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William | Susan | Robert | Stephen | Mary | Tillman | Elizabeth | Mildred | Elias | Benjamin |
Son of Robert White Sr.
Updated Feb 28, 20207
The Children of William &
"Click a Name to View their Web Pages"
Sarah b.1801 d.1882 |
James b.1803 d.Unkn |
Jane b.1805 d.1884 |
Samuel b.1807 d.1895 |
Lucy b1810 d.1859 |
Elizabeth b.1812 d.1890 |
William b.1815 d.Unkn |
Rachel b.1816 d.1894 |
Susan b.1822 d.1902 |
Index of Family Records | ||||||||
Family of:
William White (Son of Robert Sr & Mildred [Whitehead] White) Born: 11 Nov 1776, NC Died: 6 Dec 1829, Union Co SC Buried: Old Lower Fairforest Cemetery Union Co SC Old Lower Fairforest Cemetery |
Married: abt. 1800 Union Co SC Elizabeth Boatman (Daughter of Waterman & Diana [Cooper] Boatman) Born: 1778 Union County SC Died: 5 Jul 1851 Spartanburg Co SC Buried: Unknown Children of William & Elizabeth |
Sarah b.1801 d.1882 |
James b.1803 d.Unkn |
Jane b.1805 d.1884 |
Samuel b.1807 d.1895 |
Lucy b1810 d.1859 |
Elizabeth b.1812 d.1890 |
William b.1815 d.Unkn |
Rachel b.1816 d.1894 |
Susan b.1822 d.1902 |
William White Visiable inscription: 1829 - below 1829 is W. W. (Grave Stone discovered by: Sherry Larson) Location: Old original Lower Fairforest Cemetery ![]() |
The Estate of William White (1776-1829)
The Estate
Records contain the Names and Signatures of Wife Elizabeth, son Samuel, brothers Robert Jr. & Elias White |
Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4 | Page 5 | ||
Page 6 | Page 7 | Page 8 |
South Carolina Archives
Boatman White
Obituary Published: Carolina Spartan |
![]() Obituary Provided by James Reid |
NOTES: At this time we do not know where Elizabeth & Wm are buried. |
Misc. Notes on Elizabeth: 1830 - Lived in Union
Co. 1830 - approximate year they moved to Spartanburg. Elizabeth was a member of the Lower
Fairforest ...May 12, 1812, In
church conf... met and received Elizabeth was a member of the Cedar Springs Baptist Church in Spartanburg Co SC. Cedar Springs Baptist Church Minutes: ...Jan 22, 1831, Rec.
Elizabeth White by Letter. Elizabeth Sr. is listed as a member, as are her children, Sarah, Samuel, Jane, Susan, Rachel. |
Jason Wiley Letter (1870's)
(from the bottom section of this letter) Summary:
Another Summary: |
Go to the "Church Navigation Page" for more Minutes & Picts |
Padgett's Creek Baptist Church Minutes Though it's Padgett's Minutes much of
this activity Oct 25, 1788 Received Robert White and Milley White by Letter. |
Mike White's Comments: William and Elizabeth (Boatman) White married about 1800. Wm is received at the church in Sep 1800 and Elizabeth in Nov. I have to comment on the other Wm White's that lived in Union Co., I have gone through the early roll calls of the Padgett's Crk and Lower Fairforest Churches. Am maintaining that the Wm White mentioned in the early minutes of both churches was Robert White's son William. I should have seen more than one Wm White listed in a particular Roll Call and I did not! The Census shows three Wm White's in the area, but it is my conclusion from 1800 to 1829, at Padgett's & Lower Fairforest there was only ONE William White and he was Robert's son. And as the rest of Robert sons were very active in the activities of the Church, so was William, even more so... He was ordained a deacon at the Padgett's Creek in 1803 and continued that role at the Lower Fairforest. Don't forget that those at the Fairforest in 1809/10, were all formerly members of the Padgett's Creek. When the Lower Fairforest was Constituted in 1810, all those who were considered attending the Padgett's were now members of the Lower Fairforest Baptist, formerly called the Meeting House, an Arm of the Padgett's. On many Early deeds in Union Co, there is a Court of Ordinary Clerk named William White, I am not sure who this William belongs to at this time. . |
Minutes of Lower Fair Forest
Baptist Church
(minutes involving William White Sr)
Feb 24, 1810
- In Church conference the brethren were unanimous in becoming constituted
and appointed brother Joshua Greer, William White
to lay it before the Padgett Creek Church.
