Evidence of William Whitehead's
2nd Marriage
Deeds signed in Laurens Co SC, infer that Wm.
may have had multiple marriages:
I looked at some of my notes again and wife Fanny
Pope Whitehead
signed a deed in 1791 and
1792. That was what gave me the idea that there are
two wives.
of Family Records in NC & SC
Modern Map but shows Granville, Wm
Whitehead lived there in 1778, (possibly 1771-1778),
Remember, Granville was created from, & then Bordered Edgecombe County
in 1778, there were
Whitehead's in Edgecombe, at that time. Caswell Co NC included
Person Co in 1778, Person was
created in 1791, from Caswell. Note Mecklenburg, Halifax VA bordered
Caswell & Granville, the
Roanoke River ran the full length of Mecklenburg Co, Robert White was
born near this river 1743.
Families from the counties bordering NC, frequently, moved back and
forth between VA & NC in
the old days. These are area's to check for records of Wm and Robert.
Revolutionary War
Soldiers in the area enlisted in into units bordering VA/NC. There was a
Robert White enlisted
into the 6th VA 1776, in Mecklenburg, this soldier was a

Fact: We have proven the Wm
Whitehead who moved from Granville 1778, bought lands in Caswell
1st on Moon's Creek, & 2nd on
Hogan's Creek, and in 1789/1790 Cane Creek in Laurens Co SC,
is our Wm Whitehead,
whose last Tax Record in Caswell was 1788. He sold some of his Moon's
while he was in
Lauren's Co SC, as one deed specifies, on subsequent sells, he may have returned
Caswell, as he continued
to own land on Moon's Creek, for a time. Robert White and Wm Morgan
are key figures here, as
they are on some of his Deeds, Robert White moved to SC between 1787/88.
Son-in-law Robert White,
married Mildred Whitehead, abt 1775, which makes me to believe he
was also in Granville,
about that time, old 1871 letter says he lived "..on the TAR River NC
a time..."
Our Wm Whitehead was in
Goshen District Granville NC 1778, near the TAR River, my belief, until
I can prove otherwise is
that they married at Wm Whitehead's place or his church in Granville Co
Per Robert White's
Obituary, he served 6 years in the Rev War, 1775ish to 1781, Then joining the
on Hogan's Creek 1781, where he
now has 342 acres, two farms from his father-in-law (1786 Census)...there
are no known records,
yet, indicating our Robert was in Caswell before 1781 Tax list. There is
also no
records showing that
Robert bought or sold land, if it was giving to him by Wm Whitehead or
that would explain the
lack of deeds, many times land given or inherited was not recorded, but
you still paid taxes.
Click here to go to West
Pope's Webpage
1764 -
Unproven connection:
note: Granville was created from Edgecombe Co NC in 1846.
""if we can prove West Pope is Francis
Whitehead's father, then this deed may be useful, in the Future"":
waiting for this original deed from NC Archives 6/14/18 - to confirm
"Deed Book C 686 (165)
West Pope to his son-in-law
William Whitehead of Edgecombe Co.
14 Apr
1764. Deed of gift Negro boys Ned, Jeffry & Robin Wit: Wm Haywood,
Sarah(X) Evins.
Apr Ct.
1764. James Hall CC: [our Wm would have been in his 20's at
this time]
Note: West Pope died about 1784, his wife Mary Whitehead Pope
remarried to a Christopher Ing,
they had a son Jacob Ing (named after her father), Jacob Ing buried at
Pope Cemetery
in Edgecombe Co NC.
Note: Related deed below same persons
above 1764 are on this Deed.
This deed below shows a Wm
Whitehead and Wife Selah Whitehead (Cilia?), NOT FRANCES!
1770 - Edge. Co. Db E, page 315, deed date 28 Nov 1770,
recorded Feb Ct 1778,
William Whitehead, planter, Halifax Co, NC to Reuben Taylor,
county aforesaid for 68 pds proc money, a tract of land containing 380
acres being part of two tracts granted to William Whitehead by a
of grant signed by Edward Mosely, Esq. Agent bearing date of 17 Sep
1749 & the other tract granted to Jacob Whitehead by a deed of
signed by Thomas Child, Esq. Agent bearing date 5 May 1761, which said
tract in on the south side of Beach Run beginning at a gum in the said
run then south 340 poles to a red oak then east 260 poles to a black
jack then north 40 poles to a gum in the said run then along the said
run to the first station, signed Wm. Whitehead, Selah Whitehead (X),
wit West Pope (proved), Judah Sellers, Dudley Whitaker.
