before the 1850 census, but at no time have I found Angelina living around here mother Susan. I believe they were in Union Co. Susan's, Angelina & James Gibbs, died in the 1860's, I have not found Robert Jr or Susan in the 1880, census, they were possibly in the care of someone??? Robt. died in 1880, and Susan followed in 1882. Robert is assigned a Court appointed Estate Executor, which leads me to believe there wasn't much left, and none of his children came forth, of course he lived until 96 years old, out living both his Siblings, and friends. The Estate wasn't handled until after 1883, after Susan's death, I believe this was deliberate by the court realizing the advanced age of Susan. I am still investigating this case, as of 2002. WILLS Parents of Susan (Gibbs?) Norman White, was Thomas & Judith (Dodd) Norman. Both left Wills, both mention Robert White as the husband of Susan. Mothers Will, said of Susan's daughter: "...I leave ... to the NATURAL DAUGHTER of Susan's, Angelina..." The key here is NATURAL DAUGHTER, Judith was distinguishing between Natural and Not Natural, thus, I interpret this as distinguishing Angelina from other children, from another marriage, meaning the children of Robert's first marriage to Mary Cooper. No other children of Susan are mentioned in either will. In genealogy, we must always remain flexible, I knew of this possible connection in 1999, when Mary Ruth Norman, brought this to my attention, only recently, when I returned to this branch of the family, and found the obituary, and received a new picture of the Grave stone did it sink in that, we may not have the complete story. We now need to know, if Susan Norman had a previous marriage and to whom. Why was her daughter named Angelina White? If indeed, there was a previous marriage, was there an adoption system, whereby, in a new marriage the husband could adopt the child and name it by his surname? Can email me: |
Parents & Siblings of Susan (Gibbs?) Norman White Father: Mother: Children: 7 Known |
Sally Norman b. abt. 1796 d. Unkn. buried: Unkn. married: Lewis Bobo Children: 6 known |
Jason Norman b. 12 Sep 1797 d. 29 Nov 1866 buried: Padgett's Crk. Cemetery married: Mariah Harris Children: Unkn. |
Mary (Polly) Norman b. abt 1800? d. 28 Jun 1847 Buried: Padgett's Crk. Cemetery married: Asa Dodd (no info) Children: 7 Known |
Susan (Gibbs?) Norman b. abt 1800? Union Co SC d. 3 Oct 1882 Spartanburg Co SC Buried: Cedar Springs Cem. Spartanburg married: Robert White abt. 1841/42 Children: 12 Known?
John Norman b. 1 Jun 1805 d. Unkn. buried: Unkn. |
William Norman b. 234 Nov 1806 d. Unkn. buried: Unkn. |
Robert Franklin Norman b. 28 May 1809 d. 28 Oct 1849 Buried: Pagett's Crk. Cemetery married: Eleanor (Nellie) Gibbs abt 1834 Children: 4 known |
Grave Stone of Susan (Gibbs?)
