Records |
Minutes for Sarah |
A Sketch of Some Prominent Sisters of Cedar Spring
Church |
List of White's attending Cedar Springs Baptist |
Stone |
Sarah (Sally) White
Born: 30 Aug 1801 Union Co SC
Died: 19 Dec 1882 Spartanburg Co SC
Buried: Cedar Springs Baptist Cemetery Spartanburg Co SC
Never married: Single (Raised her
Siblings) |
Sally and her brother Samuel, helped raise
after the death of their father Wm White in 1829.
The Census tells us that Sarah, &
mother Elizabeth were living
her Samuel and his family, in 1850.
The 1860, 70, 80 Census
reveals, Sarah (Sally) was living with
her younger sister Susan
White & WF Coggins, her husband,
in Spartanburg Co SC.
Sally never married, to my knowledge,
devoted her life to raising
her siblings, and in the end, they returned that love, by caring for
and memorializing her by naming children after her... this way her
goodness and love, could never be forgotten. |

Cedar Springs Baptist Church - Sarah attended most
of her adult life |

Sarah's Marker at Cedar Springs Baptist Church Cemetery Spartanburg Co

'The Stone may age and crumble to dust
but the legacy of your caring & love has &
did reach to the tallest heights and settle
upon those so fortunate
to have been
touched by your graces'. Gaze upon those
that received and you must know and see...
No doubt of your eternal peace...
The Stone may age and crumble to dust...' |
Census Records for Sarah (Sally) White
and the story they tell:
1830 Census living near her uncle, Elias White, is Sarah White, this
the dau of Wm White, Elias's brother. Examine the Census closely,
have presented two 1830 census
records for Wm White's family, after his death, my feeling is the #2
proposed census is
the correct census, and Samuel White is head of household, with James and
Jane absent,
as they are now married.
1830 Union Co SC Census Page 192
Two Possibilites below:
1. Sarah a male and mom living alone?
2. Samuel is head of household for entire family?
1. Theory #1 - Sarah White (Page
Males: 0001000000000 One male 15-20 (possibly a brother of Sarah's)
Femls: 0001000100000 One Fem 15-20 and One Fem 50-60
(50-60 is probably mother Elizabeth)
2. Theory #2 - Samuel
White (Page 193)
SAMUEL WHITE Males: 0011100000000
Females: 0121101000000
2=Susan, Elizabeth
1=Mother Elizabeth (census mistake
should be one more slot over >)
**Note: James & Jane are married, living elsewhere...
A look into the Union Co Court minutes for 1829/30 may reveal
that Samuel was made guardian... a future project.
1830 Census Neighborhood for Sarah
1830 Union Co SC Census Page 191 Ancestry image page 85
Robert Browning 1101001000000 1001010000000 (bro-in-law
of James White)
WILLIAM WHITE 2010101000000 0120010000000 (Not known to be
John Hurd
Sam Green (r)
HIRAM GIBBS 1111001000000 0111010000000
(bro-in-law of Elias White)
Tolbert Smith
William Sparks
William Gregory
Jesse Green (r)
Thomas Greer 00001000100000 0000100000000
(Grandfather of Mary Cooper-Greer White 1st wife of Robt White
1830 Union Co SC Census Page 192 Ancestry image page 87
Thomas Brandon
JOHN NIX 0000010000000 2200010000000
(Father of Polly Nix White
married Ben White, Elias's son)
Jeremiah WIX? 0000100000000 0000100000000
Thomas White 0100010000000 2100100000000
(Unknown relation)
Elijah WIX
2000010000000 0000100000000
Benjamin Bolton
Jesse Holcomb jr
Jesse Holcomb sr
Mitchell Sparks
John Wright
Calib Greer
(Relative of Mary Polly White, Wife of Robt Jr)
1010010001000 0000100000000 (Relative of Ben White)
Gideon Jackson
1001010000000 1000000000000 (Milly died before census)
(Married Aunt Susan White Murphy's daughter Mildred)
WILLIAM BOATMAN 1000010000000 3200100000000 (Wm White's children's
Amy Hart
John McBeth
0001000000000 0000100010000 (Not sure about his one)
(Could Sarah etc moved in with Samuel before the census
taker got his house? Sarah/Mom etc got double counted?