NOTE: WEST POPE COULD BE WEST POKE. Abstracted 30 Dec 2007,
NCA film C.037.40002, CTC.
1767 - There was a William WHITEHEAD on
the Granville Co. Tax List not far from Samuel WHITEHEAD
was betw. Jack DICKSON, James WILLIAMSON, and Henry Phillips
HART)... also in Granville was BENJAMIN WHITEHEAD.
Currently, we have no evidence, these Whitehead's are related to our
1771 - Granville Co NC - 1771 Muster roll Capt. Jas. Yancey
- Company of Foot (Infantry) 1771, a few recruits names:
William Whitehead, Isaac White, William Atkins (Adkins), Johnathan
Pope. Book History of Granville Co, Wm. H. Harrison.
Go to a
complete list of volunteers.
A William Adkins was witness on our William Whitehead's 1st land Deed in
Caswell Co NC on Moon's Crk, also
in 1778, Isaac White and Wm Whitehead took the Oath of Allegiance during
the Revolutionary War)
here to view Original Tax Record
1771 - Granville Co NC Taxable's - 1771
Thornton Yancey's District:
White Poll Black Poll
William Whitehead
1 ng Will
Benjamin Whitehead
2 (&) Abraham Hanghk? 2
Samuel Whitehead
Click here to view Original Tax Record
1772 - Granville Co NC Taxable's - 1772
William Whitehead 2 no district listed
Samuel Whitehead 3 no district listed
1773 - Granville Co NC Taxable's - 1773 - Only one page with
totals, no individual records found for 1773.
Click here to view Original Tax Record
1774 - Granville Co NC Taxable's - 1774 - No district listed &
number next to each not identified, Taxables?
William Whitehead 2
Benjamin Whitehead 1
Samuel Whitehead 2
Click here to view Original Tax Record
1775 - Granville Co NC Taxable's - 1775 - No district listed &
number next to each not identified, Taxables?
William Whitehead 2
Benjamin Whitehead 2
Samuel Whitehead 1
1776 - Granville Co NC Taxable's - 1776 - No
file available.
1777 - 1778 - 1779 - Granville NC Taxable - No
Whitehead's located on list. We know from other records
that William
Whitehead was in Granville at least in 1777 and 1778, 1779 he was in
Caswell Co NC.
1778 - Page 3 in this book. Deed book A
46 Charles CALDWELL of CC to WILLIAM WHITEHEAD of Granville Co.,
for 300
lbs, land on both sides of main branch of Moon's Cr being a tract of
land Caldwell purchased of
DUDLY RUNNOLDS by deed of 18 Aug 1770.
23 Jan
1778. Wit: William MORGAN, William ADKINS.
Note: Wm's daughter Louisa marred a
Adkins? Note the witness "William Adkins", could it have been
Adkins 'Son'?
1778 - May 30th: A William Whitehead of Goshen
District Granville Co NC east of Caswell Co (pre-1791),
took the
"Oath of Allegiance" (Rev War) along with a Joel Pope, Wm's 1st wife
Francis Pope.
that Wm purchased land in Moon's Crk, Caswell Co in Jan 1778, we do not
know when
he actually
moved to Caswell. Wm's Granville district was near the Tar River NC.
1778 - May 30th: A Robert White of County Line District,
Granville NC, also
took the Oath of Allegiance. If the Robert White
of the 6th
Regt VA, formed in Mecklenburg Co VA just across the border from
Granville Co NC, is ours
this soldier
was on Furlough the month of May and into Jun 1778, he may have been
home on leave in
County Line District was in the upper left of Granville against the
border with Caswell Co (Pre-1791)
This soldier
was a Waggoner/Blacksmith that travelled with the units. When units were
not on a campaigns they
furloughed to plant or harvest crops, and protect their families from
the Tories. Our Robert White was born
'near the
Roanoke River VA', Murphy letter 1871, which ran the full length
across Mecklenburg west to east.
many families
in Granville NC, migrated from Virginia, usually settling near family or
friends already in Granville.
1778 - Caswell Co Record of Deeds, 1777-1783, Deed book A, Page 46-47,
microfilm C.020.40001 NC Archives.
Charles Caldwell of CC to William Whitehead of Granville Co., for 300 lbs,
land on both sides of main branch of Moon's Cr being a tract of land Caldwell
purchased of Dudly Runnolds by deed of 18 Aug 1770. 23 Jan 1778.
