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New Prospect Baptist Church
(formed: about July 28, 1849 - dissolved: July, 20, 1889)
" Who is
in these Minutes "
Updated Nov 01, 2002
Click a 'Year' Link Below: |
Jul 28, 1849 |
Conference met; at N. P. church. 1st Received the following persons on confession of faith viz; Jason Norman, Kindred Bobo, Charles D. Bailey, Comfort Bobo, Mary Bailey, Mary Bishop, Francis Dodd, Nancy Dodd, Jane Wix, Mariah Norman, also Elected J. C. Bobo church Clerk. |
Aug 03, 1849 | Delegated our beloved Brethren Jason Norman, H. Bailey and J. C. Bobo, to the Bethel Assocation, appointed Br. J. C. Bobo to prepare the church letter. J. C. Bobo, C. C. |
Sep 01, 1849 | Received by letter Jesse Norman. Appointed Jesse Norman Treasurer. J. C. Bobo, C. C. |
Sep 27, 1849 | Received by experience G (C?). H. Bobo, also received by confession of faith J. N. Bailey and Young Bobo. |
Nov 03, 1849 | Received by
experience Mary Ann Wilbanks,
Granted A.
a letter of Dismission.
Sent a request to Lower Fairforest Church for an ordination of minister. Received by experience Eliza Wllbanks. J. C. Bobo, C. C. |
Dec 29, 1849 | In Conference
met. Adopted the rules of the Quorum.
Received & paid to M. C. Owings for his services $11.75. |
Jan 05, 1850 | Motioned to
arrange the building of the house, but was postponed until Saturday
12th Inst.
That the regular communion meetings be in May and September in each year. J. C. Bobo, C. C. |
Apr 06, 1850 | Preaching by M. C. Owings, then the conference met, The Moderator called the church to order. Jason Norman, C. C. |
May 04, 1850 | Received
Sarah Wix by experience.
Received 3 4/10 acres of land for the benefit of the Church. |
Jun 01, 1850 | Preaching by J.
L. Norman then conference
met. The moderator called the church to order;
Received by experience, Lueazer Bobo. Elected Br. C. D. Bailey to the office of a deacon. |
Jul 06, 1850 | Elected Br. C. K. Bobo Musical Clerk. |
Aug 03, 1850 | Prayer by Br.
C. Willbanks,
Delegated our Br. Jesse Norman, Jason Norman (and) C. D. Bailey, and as alternate Young Bobo to the Bethel Association. Appointed Br. J. C. Bobo to prepare a church letter. |
Aug 31, 1850 | Received by
letter Nancy Bobo.
Received by experience J. P. Bobo, Elijah Bobo, T. R. Bailey, Frances Bailey, Emilia Buford, and by a confession of faith Mary Bailey, and by experience Kindred Bishop, Samuel Bishop, Elviry Bailey, Chana Bobo... |
Oct 05, 1850 | Received by experience E. G. Bailey. |
Nov 02, 1850 | Granted J.
letter of dismission.
Called M. C. Owings for our supply for the ensuing year. |
Nov 30, 1850 | Received by
letter James W. Cooper &
Amelia C. Cooper.
Elected James W. Cooper Church Clerk. J. W. Cooper, C. C. |
Feb 01, 1851 | Praching by C Vaughn. |
Mar 01, 1851 | Received by letter Susan Bishop. |
Apr 05, 1851 | Preaching by M C Owings. |
May 03, 1851 | Prayer by Otha Willbanks then conference met, C. D. Bailey Moderator. Received by a confesstion of Faith Rachael P. Ducker and Adaline Ducker. |
Jul 05, 1851 | Preaching by M. C. Owings & J. L. Norman. |
Jul 26, 1851 | Received by experience Chana Sexton... |
Jul 29, 1851 | Received by
experience Tilman Bobo
Evaline Bobo.
Delegated Br. Jason Norman, C. D. Bailey, J. W. Cooper & alternate Jesse Norman to the Bethel Association. |
Oct 04, 1851 | Called M. C. Owings for the supply of the church ensuing years. |
Nov 01, 1851 | Granted
letters of dismission to; Otha
and Eliza
Agreed to pay Brother H. Bailey $14.00 towards the land where upon the meeting house stands. |
Dec 06, 1851 | Br. Otha Willbanks, Mary A. Willbanks, Eliza Willbanks returns their church letters. |
Jan 03, 1852 | Service by Brethren Webb and Owings. |
Jun 05, 1852 | After devine
service by Brethren J. Gibbs
& M. C. Owings...
Called for the report of the committee to locate the land for a burial ground. Which reports they have secured of Kindred Bishop 84/100 acres of land fro which they agreed to pay said Bishop five dollars. Which report is received and adopted and the committee discharged. |
Jul 31, 1852 | Prayer by Br.
C. T. Sexton then conference met. C.
D. Bailey moderator.
Delegated Br. J. W. Cooper, J. H. Bailey & Jason Norman ans as alternate C. D. Bailey to the Bethel Assocation. |
Oct 02, 1852 | Granted
letters of dismission Charles
H. Bobo and his wife Lueazer
Liberated Br. Chaney Sexton to exercise in public in the bounds of his church in that way he may think best. J. W. C, C. C. |
Nov 06, 1852 | Elected C. T.
Sexton Music Clerk.
Elected Br. C. C. Vaughn for our next year supply. CB Bobo, CC |
Jan 08, 1853 | ...appointed
J. N. Bailey
Clerk Protem.
Took up collection for Br. Kindred Bishop to pay him for land for the a burial ground received $3.45 and on Sunday after finish paying for the land. |
Aug 06, 1853 | Delegated Br. J. W. Cooper, C. D. Bailey, Jason Norman and as alternates J. N. Bailey, Jesse Norman to Bethel Assocation. |
Sep 17, 1853 | Appointed J. N. Bailey Treasurer. |
Nov 05, 1853 | Granted Br. Tilmon
Bobo, Evaline Bobo, Kindred Bishop, Mary Bishop and Samuel Bishop
letters of dismission.
