With winter almost set in, and the prospects for campaigning greatly diminishing, General George Washington sought quarters for his men. Washington and his troops had just fought what was to be the last major engagement of 1777 at the Battle of White Marsh (or Edge Hill). He devised to pull his troops from their present encampment in the White Marsh area (now Fort Washington State Park) and move to a more secure location for the coming winter.  Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.

Robert White of the 6th Virginia Regt Continental Army

Enlisted May 1776 to 1780
(However, 6th VA merged with 2nd VA May 12, 1779, unit was
captured/surrendered May 12, 1880, at the battle of Charleston SC,
it is likely, they were imprisoned and released before wars end, 1781?)

Provided by: Jeanie Russell


Robert White now of the 2nd Virginia Regt Continental Army

The 6th VA merged with 2nd VA May 12, 1779, unit was
captured/surrendered, May 12, 1780 at the battle of Charleston SC,
it is likely, they were imprisoned and released before wars end, 1781?)

Provided by: Jeanie Russell

Don't be alarmed at the "...Deserted when on Furlough, apparently in Apr 1778.
(rejoined his Regiment in Oct 1778...)  - This was common in the Rev War, soldiers
taking extended Furlough's, for personal reasons, then returning to their units.
Don't forget our Robert White was in the war for over 6 years, and many conflicts.
Today, take a look at Gulf War vets being in War for only '1' year, for most...