Norman White |
Will of Thomas Norman
The State of South Carolina In the name of God Amen. I Thomas Norman of the District of Union and State of South Carolina being conscious of the uncertainty of this mortal life, and being weak of body but of sound and disposing mind and Memory, and being blessed by a Kind providence with some of the good things of this life and feeling desirous to dispose of them do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following (Vis) It is my will and desire and I do hereby bequeath to my beloved wife Judith Norman the plantation on which we now live in lieu of Dower together with the improvements thereon and the Household & Kitchen furniture my best road Waggon and Gears my buggy and harness the farming tools or as Many thereof as she may think proper to take and as many Horses Cows Hogs and Stock of all Kinds as she may Choose to Keep, with as much provisions for the family and Stock as she wishes and also Three Negroes such as she may choose and if she Chooses a Woman or Woman It is my desire that all the Children of the Woman or Women so chosen may go with their mothers so chosen and be apart of this bequest, and also One hundred dollars to be given her as soon as practicable It is further my desire that if so much as five hundred dollars shall be going to my Daughter Sally Bobo of my Estate that she shall have that amount in lands and improvements on which she now lives with the improvements for a home be valued to her by three disinterested persons those who may appraise my Estate and if Either of them die before the said land is appraised to my daughter Sally that the survivor or survivors choose to fell the Vacancy. If there should not be five hundred dollars going to her my Daughter Sally It is my desire that she may have the amount in land on which she now lives or on lands adjoining valued as aforesaid whatever I may be.. And if there should be more that five hundred dollars going to her it is my desire that she shall have five hundred dollars worth of land of the tract on which she now lives appraised as before stated to her and as much more as she may choose to the amount of her distributive share, And if she should not choose to take more than five hundred Dollars worth of land and there should be enough overthat amount to purchase a Negro Girl it is my desire that my Executors herein after named or the setting? Executor should purchase a Girl with the overplus for the benefit of my daughter Sally solely and absolutely provided I do not give her one during my life time It is my will and desire that the residue and remainder of my Estate be appraised and sold according to law, and that when Collections thereafter are made that it be equally divided amongst all my children of their legal representatives regard being had to the advancements it them already made of that I may hereafter make so that all of them may share and share alike The Advancements already made by me to each of my children are as follows for such as I choose to notice) to wit To Jason Norman I have advanced the sum of Two Hundred and thirty two dollars two hundred of which I charged him for a price parcel of tract of land he soled but for which I never gave him the deed and which he bargained to William Norman to whom I made the conveyance to Sally Bobo One hundred and twenty dollars-to Mary Dodd Four Hundred and fifty two dollars in which is included a Negro Girl named Angelina to William Norman Four Hundred dollars and Fifty dollars in which is included a Negro Girl named Rosetta & a Tract of land containing about Sixty four Acres for which Land I charged him Two hundred dollars and for which I gave him a deed of conveyance To Robert Norman Five hundred and thirty two dollars in which is included a Negro Girl named Harriet, and a tract of land for which Land I charged him Two hundred dollars, & To Susan White the sum of One hundred and Eighty five dollars Is my will and desire that the property or portions of my Estate which may fall to the share of my Daughter Sally Bobo and Susan White be vested in them solely and absolutely and that their Husbands Lewis Bobo and Robert White shall have no right title or power to bargain sell assign release or convey the same in any way or manner whatever either of the Real Estate or personal property But as regards my Daughter Sally Bobo if she die before her portion of my Estate is appraised and given to her as before Stated then in that case I desire that her distribution share be equally divided amongst her children It is also my will and desire that after my death If any of my children or their representatives or any legatee to this my last will and testament or any person legally entitled to receive or inherit any part of the Estate which I may leave at my decease or their Natural or legal Guardians shall become dissatisfied with this my last will and testament and shall themselves endeavor to break and destroy or shall suffer or procure any other person for them to endeavor to break or destroy this my last will and testament or commence an action at Law or in Equity to recover more of my Estate