Elected Br. C. C. Vaughn to supply church the ensuing year. |
Aug 07, 1854 | Received by
exerience Sarah Ann A. Bobo.
Delegated our beloved Brethren; J. W. Cooper, Jason Norman, J. N. Bailey to the Bethel Association in case of failure C. D. Bailey and Jesse Norman. Received by experience Hiram Bobo, Elisha Bobo, Elizabeth Bobo, Martha Clifton, Dorcas L. Bailey, by letter Mary Norman. |
Sep 02, 1854 | Received by
experience Harrison Dukes.
Granted Br. Otha Willbanks, Mary Willbanks and Eliza Willbanks letters of dismission. Appointed Br. K. L. Bobo music clerk & Br. Elisha Bobo protem. |
Sep 30, 1854 | Received by experience Nancy Bailey. |
Jan 06, 1855 | Granted Br. Elijah Bobo a letter of dismission. |
Jun 30, 1855 | Appointed a committee consisting of J. W. Cooper, Jason Norman, J. N. Bailey and Jesse Norman to repair an answer to the request of the Bethel Association at per last session in reference to a union of the Bethel and Salam Associations. |
Aug 04, 1855 | Delegaed our beloved Brethren viz, J. W. Cooper, J. N. Bailey, Jason Norman to the Bethel Association and CD Baily in case of failure. |
Oct 06, 1855 | Elected Br. C. C. Vaughn to supply the church for insuing year. |
Apr 05, 1856 | Received Eligh Bobo & Elizabeth his wife by letter. |
Aug 02, 1856 | Elected Br. Jason Norman, J. H. Bailey, Jesse Norman & in case of failure C. D. Bailey & Young Bobo to the Bethel Association. |
Aug 04, 1856 | Received by confession of faith Elijah Wilbourn & wife Margaret. |
Oct 03, 1856 | Service by
Br. J. Gibbs,
C. C. Vaughn in conference met.
Received by experience Eliser J. Wilborn. Called C. C. Vaughn to supply the church the next year. |
Dec 06, 1856 | Received by letter Joseph Foster and wife Julia Foster. |
Feb 26, 1857 | Service by Br. Vaughn & Wm Gorodan Joined by letter William Geordin. |
May 09, 1857 | Appointed C. B. Bobo Clerk Pro Tem. |
Jul 11, 1857 | In conference
Br. Jason
Appointed Saturday 18th Inst. as a day set apart to work upon the graveyard. |
Aug 08, 1857 | In Conf. met
prayer by Br. James Hay.
Elected Br. Jason Norman, J. N. Bailey, Jesse Sparks, as delegates to the Association, C. D. Bailey in case of failure. |
Sep 12, 1857 | Service by
Brethren John
Granted Br. Wm Gordon a letter of dismission. |
Jan 09, 1858 | After divine
service by John
& J.
conf met.
Received Br. John Gibbs by letter. Called Br. C. Felder to supply our church the present year. |
Apr 03, 1858 | Excluded Br. Chana Sexton & wife Nancy they having joined the Methodist Church. |
Jun 05, 1858 | Took up the case in reference to the Ordination of Br. J. Gibbs; but was postponed until next regular conference. |
Jul 31, 1858 | Delegated
following to Association; Br. Jason
N. Bailey,
Sparks, alternates, C.
& C.
Received Franklin Bailey, Mary Murphy, Mary Bailey, Leannah F. Bobo, Amanda Bailey & Charlotte Gibbs by experience. |
Sep 04, 1858 | Appointed a Committee of 5, vis; C. D. Bailey, Jason Norman, J. H. Bailey, J. Gibbs, Kindred Bobo, Sen. to take into consideration the enlargement of the meeting house and draw up a plan to be submitted to the church nextd meeting. C. B. Bobo, C. C. P. T. |
Oct 02, 1858 | Again took up
the case of Br. Gibbs
and after some discission he was ordained
without a dissenting vote.
Resolved that the ordination be attended to the 4th Sabbath in this month. Resolved that Ministering Brethren be invited by letter to officiate in setting him apart for the ministry; viz, J. L. Norman, C. C. Vaughn, Simpson Drummond and T. Ray. Went into call for our next years supply which resulted in calling Br. C. Felder. J. W. Cooper, C. C. |
Dec 04, 1858 | Granted Br. Joseph Foster & Wife letter of dismission. |
Jan 01, 1859 | Resolved that
the Presbytery go into the ordination on tomorrow.
According to previous appointment by the Church at New Prospect District on the 2 day of January 1859 met in conference for the purpose of examining the call & qualification of Br. John Gibbs to the Gospel ministry. The Presbytery consisted of Elders Carlos Felder, Simpson Drummond, Julius White, who, after a careful and searching examination of the candidate upon the fundamental doctine of the Bible, proceeded to set apart by prayer and imposition of hands, led by Elder C. Felder. The charge was then delivered by Elder C. Felder. The Cardidate then pronounced the Benedication. C. B. Bobo, C. C. pt. |
Aug 06, 1859 | Elected Br. Jesse Norman, J. N. Bailey & Jason Norman as delegated to the association and C. B. Bobo & J. S. Bobo as alternates. |
Sep 03, 1859 | Appointed Br. J. Gibbs, J. W. Cooper, J. N. Bailey, K. Bobo, and Jason Norman, a committee to draw up a plan or specifications for enlarging the meeting house. C. B. Bobo, C. C. |
Feb 04, 1860 | Granted
letters of dismission to the following members viz. Manly
& wife
& wife Martha.