July 21, 1810 - In church conference we met and received Thomas Whitlock, Sarah Boatman. Received a petition (verbal) from Fairforest Church whishing to help to assist them in some difficulty and appointed Brother Philip Holcomb, Joseph Little, William White to attend them, Also appointed Brother J. W. Cooper as Treasurer for the church-- Agreed to minister of our substance in a quarter for the use of the church. Jan 26, 1811 - Laid over the matter of Br. Little & appointed Brethren Philip Holcomb, William White, Robt. Bullington. Ben Nix to endeavor to settle the matter & to make report to next meeting. Aug 21, 1813 - In church conference met and received Clary (of Thomas Greer) by experience-- Also delegated Brethren Philip Holcomb, William White to represent this body to the Bethel Association. Aug 7, 1814 - In Church Conference met and delegated Brethren Caleb Greer, William White to represent us to the Association. Aug 16, 1815 - In Church conference met and delegated Brethren Philip Holcomb and William White and in case of failure Br. Caleb Greer to represent this body to the Association. Aug 24, 1816 - Met in church conference and received Polly White by Experience-- Also delegated Brethren Philip Holcomb and William White to represent us before the Association. Aug 22, 1818 - In church conference met and received Isaac P. Murphy by experience-- Also received Thomas Cooper by experience and delegated Brethren Philip Holcomb, William White to attend the Bethel Association the next day received George Bruton by experience. May 22, 1819 - In church conference appointed Brethren Philip Holcomb, William White, Thomas Cooper, George Bruton, Jesse Holcomb to look into the difficulty or piece of conduct alleged to Negroe Ben belonging to William Davitt, Esq. and make report to next meeting-- Also took Brother Hezekiah McDougal under the care of the church. Aug 21, 1819 - In church conference met and delegated Brother Caleb Greer, William White to represent this body to the Bethel Association. Apr 1820 - In church conference met and appointed William White to cite Br. negroe Tom to attend next meeting to render his reason for non attendance at church meetings. Aug 24, 1822 - In church conference met and delegated Brethren Thomas Cooper, William White to attend the association. Sat 23 May 1829 - In church conference met and dismissed Robert White Sr. and wife Elizabeth by letter-- by the absence of Br. Thomas Willard from meeting agreed that William Gregory request him to attend the next meeting-- Also appointed William White to attend us at our next meeting to answer to some reports circulating against him. NOTE: William White died 6 Dec 1829. |
Elizabeth & Children
attended this church after Wm's death
Cedar Springs Baptist Church Spartanburg Co SC
Click here to view a list of White's, Coggins, Barnett's, Lee's, McDowell's |
Cedar Springs Baptist Church Minutes Included are Wm & Elizabeth's children, their arrivals/departures/deaths, while in attendance of this Historical Church. Jan 22, 1831 (Page 40)...Received Elizabeth White by Letter.