Wit: William Morgan, William Adkins.

(Deed of interest on Moon's
Creek) p. 9
State of NC - No. 71 - to Henry DIXON JUN., 640 A on both sides north
fork of
MOONS CR adj SAML BRACKIN, land of Tillman & Henry DIXON Senr., claim of
3 Mar 1779. chc Benjn McQUISTON**********, Jas WARREN.
1782 Tax List Robert White listed with 342 Acres on Hogan's Creek
1786 Census - Wm Whitehead & Robert White living 2 farms from each
1780 - Wm Whitehead provided
Provisions for the War effort, doing business with
the Caswell County North Carolina
Commissioner, in
1780 (this qualifies Wm as a Patriot)
Source: Family Search Website -
under Military
This appears to have been a
process to provide provisions to the
Military during the Revolutionary War
1780 - William Whitehead tax
assessment 1331.8 acres of land.
1781 - William Whitehead taxed for 3155 acres of land.
1781 -
Land Survey - Nov 6th: NC 392 acres of land on Hogan's Creek, Caswell
Co, Corner
of Sam'l Brackins,
to Mores Corner... this record has a land map with boundaries marked.
On the Survey is Samuel Brackin
and a Mores, I believe to be Morgan, they both were neighbors
of Wm Whitehead. One of the persons who signed this survey was Thomas
Waters next door neighbor
of Wm Whitehead on the 1786 Caswell Co Census. Surveyor, I believe is
Gene Payton?
Survey Provided by: George Stewart

1781 - Robert White taxed on 985
acres of land.
1782 - William WHITEHEAD was taxed for 1,150 acres on HOGAN'S
CREEK in the Caswell District of Caswell Co. 1-1. 3 tracts purchased
1782 - Robert White - Caswell Co TAX record shows
son-in-law Robert White with 342 acres of land on Hogan's Creek
2 farms
from Wm Whitehead. (as of Feb
2018, we are trying to find that Deed for Robert White on Hogan's, a
purchase and a sell)
1782 - Wm Whitehead is recorded selling
Corn, Feb 1780, for the War Effort... which makes him a Patriot. (see above.)
1782 - CASWELL CO. NC WILL BOOK A (cannot say this is our Wm
Whitehead, but the Graham's are on a 1783 Deeds below?)
p. 231 December Court 1782
Inventory of the estate of Col. Henry DIXON taken 2Nov1782 by Charles
DIXON***, exec. Debtors to estate: Samuel JONES,
1783 - William Whitehead taxed for 1160
acres of land. 3 horses and 9 cattle.
1783 - Thomas Whitehead was taxed for 1
horse and 2 cattle. Son of Wm Whitehead.
1783 - Robert White taxed for 354 acres of land. 3 horses and 13
1783 - Land Grant #427 116 acres on
waters of Hogan's Creek: Book 53, page 17. Land
Grant Caswell Co NC.
Issued: 13
Oct 1783 Entered: 1 Oct 1779
William Whitehead
1783 - Land Grant #578 392 acres
on waters of Hogan's Creek: Book 54, page 311. Land Grant
Caswell Co NC.
Issued: 13
Oct 1783 Entered: 1 Oct 1779
William Whitehead
1783 -
Page 46 in this book. Deed
book A 190
Caswell Co NC:
State of NC - No. 483 - to William Whitehead 392 A on a branch of Hogan's Cr adj Saml Bracken,
Grayham, Hal Dixon's corner. 13 Oct 1783
Link Provide by: George

1783 - GRANT - Page 46 in this book. Deed book A
191 State of NC - No. 588 - to William Whitehead 116 A on Hogan's Cr adj Robert King, Henry Dixon,
William Graham. 13 Oct 1783
Link Provide by: George

1783 -
GRANT - Page 52 in this book. Deed book B
State of NC - No. 387 - to William Graham 342 A on Hogan's Cr
adj George Grayham, Peter Elmore, Claim of
William Whitehead. 13 Oct 1783.
1784 - William Whitehead taxed for
1150 acres of land, on Hogan's Creek.
1784 - Robert White taxed for 354
acres of land, on Hogan's Creek.
1785 - William Whitehead taxed for
500 acres of land.
1785 - Robert White taxed for 332
acres of land.