Appointed Br. D. T. Bobo Asst. recording clerk. C. B. Bobo, CC. |
Mar 31, 1860 | Resolved that Br. Jesse Norman & C. D. Bailey be excommunicated for charging of the church to be corrupt and for nonattendance and refusing to give the church satisfaction. |
May 05, 1860 | Resolved that the Church elect three deacons to aid Br. Jason Norman at our next meeting. D. T. Bobo, C. C. |
Jun 02, 1860 | Elected Br. Jesse Sparks, J. W. Cooper, and C. B. Bobo as Deacons of the church. |
Aug 04, 1860 | Ordained
the following Brethren as Deacons of New Prospect Church C.
B. Bobo,
Jesse Sparks, J.
the Presbytery consisting of Elders as bove named (W. F. Lee of
Corrinth, J. J. Jones of Mt. Bethel, Ch. Deacons) J.
Wm Sparks of Fairforest Ch.
Elected our beloved Br. J. W. Cooper, Jesse Sparks, C. B. Bobo as delegates to the Association. Added Br. E. Wilburn to the committee for enlarging the church. |
Jan 05, 1861 | Service by Rev. J. Gibbs & T. Ray. |
Mar 02, 1861 | Granted a letter of dismission to Br. D. T. Bobo. |
Aug 03, 1861 | Elected Jesse Sparks, C. B. Bobo, J. N. Bailey delegates to the next asssociation also J. W. Cooper, alternate. |
Aug 31, 1861 | Granted J. W. Cooper & wife a letter of dismission. |
Jul 05, 1862 | Elected delegates to the Bethel Association Jesse Sparks, J. N. Bailey, Young Bobo, Thomas Bailey. |
Aug 01, 1863 | Service by
John Carter, and W. Lee.
Delegated to the Bethel Association Jesse Sparks, J. N. Bailey, Jason Norman and Thomas Bailey. |
Aug 01, 1863 | Request by Lower Fairforest church for help to settle a difficulty in that church, Request granted and appointed Jason Norman, J.N. Bailey and Jesse Sparks. |
Aug 06, 1864 | After devine service by J. Gibbs and Wm. Lee Conference met and Went into a delegation and delegated to the Bethel Association J. N. Bailey, Jason Norman, Eligy Wilbern and Young Bobo appointed J. N. Bailey to prepair a church letter by next meeting. |
Sep 02, 1865 | After Service by J. Gibbs conference met and proceeded to elect Delegates to the association viz; J. N. Bailey, Jesse Sparks, Jason Norman & C. B. Bobo. C. B. Bobo, C. C. |
Sep 30, 1865 | Granted Hiram Bobo a letter of dismission adjourned. CB Bobo. |
Nov 05, 1865 | Granted a letter of dismission to Laura A. Chapman (alias Bobo). |
Dec 02, 1865 | Called Br. Young
Bobo to the chair to act as
Went into a call by ballot, for a supply next year which resulted in the choice of Rev. Wm F. Lee. C. B. Bobo, C. C. |
Feb 03, 1866 | Granted of
dismission to Elijah Wilburn, Margaret Wilburn, Elizabeth Wilburn and Eliza
Received by letter J. C. Bobo, and wife Nancy Bobo. |
Apr ??, 1866 | Granted a letter of dismission to J. Gibbs & John Wilbourn. |
Aug 04, 1866 | The subject
of forming a new Association to be called the Friendship Baptist
Association and the propriety of asking for a letter of dismission
from the Bethel Association in order to unite in forming the above
named association being under consideration, it was resolved that the
delegates from the church after having obtained all the information
they can, shall use their own discretion in the premises.
Elected Br. Jesse Sparks, J. N. Bailey, C. B. Bobo as delegates and Jason Norman alternate to the Bethel Association at its next annual meeting. The Door of the church being open received Rev. Wm. F. Lee and wife Melissa Lee by letter. |
Nov ??, 1866 | Granted a letter to Br. Hampton Bobo. |
Feb 02, 1867 | Service by
Br. Wm Brown.
Br. Bailey & Sparks secured the services of Br. Brown to supply our church the present year 1867. |
Aug 03, 1867 | Elected Delegates to the association viz; C. B. Bobo, J. N. Bailey, Jesse Sparks, Rev. Wm. F. Lee as alternate. J. C. Bobo, C. C. |
Aug 04, 1867 | Received by experience viz; S. L. Bobo, Sarah Ann Bobo, Jane Lee and Susan Hollingsworth. The converts were baptized on the 11th of Aug. |
Nov 02, 1867 | Received Jesse
Bailey & wife Sallie Bailey
by letter.
Called Rev. Wm. Brown to supply our church ensuing year. |
Nov 30, 1867 | Received a request from Lower Dunkins Creek Church praying for the Ordination of Brother Wm. Brown. C. B. Bobo, C. C. |
Feb 29, 1868 | Received Hampton Bobo by return of letter. C. B. Bobo, C. C. |
Apr 04, 1868 | Granted a letter of dismission to Rev. Wm. Lee & Wife and Daughter Melissa & Jane Lee. |
Jul 04, 1868 | Appointed a committee consisting of 6 members to arrange and adopt a plan for enlargeing and recovering our church. The chair appointed the following as said committee viz; J. N. Bailey, Jesse Sparks, Jesse Bailey, Hampton Bobo, Wiley Easters, and C. B. Bobo. |
Aug 01, 1868 | Committee on
church repairs ready to go foward with repairs and bid to lowest
Elected delegates to the Association viz; C. B. Bobo, Jesse Sparks, J. N. Bailey and alternete Jesse Bailey. |
Nov 08, 1868 | Granted a
letter of dismission to Rachel Gentry.
Elected Rev. Wm Lee to supply our church next year. As Brother Brown is employed by the missionary Board, that we petition the board for his services. Resolved that Br. J. Gibbs be requested to preach for us on the 1st Sabbath in each month until April next when Br. Brown commences his missionary labors. C. B. Bobo, C. C. |
Jan 03, 1869 | After divine
service by Rev. John Gibbs
conference met.