died: Jul 05, 1851 Comments on the Minutes above: Received Dates at Cedar Springs Baptist - You might notice the families arrival is within a few short years, and that depending on whether the children were of age to be recieved, normally, that was in the early 20's, though I have seen younger, in a case where a lady married an older man. The arrival time coincides with their departure dates from the Lower Fairforest Baptist Church in Union Co SC, if you consider settling time. ABOUT WILLIAM & ELIZABETH'S CHILDREN: ELIZABETH WHITE - There were 3 Elizabeth White's at Cedar Springs, Elizabeth White, wife of Robt Sr., Elizabeth Boatman White, wife of Wm White, and daughter to the Elizabeth I believe to be their daughter. If this Rachel is indeed a daughter of Wm & Eliza, then I will say with confidence, that this Elizabeth, who was dismissed with Javan and Rachel in 1855, was the sister of Rachel. SAMUEL WHITE - Mother, Elizabeth & dau. Sarah lived with Sam in 1850 census, mother died in 1851, and Samuel is dismissed shortly after, it is true that, when the Parents died, many times the children usually scattered, most times for economical reasons, and just pure adventure. Sam left Spartanburg after his mothers death, with Nancy his wife, they moved to Hart Co GA, where they lived the rest of there lives. Sarah is then found living with her younger sister Susan & husband W F Coggins, until her death, in 1882, she is in the 1860, 70 & 80 census, living with WF & Susan Coggins. SARAH - she never married, I contribute this to having had to raise you Siblings after the death of her father, many times this same case can be found in other families of the times. As mentioned above, Sarah lived with her mother, then Samuel, and then Susan, her sister, until her death in 1882. JAVAN & RACHEL WHITE BARNETT - I have a theory on why Javan & Rachel seem to arrive and depart this church frequently, Javan, at least when he lived in Columbia, was a Conductor for a Railroad (name still unknown), and was on the Road to and from different area's of South Carolina, secondly, his oldest daughter, Louisa was buried at Cedar Springs Cemetery, I believe this explains his later visits to the Cedar Springs Baptist, not to mention family and friends, he was ordained a deacon at this church. They are found in the 1860 census still living in Spartanburg, but were dismissed, 1855, for the last time, I suspect they attended another church in the area, where other Barnett's had gone to... They are again found in 1870, now living in Columbia Richland Co SC. JOHNSON & JANE WHITE COGGIN - Both remained members, of Cedar Springs Baptist, until their deaths, they lost three sons in the civil war. It saddens me that neither of their deaths are mentioned in the minutes, Johnson was an active member of the church. They were married in Union Co SC, were both members of the Lower Fairforest Baptist Church, before Cedar Springs. There children and descendants remained members well into the 1900's. JOHN S & LUCY WHITE BARNETT - More investigation into this couple is needed, there were several John's and it is unclear which belongs to Lucy. There were good John's and not so good John's in attendance, that is why it will take a closer look. |
Boatman Family
Migration Path: VA - NC - SC
Parents Siblings of Elizabeth Boatman
Will - Waterman | Family History | Family Deed | Family Book | ||||||
Deed Index Grantor | Deed Index Grantee | Family Pedigree | NC Regulator | ||||||
Family of:
Waterman Boatman Married: |
Jesse b.1765 UC SC d. 1833 UC SC married: Sarah Duke |
Joanna b. 1775 UC SC d. Unknown |
Robert b. 1770 UC SC d. 1860 MS married: Delilah |
Elizabeth b. 1778 UC SC d. 1851 Sptg SC married: William White |
John b. 1783 UC SC d. 1816 UC SC married: Sarah Knight |
Waterman Born: (Family
Union Co SC: "Union Co Heritage
Book": The emigrant, Henry Boatman believed to be the son of Henry Boatman, an inn keeper of Norwich, England, was living in 1675 in Lancaster Co VA, where he was a tailor. He married Elizabeth and his will, dated Oct 25, 1721 and filed April 11, 1722, lists children: Richard, Henry, John, and Robert Boatman and Ann Boatman Pasquot. Robert Boatman was born to Henry Boatman, Roberts will was filed in 1749 in Lancaster Co VA. It list Waterman as one of the children. |