1785 -
Page 68 in this book. Deed book C
133 Charles Dixon exec of Henry Dixon decd of CC to William Whitehead of same, for 100 lbs,
640 A both sides of Moon's Cr adj Dudly Runnals, Saml Walker, Daniel Johnston, 24 Oct 1785. Acknd.
1786 - William Whitehead taxed for
1050 acres of land.
1786 - Robert White taxed for 332
acres of land.
1786 - Census taken in Caswell this shows Shows Wm Whitehead and
son in law Robert White, 2 farms from each other, Hogan's Creek.
1786 - North Carolina Census (p.4 of original
census) : William Whitehead (wife & children's names are not on the
1 Male 21 to
60 - Wm Whitehead Sr
3 Male under
20 - Daniel 15, Stephen 11, Wm Jr 7.
3 Females all
ages - wife Francis, Jane 13, Sarah 9.
If the census is accurate, Louisa and Sarah are at home, & sons Daniel,
Stephen, William Jr.
Milly married Robert White, Ben's fate is unknown currently, Thomas is
on this census several households away.
On this same page near the Whitehead are the Atkins (listed on Deeds as
Adkins), and Alverson's.
Lusa (Louisa) Whitehead married a Adkins, Jane married a Alverson (Wm's
Will has Alberson?). Some of
the Alverson's of Caswell Co NC also migrated to Laurens Co SC, as well
of other families from CC.
William Adkins was on Wm Whitehead 1st deed in CC, buying land on Moon's
Creek 1778, Alverson's are also
on other deeds with Wm Whitehead.
1786 - Caswell County NC - April Court 1786
- Court case William Holderness vs Hamton White, William
Whitehead & Robert White.
that Mr Holderness won his case against the three Plaintiffs. The
mystery is, who is Hamton White?
Bio on
Will William Holderness:

On FamilySearch.org
1. go to Catalog, US, North Carolina, 2. Minutes County Court 1777-1868,
3. Note 1777-1788-Click on cameras, DGS 7900774,
4. File number at
top : Image 1 of 347, 5. 1st frame #358278, 6. Top of both pages: April
Court 1776, 7. Right side of page, 8. Bottom of page # 39.
Found an
being the father of
Halifax Co VA). Did not find a Will for Epaphroditus.
"Will of Catherine White Henrico Co VA - 1785
Click here
View or Download Will .PDF File
(Possible ties to
Epaphroditus White of Halifax Co VA)
Will mentions Epaphroditus White (rare name).
1787 -
Page 96 in this book. Deed book E 172
William Whitehead of CC to John Cobb Jun., for lbs, ? A on Moon's Cr
adj Wm. Moore, Bracken. 13 July 1787. Wit: Paul Haralson.
1787 -
Page 102 in this book. Deed book E 270
William Whitehead of CC to James Perkins of same, for 46 lbs, 13-4, 116 A
on Hogan's Cr adj Henry Dixon, Robert King, William Graham Sen., being tract
Whitehead purchased of King 26 Nov 1787. Wit: Thomas Walters, Jesse Perkins.
1787 - William Whitehead taxed for
500 acres of land.
1787 - Robert White taxed for 333
acres of land.
1788 - William Whitehead taxed for
400 acres of land.
1788 -
Page 108 in this book. Deed Book F
Roger Dixon to William Whitehead of CC, for 70 lbs 10, 25 A Moon's & Hogan's Creeks
adj the Moravian corner on a lick of Jno Br of Hogan's Cr, Whitehead's old line being part
of tract Col Henry Dixon decd took up. 27 Nov 1788. Wit: W. Hogan, W. Morgan, Thomas Walters.
1788 -
Page 109 in this book. Deed Book F 113-4
William Whitehead to Thomas Waters, for 50 lbs, 100 A n side n fork Moon's Cr adj Robert King
on Dixe's Rd. 20 Dec 1788. Wit: Noah Cobb, Robert King.
1789 - 1 DEC - Wm WHITEHEAD of Caswell Co.
sold to Peter SMITH JR of CC 332ac on Hogan's Cr adj Sam BRACKIN,
and MOORE. W. MORGAN, Jesse MORGAN, John COLEMAN, wits.
Note: The Morgan's are on other deeds with William Whitehead and Robert
White (see below),
1789 -
Page 136 in this book. Deed Book H 29
William Whitehead of CC to Peter Smith Jun. of same, for 150 lbs. 332 1/2 A on Hogan's Cr adj
Samuel Bracken, Grayham, Moore. 1 Dec 1789. Wit: W. Morgan, Jesse Morgan, Jno Coleman.