Transferred Deeds of Land for New Prospect Church to C. B. Bobo, Jesse Sparks & J. C. Bobo as officers of the church to be held by them for the benefit of the church as directed by those conveying the deeds. C. B. Bobo, C. C. |
Apr 03, 1869 | Received and adopted the report of building Committee which reads as follows: "We your committee on repainting church beg leave to report; that we have had under consideration for some time the subject of repairing our House of Worship and have succeeded in having the house enlarged 12 ft. in front; also the roof changed and new one put on. The cost of repairing has been $75.00 which sum has been raised by Subscription and all of nearly all paid, all of which we respectfully submit. J. N. Bailey, Chairman of Com." |
Jul 30, 1869 | A committee
of three viz; J. N. Bailey,
C. B. Bobo & Jesse
Sparks was appointed to try and obtain the services of a minister the
balance of he year as brother Brown intends leaving us soon to
prosicute his studies in the ministry.
Elected delegates to the Association viz; C. B. Bobo, J. N. Bailey, & Jesse Sparks and as alternate Jesse Bailey. |
Nov 06, 1869 | Elected Rev. J. J. Jones to supply our church the ensuing year. |
Mar 05, 1870 | After divine
services by Rev J. J. Jones conference met.
Received by letter Rev. J. J. Jones & wife Nancy W. Jones, R. W. Jones & wife Sarah M. Jones, Cinthia N. Jones; & D. P. Jones. Appointed Br. J. F. Bailey & R. W. Jones Music Clerks. |
Aug 07, 1870 | Elected
delegates to the Association viz: Jesse Sparks, C.
and as alternate Jesse
Set apart Thursday 11th inst to work upon the graveyard. |
Dec 03, 1870 | Called Rev. John Gibbs to supply our church next year. |
Dec 04, 1870 | Dismissed by letter Rev. J. J. Jones, R. W. Jones, D. P. Jones, Nancy Jones, Sarah M. Jones & Cinthia K. Jones. CB Bobo, CC |
Feb 04, 1871 | Preaching by Rev. J. Gibbs No conference held. C. B. Bobo, CC |
Jul 01, 1871 | Received by
experience Lucinda Bobo.
Set apart Monday before the 1st Sabbath in August to work upon the graveyard. C. B. Bobo, C. C. |
Sep 03, 1871 | Elected delegates to the Assocaition, viz; C. B. Bobo, Jesse Sparks, J. F. Bailey, and as alternate Wiley Easters. |
Oct 02, 1871 | After the Funeral of Mary Bobo Sen. by Revd Gibbs The church granted a letter of dismission to Elvira Koon. CB Bobo, C. C. |
Jan 06, 1872 | Called Rev.
J. Gibbs to supply our
church the present year.
Excluded Jesse Bailey & Susan Hollingsworth for fornication. |
Aug 03, 1872 | Elected delegates to the Bethel Association, viz; C B. Bobo, J. F. Bailey, Wiley Easters, alternate Jesse Sparks. |
Oct 06, 1872 | Excluded Mary Bobo for fornication. C. B. Bobo, C. C. |
Nov 03, 1872 | Called Rev. John Gibbs to supply the church the next year. |
Jan 04, 1873 | Elected
delegates to the Association viz; C.
B. Bobo, J.
Jesse Sparks and as alternate Wiley Easters.
Charlotte Gregory's letter returned. J. Gibbs Moderator. |
Oct 03, 1873 | Called Rev. J. Gibbs to supply our church next year. |
Dec 06, 1873 | Granted a letter of dismission to Charlotte Gregory. |
Jun 08, 1874 | Regular
services on 1st Sunday by Rev. J.
since last conference.
Conference met, Rev. J. Gibbs Moderator. Restored Jesse Bailey and wife Susan Bailey to the fellowship of the church. |
Aug 01, 1874 | After Service
by Rev. J. Gibbs
& J. Jones Conference met.
Elected delegates to the Bethel Association, viz; C. B. Bobo, J. F. Bailey, Jesse Sparks, as alternate Jesse Bailey. |
Aug 04, 1874 | Received by experience M?. W. Baily & wife Mary Bailey, W. F. Dukes, Martha A. Myse? and Lavina Bobo. |
Aug 05, 1874 | Received by experience Madora J. Bobo, Amanda Bobo and Rilla Hollingsworth. |
Sep 05, 1874 | Granted a letter of dismission the Robert Bobo. |
Oct 31, 1874 | Called Rev J.
Gibbs to supply our church
next year.
Appointed C. B. Bobo to labor with Sister Elizabeth Gossett she having joined the Methodist. C. B. Bobo, C. C. |
Dec 05, 1874 | Heard report from C. B. Bobo in reference to sister Gossett upon the strength of said report the church proceeded to exclude her from their fellowship. |
Jan 03, 1875 | After service
by Rev. J. Gibbs
conference met.
Dismissed by letter Bro. Harrison Dukes. C. B. Bobo, C. C. |
Feb 07, 1875 | Reac a communication from Rev. Larnce, State agent for missions regarding aid for State Missions the considereation of which was laid over till next meeting. C. B. Bobo, C. C. |
Jun 05, 1875 | Took up the
matter of State Missions postponed indefinitely.