ALLEGIANCE The Oath I will bare faithful and true allegiance to the State of North Carolina and will truly endeavor to support maintain and defend the Independent Goverm't thereof against George the third King of Great Britain and his successors and the attempts of any other persons, prince, power, State, or potentate who by secret are treason conspire copies or by open force shall attempt to subject the same and I will in every respect conduct myself as a peaceful orderly subject and that I will disclose and make known to the Governor (or) some member of the Council of State or some Justice of the Superior Courts or of the peace all treason conspiracies and attempts committed or intended against the State which shall come to my knowledge so help you God. The Oath had to be administered by justices of their districts to qualify the men to vote for members in the election. Miscellaneous County Records 1774-1804. The men had to sign the oath to
vote in the election. Waterman Boatman Provided by: |
Bute County North Carolina Provided by: |
Dobbs County, NC - Court Records Provided by: |
Compiled list of known
Regulators and Supporters On the list: |
Battle of Alamance
1771 Grievances affecting the daily lives of the colonists included excessive taxes, dishonest sheriffs, and illegal fees. Scarcity of money contributed to the state of unrest. Those living in the western part of the province were isolated and unsympathetic with the easterners and it was in those frontier counties that the War of the Regulation began. Minor clashes occurred until the spring of 1768, when an association of "Regulators" was formed. Wealthier colonists considered them to be a mob. The Regulators never had an outstanding leader, though several men were prominent in the movement; including James Hunter, Rednap Howell, William Butler, and Herman Husband. Husband, a Quaker and follower of Benjamin Franklin, circulated political pamphlets advocating peaceful reform. It fell to royal governor William Tryon to bring the backcountry revolt to a speedy conclusion. In March 1771, the governor's council advised Tryon to call out the militia and march against the rebel farmers.
Volunteers for the militia were mustered. When the
expedition finally got under way, Gen.
Hugh Waddell was ordered
to approach
Hillsborough by way of
Salisbury, with Cape Fear
and western militia at his command. Tryon and his army proceeded more directly
toward Hillsborough. Waddell, with only 284 men, was challenged on his way by a
large groups of Regulators. Since he was outnumbered, the general decided to
turn back. On May 11, Governor Tryon and his forces left Hillsborough intending
to rescue Waddell. After resting on the banks of Alamance Creek in the heart of
Regulator country, Tryon gathered his army of approximately a thousand men. Five
miles away, 2,000 Regulators had assembled.
Web site source: |
Last Will and Testament of Union County, South Carolina: First of all, I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Diana during her widowhood the whole benefit of my plantation whereon I now live, with all my personal property, provided nevertheless my son Robert shall have the free use and benefit of that part of the Plantation which he now enjoys for his proper use and behoof during my wife's widowhood. And also it is my desire and meaning that my son John shall have And the privilege of living on and cultivating part of said Plantation during my wife's widowhood. And also it is my will and desire that my daughter Joanna shall have the privilege of enjoying that part of the Plantation whereon she now lives provided nevertheless if my said daughter shall remove off said land, all rights, title, or interest to her, her heirs, or assigns, shall cease from the day of her removal. At the death or marriage of my wife, I give and bequeath unto my two sons, Robert and John, the whole of the tract of land whereon I now live; (he had already sold part of his land to his son Jesse before 1800) to be equally divided between then the said Robert and John. It is my will and desire that at the death of my wife all Residue of my estate, Real or Personal, except such as before mentioned, shall be equally divided amongst my children; Jesse Robert John and Elizabeth. And I hereby nominate and appoint my beloved wife Diana and my son Jesse as Executors of this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all former Will and Wills by me heretofore made. In witness whereof I I hereunto set my hand and Seal this Twenty-Sixth Day of August, Anno Domini, 1800. Waterman X Boatman Signed sealed published and declared by the above named |
Below - A
Typed Copy of Above Will - Waterman Boatman
Deed - 1796 - Union County South
Boatman State of South Carolina Know all
men by these presents that Personally appeard before me Noel
Holcomb & made oath that
he Recorded the Eighth day of
Benjamin Cooper's Will Benjamin Cooper Will Bute County Wills are in the first 3 Will Books of Warren Co., i.e. Books A, 1 and 2.