Ages here also within Samuels census, though off a bit)
Jacob Greer
(Relative of Mary Polly White, Wife of Robt Jr)
Rosey Spawn?
Nevel? Holcombe
James Lawson
0000000010000 0000310000000
ROBERT BOATMAN 0000100000000 1001100000000 (Wm White's
childrens uncle)
Isaac T Gregory
George Burton
1830 Union Co SC Census Page 193 Ancestry image page 89
Robert Gillam
0000010000000 0030001000000
(Married Aunt Susan White Murphy's daughter Mary)
Buys Holcomb
JOHN BOATMAN 0000200010000 1100100100000
(Uncle of Wm White kids)
Elijah Greer
(Relative via the Murphy line)
ROBERT BOATMAN 0100200100000 0010101000000
(Grandfather Wm White kids)
William Hayes
James Browning
0000100000000 1110101000000 (bro-in-law of James White)
0000300000000 1001101000000 (bro-in-law of James White)
3010010000000 1310100000000 (Uncle Elias White)
Elizabeth Murrell
0001100000000 0013300100000 (Samuel White's mother
in law)
Sherwood Dukes
James Proctor
Robert Lee
William Bailey
William Landrum
0000001000000 0000000000000
SAMUEL WHITE 0011100000000 0121101000000
(This accounts for all of Wm & Elizabeth's Children at home)
Sion Lawson
Wiley Lawson
JOHN GIBBS Jr 0001100000000 0000001000000
(relative of Sarah's)
Carpenter Simmons
Thomas Woodson
Robert Stokes
Jesse Jackson
David Holcombe
Thomas Wilson
Thomas Crowder
I didn't connect all of the above families, the
Lawson's, Jackson's and Holcombs
connect here and there to the White family also...
Folks usually married their
neighbors during this time period...
1840 Spartanburg Census
Samuel White
(Brother to Sarah White)
(siblings are all old enough to be on their own)
1840 Spartanburg Co SC Census page 105a
males: 1100010000000
femal: 1000010000000
Ben White
(Uncle Ben to Sarah, brother in law to Elizabeth)
(Benjamin Franklin White moved to Hamilton Harris Co GA 1842)
1840 Spartanburg Co SC Census, page 115a
males: 1220020000000
feml: 2100010000000
ELIZABETH WHITE with 2 dau's age is about right.
(Believe this is Elizabeth Boatman and dau. Sarah
White, Unkn. male)
1840 Spartanburg Co SC Census Page 115a
males: 0000000000000
femal: 0001010100000
The 1840 census is very strange, all of our Robert White's were
missed, and cannot be found in this census. But reappear 1850.
All of Wm White's children would be old enough to be on their
own. Elizabeth & dau. Sarah are living with Samuel in 1850.
1850 Spartanburg Census for Sarah
1850 Spartanburg SC Census Page 202
ED 7 Oct 1850 District of Spartanburg
1656 - 1656
Samuel White 42 M Farmer 800 SC
Nancy 26
Elizabeth 70 F (mother Elizabeth Boatman White wife of Wm White)
Frances 15 M
M A White 13 F
Madison 10 M
Monroe 09 M
47 F (sister & dau of Wm & Elizabeth Boatman White)
NOTE: This census indicates Samuel may have
had a previous married.
Living a few doors away is Uncle Robert White.