Resolved that the church elect two Deacons on Sunday the 6th Inst. Resolved that a committee of two be appointed to wait on Dr. J. L. Patton and solicit the address (for Publication) delivered b him on the Funeral occasion of Jesse Sparks. May the 2nd 1875. |
Jul 31, 1875 | Elected C. B. Bobo, J. F. Bailey and W. F. Dukes delegates to represent our church in the Bethel Association. |
Aug 01, 1875 | Ordained Breth J. F. Bailey and W. F. Dukes as Deacons of this church. The Presbytery consisted as follows; Rev. J. J. Jones, of Bethel Church Rutherford County N. C., Moderatior. Rev. F. C. Jeter Hebron, Rev. J. Gibbs, Lebanon, with Deacons C. B. Bobo, New Prospect, Clerk, S. Duckett (Bethesda) Gordon Williams (Union). |
Oct ??, 1875 | Elected Rev. J. Gibbs as Pastor of our Church the ensuing year. |
Jul 01, 1876 | Delegated C. B. Bobo, J. F. Bailey & W. F. Dukes to Union meeting to be holden at Lower Fairforest Friday before the 5th Sunday in July. |
Aug 06, 1876 | Conference
met. Rev. J. Gibbs
Elected C. B. Bobo, J. F. Bailey & W. F. Dukes as delegates to the Bethel Association. Resolved that this church send $1.50 to help pay for printing Associational Minutes. C. B. Bobo, C. C. |
Sep 30, 1876 | Elected delegates at Union C. H. on Friday before the 4th Sabbath in Oct. for the purpose of forming a new Assocation. The following are the delegates, vis; C. B. Bobo, J. F. Bailey, W. F. Dukes and alternate Jesse Bailey. C. B. Bobo, C. C. |
Nov 04, 1876 | Called Rev. John Gibbs as Pastor of this church next year 1877. |
Mar 04, 1877 | After service
by Rev. J. Gibbs
conference met.
Owing to bad weather no conference was hold for the past 3 months. After service today by Rev. J. Gibbs conference met. Appointed C. B. Bobo, J. F. Bailey and W. F. Dukes as delegates to teh Fair Forest Union to convene Friday before the 5th Sunday in April next. C. B. Bobo, C. C. |
Jul 01, 1877 | Elected C. B. Bobo, W. F. Dukes and J. F. Bailey delegates to Union Meeting to be held with the Padgett's Creek Church Friday before the 5th Sunday in July next. C. B. Bobo, C. C. |
Jul 14, 1877 | Died Mary Murphy wife of J. F. Bailey. |
Aug 04, 1877 | Elected C. B. Bobo, J. F. Bailey and W. F. Dukes delegates to the Association to convene at Fairview Church Friday before the 1st Sunday in Oct. 1877. C. B. Bobo, C. C. |
Sep 30, 1877 | Received by experience Charles Myse, Sallie Gregory & Susan Gregory. |
Nov, 03, 1877 | Received by
experience Andrew
and David
Dismissed by letter Leannah F. Bobo (Alias Sparks). |
Jan 04, 1878 | After Service
A. J. Gibbs
Conference met.
Received by letter Susan Emma Bailey & Mary Ellen Bailey. |
Apr 07, 1878 | Received by letter W. Fowler Bobo. C. B. Bobo, C. C. |
May 05, 1878 | Received by experience Newton Wilbourn. |
Sep 01, 1878 | Elected delegates to the Union County Association viz; C. B. Bobo, J. F. Bailey & W. F. Dukes, Wiley Estes as alternate. |
Sep 27, 1878 | Dismissed by letter Br. J. C. Bobo & Wife Nancy Bobo & Sallie F. Bobo. C. B. Bobo, C. C. |
Nov 03, 1878 | Called for a
Pastor to preach for us next year which resulted in the choice of Rev.
John Gibbs.
Resolved to have preaching only on Sunday in winter months. |
Apr 02, 1879 | Appointed C.
B. Bobo, J.
& W.
delegates to the Union Meeting.
Organized a missionary society elected J. W. Bobo Treasurer of Society. C. B. Bobo, C. C. |
Aug 03, 1879 | Elected Brethren C. B. Bobo, W. F. Dukes and Jesse Bailey as Delegates to the association also elected the above same Brethren as delegates to the Fair Forest Union. |
Nov 02, 1879 | Br. Jesse
Bailey was called to the
Granted letters of dismission to Sarah Wix, Mary Sparks & Susan Gregory. |
May 01, 1880 | Received by
experience John H. Pucket.
Granted letter of dismission to Br. Newton Wilborn. |
May 02, 1880 | Administered
Ordinance of Baptism to J. H. Pucket.
Granted license to Br. J. H. Pucket to preach the gospel. Granted letter of dismisson to Br. W. F. Bobo. C. B. Bobo, CC |
Jul 04, 1880 | Received by
confession of faith Robert Edge.
Granted license to Br. Edge to exercise his gifts in our church. Granted letters of Dismission to sisters Adeline & Lou Ducker. |
Aug 04, 1880 | After a
series of meetings during 6 days adjourned.
Received by Baptism during the time 10 members vis; Garland C. Wilbourn, Florence Wilbourn, Benjamin Bishop, James Bobo, John W. Bobo, Willie N. Bobo, Addis S. Bobo, Maggie D. Bobo, Mattie Dukes & John Bagwell. Granted license to Br. Robert Edge to preach the gospel where God, in His Providence may direct. Resolved also, that this Church go into the ordination of Br. J. H. Pucket, but not having ordained ministers enough present to form a Presbytery We do hereby request the aid of Bethesda Church and that the Ordination take place at that church on Saturday the 7th Inst. CB Bobo, CC. |
Aug 29, 1880 | The Ordination of Br. J. H. Pucket took place at Beulah Church the 29th of August A. D. 1880 Presbytery Rev. G S. Anderson, A McA. Pittman, F. C. Jeter, J. T. Heter, J. C. Humphries. |
Sep 04, 1880 | After divine
service by Rev. J. H. Pucket Conference met.