than is herein willed and bequeathed or for any other purpose pertaining to it. That he she or they shall be entirely disinherited and that the portion of my Estate which they are entitled be equally divided amongst the rest of the legatees after the Expenses of such suit or action Shall have been fully paid & satisfied out of their said portion and further It is my Will and desire and I do hereby nominate appoint and Constitute my son William Norman and William Ray Executors to this my last will and testament hereby revoking all others wills or codicil? therefore by me made Signed and published this fifteenth day of July in the year of Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and forty eight and in the Seventy third year of the Sovereignty and Independence of the United States of American in presence of Hosea
Thomas Norman (L. S.) Recorded in Will Book G Page 31 Recorded April 9th 1852 Typed Copy of above Will - Thomas Norman
Will of Judith (Dodd) Norman
State of South Carolina In the name of God Amen 1st One sixth part I give and bequeath to be Equally divided between my Daughter Susan White and her natural Daughter Ann Gibbs wife of James Gibbs, and further upon condition that Susan White should dye before she gets in possession of one half of one sixth part of my Estate I give the same to Ann Gibbs and that my Executors herein after named pay the same to her 2nd I give and bequeath to the children of Polly Dodd Deceased on sixth part to be equally divided to wit, one half of the same to Francis Bialy Wife of Thomas Bialy and the other half to Levi Dobb 3rd I give and bequeath to the children of my son Robert Norman Deceased one sixth part to be Equally divided between them To Wit, one fourth part of the same to each (I-Z) to Martha Franklin Mary and Robert Norman Each one fourth of one sixth 4th I give and bequeath to my grandson Jason Norman and William Norman Each one sixth part of my Estate 5th I give and bequeath to my
grandson Thomas Bobo one sixth part of my Estate to be held by him in
trust to and for the sole and separate use of my Daughter Sally Bobo
Wife of Lewis Bobo, and further it is my desire that my grandson Thomas
Bobo trustee for my Daughter Sally after Receiving the share
legacy purchase a Negro with the same or a part thereof by the advice
and consent of my Daughter Sally for her separate use and benefit
during her natural life it is my Will that if there should be any money
left after purchasing the Negro that the trustee pay Interest on the
same annually and if any thing should occur to prevent the purchase of a
Negro it is my will that the aforesaid Thomas trustee pay Interest on
the whole amount annually to my Daughter Sally Bobo I do
hereby nominate constitute and appoint my sons Jason Norman and William
Norman Executor of this my last will and testament trusting that they
will see all its provisions fully carried out In testimony that the
foregoing is my will and testament I hereunto set my hand and seal this
thirteenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight
hundred and fifty three Recorded in Will Book ? Page |
Wills Provided by: Mary Ruth Norman |
Copies from the SC Archives Website
Daughter of Susan [Norman] White
(Norman) White |
Married 2nd: ca 1861 (abt 1 yr marriage) |
Infant Gibbs b. Jul 1840 d. 4 Sep 1840 buried: Padgett's Crk |
Eliza Jane Frances b. 8 Aug 1841 UC d. 29 Jan 1928 Sptg buried: Cedar Springs Cem Sptg SC 1st m. Wm Thomas Norman (CSA) b. 10 Feb 1834 UC d. 30 Aug 1862 Manassas VA bu: Battle Field 2nd Manassas Pvt Co C 18th SC Inf Regt ![]() Civil War Service Records Known Children: 1 Corrie Norman 2nd married: Unkn date Jefferson M Barnett b. 15 Feb 1838 Sptg Co SC d. 12 Feb 1875 Sptg Co SC buried: Cedar Springs Cem Sptg SC Known Children: James, William |
William J E Gibbs b. Apr 1845 UC SC d. 5 Jun 1845 UC SC buried: Padgett's Crk |
Infant Gibbs b. 10 Aug 1847 UC d. 14 Aug 1847 UC buried: Padgett's Crk |
Child of James & Angeline | Child of Levi & Angeline | ||
Mary Gibbs b. 1854 Union Co SC d. Unkn. (on 1860 Census 6yrs) |
Stella Gibbs Sparks born: 4 Jun 1862 Union Co SC died: 18 Dec 1942 Unkn. buried: Unkn. Married: Samuel E Glenn |
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Levi Sparks h/o Angeline
Angeline [White] Gibbs Sparks ![]() |
Levi Sparks h/o Angeline![]() |
Martha E Sparks, 1st wife of Levi Sparks![]() |
Eliza & 2nd husband Jefferson
Cedar Springs Cemetery |
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of Jefferson & Eliza William K & wife Flora |
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Cedar Springs Cemetery![]() |
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Note from Mike: ANGELINE, may have
been born out of LEVI SPARKS -
Angeline's 2nd husband, Has been suggested to
look for a 'Bastardy Bond' |
Census Records: 1860 Union Co SC Census Page 191b
Anc: 14 Sh: 13 |
Civil War Service of William Thomas
(CSA) Pvt Co C 18th South Carolina Infantry |
Civil War Service
UP^ William T Norman - Co C - 18th South Carolina Infantry |
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UP^ |
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