1788 - Son-in-law, Robert
White and wife Milly Whitehead White,
are received by letter, at the
Padgett's Creek Baptist Church Oct 25, 1788, 96th District
(Union District) SC.
1789 -
Son-in-law, Robert White makes 1st
known purchase of land in Union Co SC, land was on
the north side of
the Tygar River in the Cross Keys Union Co SC area,
1790 - Tax Record Caswell Co NC for
James Alverson. Wm Whitehead's Will 1805 - "Daughter Jane Alverson".
This Alverson
family also moved to Laurens Co SC - See below entries 1793 below.
1790 - Census Wm Whitehead:
Laurens Co SC
Males under
6: 2
(this has to be a mistake or other minor children
are living in the household? or we have ages wrong)
Males 16 &
over: 3
(1 is William Sr,& possibly, Stephen and
William Jr youngest 2 boys over 16 & over)
Females: 1 (wife Francis, if this is
correct, daughters are either married or deceased)
Notes: we aged the children according to Wm's about married date 1760, &
order listed on Will of William.
This census doesn't match the ages we estimated. The 2 under 6 are a
Possibly these are children from one of Wm's children who died.
Could be a census takers mistake which were very common.
In addition to Francis there should be at least Sarah, census may have
counted her as Male?
We estimated Sarah's her age about 1777 that would make her about about
13 years old in 1790?
There were no other Whitehead families in Laurens co at this time.
- Laurens Co SC Deeds:
(old 96th district until 1785)
289-290 - 8 Apr 1790 - William Boyce (Laurens Co)
to William
Whitehead (same) for L60 Sterling
sold a track of land
waters of Cain Creek. waters of Saluda, containing 100 acres more or
less bounding bee branch S on George Carter
W on
Dugden [Dudgen in one ref] E on Thomas Boyce , N on James White. Witness
John Finley, Robert (x) Shaw Signed
Boyce. Witness oath by Robert (x) Shaw in Nov 1790 to John Hunter J.P. Rec 12 Nov 1790.
[ Click here
to View more of this Deed below]
Records of old 96th District (up to 1785), were kept in old Abbeville
District, those records were
destroyed in two Courthouse Fires, one on Nov. 1874 & another in Jan.
1875. however, the Probate
and Equity records survived, worthy to note when researching old 96th
District land records.
1791 - Caswell Co Record of Deeds 1786-1767, 1789-1795, Deed Book G,
Page 276, microfilm C.020.40004 NC Archives
William Whitehead of Lawrence Co., SC, to Thomas Walters of CC, for 75 lbs, 150 A n fork Moon's Cr
adj Whitehead, King, Walkers. 18 Aug 1791.
Wit: William Morgan, Robert

1791 - Laurens County SC Deeds: (old 96th district until 1785)
Page 119-120 13 Mar
1791. William Whitehead (Laurens Co) to John Mosely (same) for L68
sold a track of
land containing 100 acres more or less n waters of Cain Creek. waters of
Saluda River. Bound
Daniel Methanic, Thomas Boyce, James White. Bee branch, S on
George Carter, W on
Dudgin. Witness William Arnold, William Arnold Jun. Thomas Boyce
Signed William Whitehead, Fanney (x) Whitehead.
Assignment of deed by Fanny
13 Apr 1791, before George
Anderson J.P. Witness oath by Thomas Boyce 13 Apr 1791,
to George Anderson
Rec 16 Mar 1792.
The 1791 deed is the only land record
I have found with Francis "Fanny" Whitehead listed,
I still have NOT found any documents stating her maiden name Pope, only
researchers opinions.
If we can prove that West Pope is Fanny's father this would confirm her
maiden name.
SEE 1764^
Records of old 96th District (up to 1785), were kept in old Abbeville
District, those records were
destroyed in two Courthouse Fires, one on Nov. 1872 & another in Jan.
1873. however, the Probate
and Equity records survived, worthy to note when researching old 96th
District land records.
Deed Book D, p. 117-120, Laurens Co SC, Conveyed 30 March 1791,
Released dower 13 Apr 1791.
William Whitehead to John Moseley, only deed with Wm's 1st wife Fanny.

1792 - Wm Whitehead listed as
purchaser on Estate of Thomas Boyce Jun 26, 1792.