Elected Delegates to represent our church in the Union Association viz; C. B. Bobo, J. F. Bailey & John H. Pucket and as alternates Wm F. Dukes and Jesse Bailey. |
Sep 05, 1880 | Sunday Morning 5th Inst. Br. Pucket administered the Ordiances of Baptism in Enoree River, 8 Baptized. C. B. Bobo, C. C. |
Sep 26, 1880 | Called Rev. John H. Pucket as our Pastor next year. |
Mar 06, 1881 | Restored Sister Mary Bobo (alias) Lawson to the fellowship of the church and at her request granted a letter of dismission. |
Jun 05, 1881 | Excluded Rev. Robert Edge at this request he having become dissatisfied with the church. C. B. Bobo, C. C. |
Aug 18, 1881 | A protracted
meeting commenced on the 14 Inst. and closed at the water where 4 were
Baptised viz; Mary Dodd,
Georgianna Hollingsworth and Elliot Pucket.
Elected delegates to teh Union Association viz. C. B. Bobo, J. F. Bailey, W. F. Dukes. C. B. Bobo, C. C. |
Nov 05, 1881 | Granted a
letter of dismission to Sister Sallie Gregory.
Elected Rev. J. H. Puckett as Pastor of our church the ensuing year |
Feb 01, 1882 | Preaching by J. H. Pucket. |
Jul 02, 1882 | Granted a letter of dismission to Sister Susan Bobo. |
Aug 14, 1882 | Appointed Br. C. B. Bobo, Rev. J. H. Pucket & W. F. Dukes as delegates to Union County Association at its next Annual meeting, in Oct. next. Adjourned. C B. Bobo, C. C. |
Sep 03, 1882 | Received by experience James Dukes. |
Mar 04, 1883 | Charles Meyse excluded from church for drunkeness. |
May 06, 1883 | After
preaching by Rev. W. M. Foster, assisted by Rev. J. H. Pucket partook
of the Sacrement.
Took up a collection for Mary Dodd she being in destitute circumstances. One dollar in case with several pledges of provision. C. B. Bobo, C. C. |
Jul 12, 1883 | Sister Amanda Bailey departed this life. |
Aug 04, 1883 | Elected Delegates to Association viz; C. B. Bobo, J. W. Bobo, and Preston B. Bobo as Alternates J. N. Pucket, J. F. Bailey, W. F. Dukes. |
Nov 03, 1883 | Called Br. Puckett as paster next year. C. B. Bobo, C. C. |
Feb 24, 1884 | No Preaching.
Pastor Sick.
Granted a letter of dismission to Br. G. C. Wilbourn & wife Florence Wilbourn. C. B. Bobo, C. C. |
Jun 22, 1884 | Preaching by Rev. J. H. Pucket, Dismissed by letter, J. H. Puckett and Ellioit Pucket. |
Aug 24, 1884 | Elected C.
B. Bobo,
J. F.
& J.
as Delegates to Association, alternates W.
and P.
Excluded Hampton Bobo & wife Lavinia Bobo they having joined the Methodist Society. C. B. Bobo, C. C. |
Oct 26, 1884 | Rev. W. M. Foster preached from II Timothy 4th & 2. |
Nov 01, 1884 | Elected Rev.
W. M. Foster as Pastor of church for the ensuing year, and resolved to
pay him $50.00 for his services.
Dropped James Dukes from roll of the church on his own request. |
Dec 28, 1884 | Preaching by
Rev. Furman H. Martin of Furman University from 1st Chapter & 12th
verse of St. John. C. B. Bobo, C. C.
C. B. Bobo gave $5.00 for permanent Endowment of Furman University. |
Mar 01, 1885 | Took up collection for State Missions amountin to $1.50. |
Aug 02, 1885 | Elected C. B. Bobo, J. W. Bobo & J. F. Bailey delegates to Association. Adjourned. C. B. Bobo, C. C. |
Nov 01, 1885 | Called on
Rev. W. M. Foster to supply church for next year.
Paid $6.50 for current expenses to Furman University. |
Feb 07, 1886 | Conference
met by calling Br. J.
F. Bailey
to the chair.
Granted a letter of dismission to John Bagwell & wife Louana Bagwell. C. B. Bobo, C. C. |
Mar 07, 1886 | Granted a letter of dismission to Madora J. Bobo (alias) Murphy. |
Apr 04, 1886 | Took up a collection for Foreign Missions. C. B. Bobo, CC |
May 02, 1886 | Took up a collection for State Missions. |
Aug 01, 1886 | Elected delegates to Association C. B. Bobo, W. F. Dukes & J. F. Bailey. |
Apr 03, 1887 | Appointed
B. Bobo
The matter in regard to dissolving the church was postponed indefinitely. A motion to require Nonresident members to report to the church within three months and apply for letters or show good reason for not so doing or be dropped from the roll, was carried. |
May 15, 1887 | Divine
Services by Rev. John Ezell & Pastor L. C. Ezell.
Received by experience Mary Dukes, Victoria Dukes & Fanny Bailey. Sabbath School is flourishing condition with C. B. Bobo Superintendant and W. F. Dukes Assistant sup. |
Jun 19, 1887 | Granted a letter of dismission to Elisa Bobo. Adjourned. |
Aug 21, 1887 | Received by
experience David Bailey
& Martha Ogle.
Applied for a letter of dismission for B. T. Bishop & wife Through C. B. Bobo. There being bad reports about Br. Bishop the church refused to grant a letter to him, but resolved that the church clerk notify him to appear and make his deferrel. Elected delegates to association vmz C. B. Bobo, J. F. Bailey & W. F. Dukes. C. B. Bobo, C. C. |
Sep 18, 1887 | Received by
experience Kate Bailey &
Carrie Bailey.
Dismissed by letter Br. B. T. Bishop & wife Emma Bishop. |
Oct 16, 1887 | Pastor Ezell Baptised Kate Bailey & Carrie Bailey. |
Sep 02, 1888 | J. F. Bailey
was elected moderator.
Elected C. B. Bobo, J. F. Bailey & W. F. Dukes as delegates to the association, with Preston B. Bobo, J. W. Bobo, alternates. |
Sep 16, 1888 | Restored
Charles Meyse to the fellowship of the church.
Lula Myese having joined at Padgett's Creek with the understanding that she be a member of New Prospect, was Baptised today. |
Oct 01, 1888 | After
services by Pastor Ezell Conference met.