1850 Spartanburg SC Census Page 202
ED 7 Oct 1850 District of Spartanburg
1643 - 1643
Robert White 66 M Farmer 1200 SC (Sarah & Samuel's uncle)
Susan 50
(sister of James Cooper, below)
Charles H 21 M Farmer
(Died in civil war)
Robert 17 M Farmer
15 M
1645 - 1645
James Cooper 62 M Farmer 3000 SC (Bro in law & life long friend of
Robt White Jr)
53 F
30 F
22 F
Martha 21 F
17 F
18 F
13 F
Frances 11 F
Willey Falkes? 20 M
1860 Spartanburg Census
1860 Spartanburg Co SC census Page 325b
ED 10 Aug 1860 Southern Div., P.O. Cedar Springs
321 -321
W F Coggins 41 M Farmer SC
Susan 38
(sister of Sally White, dau of WmWhite)
Wm W 10 M
Sallie F 06 F
Sally WHITE 59 F
(sister of Susan White Coggins)
Cannot find Samuel White in the 1860 census, Samuel
may have died or moved away.
1870 Spartanburg Census
1870 Spartanburg Co SC Census Page 521a Pacolet Township
P.O. Glenn Springs, ED 9 July 1870 by W H Walker
Household: 157 - 157
Coggins, Freman 50 M W Farmer 350 475 SC (Wm Freeman
48 F W kep hse all born SC
16 F W
White, Sallie 69 F W
(sister of Susan White Coggins)
Living next door:
Household: 158 - 158
Coggins, William 20 M W Farmer 000 300 SC (Son
of Wm & Susan)
20 F W kephse
I have yet to find this family, in the 1880 census
am still searching. Two cemeteries are a posibility,
Cedar Springs or New Prospect, both in Spartanburg? |
1880 Spartanburg Census
1880 Spartanburg Co SC Census Page 289b Pacolet Twp,
ED Dist # 145 - Sheet 34 - ED - 23 June 1880 by E Henry Bates
Household: 294 - 500
Coggins, Freeman W M 61 head
Farmer SC
W F 58 wife
kephse SC
Lemaster? Eliza W F 60 sister boarding
SC (sister of Freeman)
White, Sarah W F 79 sister in law boarding
SC (sister of Susan)
NOTE: Elizabeth obviously remarried a 'Lemaster?'
her age
be 61, is slightly blotted.
From the Minutes of the Lower
Fairforest Baptist Church Union Co SC
Sarah was a member of the Lower
Fairforest Baptist Church in Union Co SC.
...May 22 1830, met in church conference and received Samuel &
Sarah White
by experience.
...Oct 25 1830, met in conf... Granted letters to Sister Elizabeth
& Sarah White.
...Jan 22, 1831, met in church conference and dismissed Mr. Samuel
Sarah was a member of the Cedar Springs
Baptist Church in Spartanburg Co SC.
From the Minutes of the Cedar
Springs Baptist Church Spartanburg Co SC
Jan 22, 1831 (Page 40)...Received Elizabeth White by Letter... (Wm's wife? or Dau?)
Jan 22, 1831 (Page 40)...Received Sarah White by Letter...
(Wm White's dau)
Mar 26, 1831 (Page 43)...Received Samuel White by Letter...(son Wm White) dismis: Oct 25, 1851.
April 21, 1832 (Page 48) ..Received Johnson Coggin & Jane Coggin by letter... (dau Wm White)
Sept 21, 1832 (Page 52) ...Received Lucy White by Experience...
(dau Wm White)
July 23, 1833 (Page xx) ...Received Nancy White by Letter. dismis: (wife Sam White) Oct 25, 1851.
July 22, 1833 (Page xx) ...Received Rachel White (now Barnett) [dau Wm White] dismis:Jan 23, 1836
Jan 25, 1834 (Page xx) ....Received Javan Barnett. (Hub of Rachel)
dismis: Jan 23, 1836
Jan 21, 1837 (Page xx) ...Received Javan Barnett by Letter.
Jan 21, 1837 (Page xx) ...Received Rachel Barnett by Letter.