Thomas lands
bordered Wm Whitehead's on Cain Creek.
[Laurens County
SC Wills - 1784-1840, by Colleen Elliott, page 007.]
1793 - Caswell Co NC April Court 1793:
(Thomas Whitehead son of Wm Whitehead)
"Letter of
Attorney: Thomas Whitehead of Union Co SC to Samuel Henderson to
receive and
sue for all debts due in NC 15 Oct 1792. Wit. Thos. Rice J.P., Jno.
Grant J.P."
1793 -
Page 149 in this book. Deed book H
Jesse Sanford (Samford) of Edgefield Co., SC, to George Summers of CC,
for 50 lbs, 400 A on Stoney Cr of Haw R adj John Pepper, James Sanford,
Orange county line, originally graneted Jesse Samford 29 Oct 1782 #298 in
CC Book D page 92. 12 Nov 1793. Wit:
James Alverson, Wm.
Jeremiah Coley.
1793 - Page 149 in this book. Deed book H
William Whitehead of Lawrence Co., SC, to George Somers of CC, for 100 lbs,
150 A on Moon's Cr adj Thomas Waters, Somers.
_____1793. Wit: James Alverson, Elijah Alverson.
1797 -
Page 177 in this book. Deed Book K
Robert King of CC to William King of same, for 80 lbs, 153 A on Moon's & Hogan's Creeks
both sides Dixe's Road adj the old Moravaian line near John's Br of Hogan's Cr, Dickson,
it being tract Robert King purchased of
William Whitehead and conveyed now to William
King his son. 12
Jan 1797. Wit: Jesse Perkins, Saml King.
1800 Census Laurens Co SC:
William Whitehead (this is better that the 1790 Census)
1 male under 10, John from 2nd
marriage of Wm to Margaret.
1 male 16 to 25,
William Jr
1 male 26 to 44,
1 male 45 & over, William Whitehead
1 female under 10,
Nancy from 2nd marriage of Wm to Margaret.
2 female 26 to 44,
Jane Alverson and Sarah Strain.
1 f 45 & over Margaret Nichols Whitehead - 2nd wife
of Wm. Sr.)
Total = 8
Children not home: Milly White with Robert White Sr, Lusa (Louisa)
Adkins, may have
married into a Adkins family in Caswell (possibly William Adkins
family?, Wm Whitehead Sr
bought his first lands on Moon's creek Caswell Co NC, William Adkins was
one a witness on deed?,
Benjamin Whitehead was about 31yrs old when Wm left Caswell, he may have
remained in CC?
Thomas remained in Caswell a time, Court records 1790-92 CC indicated he
moved to Spartanburg,
and there is Union Co SC minutes also indicating he was in the area?
Daniel was on the 1800 census in Laurens, and 1810 just north in
Abbeville Co SC.
1830 census there was a Stephen Whitehead in Union Co SC.?
1800 - Census Laurens Co SC: James
Strain Jr may have married Wm's daughter Sarah,
he lived 6
household from Wm Whitehead, James & Sarah are close in age.
William Whitehead's
Will shows Sara (Sarah) last name as STRAIN. Also on Cane Creek area.
1 Male under 10,
1 Male 16 thru 25,
1 Female 16 thru 25
Total: 3
1786 2nd July -
James Strain Sr bought land on Cane Creek, 89 acres from Jonathan
It is likely that James Jr was living on this land in 1800, inherited
from his fathers estate...
1800 - Census Laurens Co SC: Daniel
Whitehead (see 1810)
1 Male under 10,
1 Male 10 thru 15,
1 Male 26 thru 44,
2 Females under 10,
1 Female 10 thru
1 Female 26 thru
Total - 7
1801 - Daniel Whitehead of Laurens
Co SC, make a purchase on the Estate of James Roberts Feb 01, 1801.
[Laurens County SC Wills - 1784-1840, by Colleen Elliott, page 29.]
1805 - William Whitehead has
passed away, leaving a Will, naming all of his children, daughters by
Husbands surnames.
(Charter Nichols is
the Estate Admin, is he related to Margaret, Wm's 2nd wife?). In 1814
son-in-law Robert White
sells land on Cane
Creek, in Laurens Co, I can find no record of Robert Purchasing this
land, which leaves me
wondering if this
was his Wife's inheritance, Milly, died 1807, Wm White, s/o of Robt &
Lewis Rhodes, Robt's
son-in-law, were
witnesses on this deed. Robert sells the land to Charter Nichols, the
estate administrator.