Resolved to raise money for the support of Br. James Himphries and wife $7.10 (5.60 cash) in cash and pledges were raised. Agreed to pay $5.00 to students fund Furman University. C. B. Bobo, C. C. |
Apr 28, 1889 | Conference
met. W. F. Dukes
was appointed Moderator.
Collected for State Missions $6.15 cash. C. B. Bobo, C. C. |
Jun 23, 1889 | Conference
met, H.
appointed Moderator.
A motion was made to dissolve the church which was passed by a unanimous vote. Resolved to meet tomorrow at 1 P. M. to make a disposition of property belonging to the church. According to a resolution passed in chuch conference June 23, 1889 to dissolve the church as soon as the property could be disposed of, I, Therefore this day as Clerk, declare New Prospect Church to be dissolved. This July 20th 1889. C.
Bobo |
Most of the members transferred to the Padgett's Creek Baptist Church. Some may have gone to the Lower Fairforest Baptist Church, I have not abstracted those minutes to 1889 yet... a future project. Most of the Surnames in attendance at New Prospect had family at both Padgett's Creek and the Lower Fairforest Baptist. See those minutes for more details. |
This List below should at least assist in determining where
some of the
members of the Padgett's & Lower Fairforest & other Churches were dismissed
to and assist in family migrations from Union County. At some point I will be
adding some Minutes of this church to this Web page that were so kindly
provided to me by Mrs. Betty Barrow.
Members | History of the Church | Cemetery List |
Members that Attended New Prospect
Baptist Church Many of these members also were in attendance at
Some of the names that are in this churches minutes are:
"Most of these Surnames have been included in the Weekly minutes" C.B. Bobo, Otha Willbanks, Mary A. Willbanks, Eliza Willbanks, Jane Nix, Sarah Nix, Harrison Bailey, Jason Norman, Kindred Bobo, Charles D. Bailey, Comfort Bobo, Mary Bailey, Mary Bishop, Francis Dodd, Nancy Dodd, Mariah Norman, C. H. Bobo, J. N. Bailey, Young Bobo, A. C. Cooper, Lueazer Bobo, Nancy Bobo, J. P. Bobo, Eliljah Bobo, T. R. Bailey, Frances Bailey, Emilia Buford, Mary Bailey, Kindred Bishop, Samuel Bishop, Elviry Bailey, Chana Bobo, E.G. Bailey, J. C. Bobo, James W. Cooper, Amelia C. Cooper, Susan Bishop, Rachael P. Ducker; Adaline Ducker; Drieucelia Ducker, Chana Sexton, Lueazer Ducker, Tilmon Bobo, Evaline Bobo, Sara Ann Bobo, Hiram Bobo, Elisha Bobo, Elizabeth Bobo, Martha Clifton, Dorcas L. Bailey, Mary Norman, Harrison Dukes, Nancy Bailey, Eligh Bobo, Elizabeth Bobo, Elijah Wilburn, Margaret Wilburn, Eliser J. Wilbern, Joseph Foster, Julia Foster, William Geordin, John Gibbs, Franklin Bailey, Mary Murphy, Mary Bailey, Leanna F. Bobo (alias Sparks), Amanda Bailey, Charlotte Gibbs, Pickney Gossett, Manly Bobo, Rebecca Bobo, Martha Bobo, Jesse Norman, D. T. Bobo, Laura A. Chapman alias Bobo) Elisabeth Wilburn, Eliza Dodd, John Wilbourn, Rev. Wm F. Lee, Melissa Lee, Hampton Bobo, Wiley Easters, Margaret S. Easters..... HISTORY OF NEW PROSPECT BAPTIST CHURCH: The "conferences commenced" on July 28, 1849....The member page shows the Willbanks, as joining Nov. 1, 1849. "June 23, 1889 conference was held with H.B. Murphy as moderator and a motion was made to dissolve the church which was passed just as soon as the property could be disposed of. Then on July 20, 1889, C.B. Bobo declared New Propect Church to be dissolved." ================ The story goes and I am taking this from a book called The Union Daily Times History Book, page 7 chapter XI of which I made a partial copy years back when I first made a trip to Union. The article by Claude Sparks called "Founding History of Early Baptist Churches in Union Area: " In the year of 1840, controversy developed in Padgett Creek Church, which later caused strife and dissension among the members. The difficulty was related in the Padgett Creek History by C.B.Bobo. After being excluded by PCC several members from the minority group left and joined Lower Fairforest Church, thereby causing considerable friction between the two churches which lasted for several years. In July 1845 PCC met in conference and received an instrument of writing signed by 35 of her members stating their withdrawal from the Church. The church then excluded them. By 1848, a majority of the ones excluded seem to have joined Lower Fairforest Church. Then on July 21, 1849, Lower Fairforest met and granted letters of dismission to seventeen of her members who then assembled together the following week and organized the New Prospect Baptist Church. This church was located 2 1/2 miles south from Padgett's Creek Church on land secured from Harrison Bailey; it being near the old Jesse Norman Home Place. During the years that this church existed there were about 135 additions to the membership of the church. About 70 of these members were later dismissed by letter. Just 50 years after the organization of New Prospect Church, the church was dissolved and 35 members were granted letters of dismission and a few days later, the entire group were received as members of Padgett Creek Church. "
New Prospect Cemetery Union County SC
Burial List (Union Co Cemeteries Page 129) Listed below are descendant lines buried at New Prospect Cemetery, they include members of Kindred Bobo's Family, brother of Solomon Bobo Jr. sons of Soloman & Mary (Potts) Bobo Sr. |
"In the
Church minutes of New Prospect Baptist dated, June 5,
1852, it states:
"Called for the report of the committee to locate the land for a burial ground. Which reports they have secured of Kindred Bishop 84/100 acre of land for which they agreed to pay said Bishop five dollars. Which report is received and adopted and the committee discharged." |
Bobo, Dorcas Bailey died 1-13-1900 (age 62 yrs) wife of C.B. Bobo |
Bailey, Little Connie 1945 - 1947 dau of Mr & Mrs W. S.Bailey |
Dodd, M. B. 5-4-1857 -- 8-26-1862 dau of Asa & Mary Dodd |
Bobo, Chana Briggs 7-20-1829 - 10-20-1915 Professor of Magnetic & Natural healing. |
Bailey, Deleah Murphy 10-7-1816 -- 6-8-1898 wife of J.N. Bailey |
Dodd, H. L. 1855 - 8-27-1872 |
Bobo, Infant died 1808 son of C.B. & D.L. Bobo |
Bailey, Jonathon N. died 6-3-1870 (age 60 yrs) |
Dodd, A.L. 1853 -- 9-2-1862 child of Asa & Mary Dodd |
Bobo, Cornelia 8-21-1862 -- 1-1863 son of Kindred & Comfort Free Bobo - Conderate Vet. |
Bailey, David
Harrison son of J.N. & S.D. Bailey Confederate Veteran member of Co. C. 18th SC Reg. Stanton VA 10-28-62 |
Sparks, Margarett T. 6-11-1834 -- 2-6-1889 wife of Carpenter Sparks |
Bobo, Barham 8-12-1846 -- 3-11-1900 son of Kindred & Confort Free Bobo - Confed. Vet. |
Bailey, Mamie 7-6-1882 -- 11-21-1899 dau of Jessie & S.W.Bailey |
Sparks, Carpenter 9-28-1822 -- 2-5-1894 |
Bobo, Martha A. 11-4-1843 -- 5-27-1856 |
Bailey, Kate 12-17-1871 -- 2-1-1893 wife of D.C. Bailey |
Dukes, Florence E. 7-4-1876 -- 9-8-1884 |
Bobo, S. N. 9-5-1838 -- 8-10-1862 died in Petersburg VA Confederate Verteran |
Bailey, Ida E. 9-1891 -- 6-11-1892 dau of D.C. & K.A.Bailey |
Dukes, Sallie A. (Bobo) 4-11-1849 -- 8-26-1895 |
Bobo, Kindred Sr. 7-17-1800 -- 8-30-1865 |
Bailey, Myrtle 3-1898 -- 11-8-1899 dau of T.A.&J.M.Bailey |
Dukes, William F. 3-1847 -- 1-1-1944 |
Bobo, Comfort Free 7-4-1813 -- 5-19-1896 |
Bailey, Jessie M. 12-18-1874 -- 10-25-1899 wife of T.A. Bailey |
Dukes, Medora Comfort 9-4-1881 -- 1-1-1944 dau of W.F.& Sallie Dukes |
Bailey, J. W. Born 1857 |
Bobo, Nolen 2-24-1881 -- 10-27-1881 son of L.J. & C. Bobo |
Johnson, Bessie Mae 5-12-1918 -- 4-9-1928 dau of Anna & Ben Johnson |
Gibbs, Amanda V. 1840 -- 1883 |
Hollingsworth, Mrs.
Susan Bailey 2-16-1846 -- 3-28-1910 |
Bailey, Harriet I.
Floyd 9-24-1874 -- 3-27-1940 wife of J. W. Bailey |
Bailey, Thomas R. 1828 -- 1888 |
Georgeanna 1852 -- 7-31-1911 |
Bailey, Jason Norman 11-23-1872 -- 11-4-1950 |
Bailey Daughter died 11-4-1869 dau of T.R. & A.E. Bailey |
Bobo, Mary Louise
Sparks 6-7-1845 -- 6-23-1868 wife of L. J. Bobo |
Bailey, Brooks 4-23-1899 -- 10-8-1958 |
Bailey, Frank infant son of T.R&A.E.Bailey |
Sparks, Jesse 5-22-1820 -- 2-21-1875 |
Bailey, Etta C. no dates |
Bailey, Mary E.
(Chaney) 12-3-1845 -- 7-17-1916 wife of Monroe Bailey |
Dodd, Mary 8-21-1861 -- 9-4-1862 dau of Asa & Mary Dodd |
N. D. (Davis) no dates |
Information Provided by: Betty Barrow |
and Head Stone Pictures Union County South Carolina
Photo's provided
by: Mary Ruth (Norman) Thomas ![]() Kindred Bobo Sr. Born: July 7, 1800 - Died: Aug 30, 1865 |
![]() Comfort Free Bobo Born: July 4, 1813 - Died: May 19, 1896 |
![]() |
![]() C B Bobo Born: July 20, 1828 - Died: 20 Oct 1915 Son of Kindred & Comfort Bobo |
![]() Dorcas Bobo Born: Apr 3, 1838 - Died: Jan 19, 1900 Wife of CB Bobo |
![]() |
![]() S N Bobo (Stark Noland) Born: Sep 5, 1838 - Died: Aug 10, 1862 Died at Petersburg VA (Civil War) Son of Kindred & Comfort Bobo |
![]() Barham F Bobo Born: Aug 12, 1846 - Died: Mar 11, 1900 Son of Kindred & Comfort Bobo |
![]() |
![]() Carpenter Sparks Born: Sep 28 1822 - Died: Feb 5, 1894 |
![]() Margaret Sparks Born: Jun 14, 1834 - Died: Feb 5, 1889 wife of Carpenter Sparks |
![]() M B Dodd Born: May 4, 1857 - Died: Aug 26, 1862 Son of Asa & Mary Dodd |
![]() Mary J Dodd Born: Aug 2, 1861 - Died: Sep 4, 1862 Dau of Asa & Mary Dodd |
![]() Cornelia Bobo Born: 1862 - Died: 1863 dau of CB & Dorcas Bobo |
Photo's provided
by: |
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