- William Whitehead's original Estate Papers for 1805 - 1807 -
1825, 1825 papers has the original Will attached.
1807 - William Whitehead Estate entry:
[Page 62 Laurens Co Wills 1784-1840]
Feb, 13th: Will of
William Whitehead, dec'd proven by (not clear) Charter Nickles as exr.
1807 - William Whitehead Estate entry:
[Page 63 Laurens Co Wills 1784-1840]
Feb, 27th:
Inventory of estate of WM. Whitehead, dec'd Notes on B. Y. Raney, David
Stephene. Robt. Shaw,
James Strain;
appr'd by Wm. Green, James Nickels, Paul Findley. 2-3 Mar 1807. Estate
sale .
Exr: Charter
Nickels, Succeeding Margaret Barnes (?).
1810 Census Abbeville Co SC: Daniel
Whitehead (see 1800)
1 Male 10 thru 15,
1 Male 16 thru 25,
1 Male 26 thru 44,
2 Females Under 10,
1 Female 10 thru 15,
1 Female 26 thru 44.
Total = 7
1810 -
Page 305 in this book. Deed book Q
Jesse Perkins of CC to Isaac King of same, for $150, 100 A n side n fork Moon's Cr
adj William King on Dixe's Rd.,
Whitehead old line, Robert King, Wyatt Stubblefield, being
part of tract owned by
William Whitehead. 10 Sept 1810. Wit: Jesse P{erkins Sen., W. King.
1813 - Jan
12th: Daniel Whitehead of Abbeville Co SC on Estate records of
"Est. adminr.
Jan 12, 1813 by Margaret McElvaney, Alexr, Hunter, Benj., Houston bound
to Taliaferro Livingston sum
Inv. made Jun. 30, 1813 by Jas Parker, Robt. Smith, W. Carithers. Sale
Feb. 5, 1813. Byres: Daniel Whitehead,
Smith, Banister Allen, Jno. A. Allen, Chas. Miller, Alexr. Hunter,
Nathan Strickland, Jno. Cameron, Jno. Hemmings
Summers, Jno. Grant, Francis Drinkard, Jas. Crawford, Saml. Linton Esqr.,
Robt., Margaret Wid. Elizabeth McElvaney, etc.
1813 -
[Remember that Wm Whitehead's Will stated Sarah married a 'STRAIN, did
he make an error?']
Source: Laurens Co SC Wills 1784-1840
Jan 14: Will
of James Strain, dec'd proven by Jas. Johnson, Jas. Nickles, and
David Strain. 9 Oct. 1812. Will of
James Strain.
Wife Jane; son David, daughters and son-in-law Ferguson. Exr:
wife Jane and son David.
Wit: Jas.
Nickles, Jonathan Johnston and R. Campbell.

1814 - Daniel Whitehead of Abbeville District (son of Wm), on 1814
Presentment Complaining that Constables
are note required
to post Security.

Robert White to Charter Nichols - Feb 12, 1814
Deed Book K, Page 99, State of
South Carolina
Laurens District
195 Acres on waters of Cain Creek. Robert's son William & son-in-law
Lewis Rhodes were witnesses.
[Click here to see more of this deed]
Note: This may be land left to Milly,
Robt's 1st wife, after her father died in 1805,
or after his 2nd wife Margaret remarried or died, stipulated in Wm's
Will, if this happened,
the estate was to be divided equally between the Children, as Milly died
1807, that
would leave Robert White the 'rightful heir of his wife', Margaret may
have remarried or died,
between 1813/1814?. Margaret is NOT on the 1810/20 Census of Laurens Co
SC, in fact
no Whitehead's in Laurens Co in 1810/20. Son Daniel was living in
Abbeville Co SC 1810,
a Stephen Whitehead was living in Union Co SC 1830. Where the
daughter's were
living is unknown, that would be, Louisa (Lusa) Adkins (Atkins), Jane
Alberson (Alverson),
Sarah Strain. The Alverson's were from Caswell Co NC were also living in
Laurens Co SC,
The Strain's appear to have already been in Laurens, prior to the
arrival of William Whitehead,
some of the female marriages may have taken place in Caswell Co NC, such
as, Louisa (Lusa)
as the Adkins family were neighbors of the Whiteheads, in Caswell Co, a
William Adkins whose
surname also appeared as Atkins, was on several of William Whitehead's
deeds. |