Sumitted Will:
Deceased Bk Page
Date submitted "A Will In the Name of god Amon, I Benjamin Cooper of the County of Bute and Province of North Carolina being weak in body by affliction though sound Will Perfect Memory do Constitute this my last will and Testament my soul I give to almighty god for Christ sake and my body to be buried in the Dust of the Earth, and my temporal affairs and or followeth Viz! Item I give desire and bequeath unto beloved son Marlin Cooper my land and plantation to him and his heirs forever. Also my will and desire is that my lawfull Debts be paid and that the bond of William Holcombe and that of Waterman Boatman be applied to the same, and after my lawful debts is paid. I leave the and of all the reset of my Estate of household goods and Furniture with my stock of Cattle and Hogs to my beloved wife Ann Cooper during life or widowhood and also my Mareler? ????? and Support and Maintain my five Children and after her decease or widowhood my will and desire is that all my Parisable Estate be equally devided amony my four children or as many of them that are living which is ?????? and desire ??? by and Wilas and that my wife have the ???? and ????? of my Land and plantation to raise my children upon living? her life or widowhood. My will and desire is that my loving brother Ce???? Cooper with my wife Ann Cooper be my Executor of this my last will and testament Witness whereof thereunto ….
Provided by:
NOTE From Mike: |
To Purchase the Boatman
Family Book ($40.00)
make Check to: Boatman Family
Send Check to: (as of 21 Aug 2000)
Stephanie Gooden
2241 NW 18th
Oklahoma City, OK 73107
Grantee Index to Register Mesne Converyance, Union Co SC |
Grantees | First Name | Grantors | Book | Page | Year |
Jesse | Waterman Boatman | D | 310 | 1794 |
Waterman | Jeremiah Yarborough | D | 311 | 1797 | |
John | Wm. R. Wilbourn | S | 460 | 1828 | |
Jason | Johnson Coggins | T | 479 | 1828 | |
do | do | T | 480 | 1828 | |
Robert | Wm. Lawson et al | W | 247 | 1833 | |
Jason | Joshua Wilburn | V15 | 59 | 1850 |
Elizabeth's Boatman's Pedigree Chart
"A Sketch of Some
Prominent Sisters "Widow Cooper who became Mrs. Simmons, was one of the oldest church women, the mother of three sons and one daughter. Her sons in their lives, did honor to their good mother - showing that true training had been given. The daughter, Mrs. Robert White [me - Mary Polly Cooper] is loved and respected down to the present time. Her sons and daughters reared in the faith, kept it, and adorned the church, letting their mantles fall on their children, who are now working Christians. "Aunt Susie" a second wife was like unto the first. Many still remember her as a living Christian in a happy home. ... At one time, the widow White and six daughters were on the church roll. Aunt Jennie Coggins, one of these, was grandmother of our loved and esteemed pastor [ me - 1887-1891] , Rev. C.C. Coggins and the mother of Mrs. Lee and McDowel of pleasant memory. All of the children of the former are in the fold equipped for the Master's service, while an only daughter of the latter is exerting a wide influence for good. Mrs. Sallie was a model woman - died in old maidenhood--a perfect type of patient goodness. Should we not all covet the noble tribute paid to Mrs. Rachel Barnett by her pastor Rev. Lindsey.... Another granddaughter, Miss Nancy Coggins after an exemplary life, near the time of her departure from this world drew her loved ones around..... Mrs. Nancy Barnett, another grandchild of Mrs. White, was useful, willing and ready to work. One alone of the six survives." Article Provided by: "Who's - Who" in "A Sketch of Some Prominent Sisters of Cedar Spring Church", 1895. (p.58). Mike White's Interpretation. Widow Cooper: This is Susan R [Greer] Cooper, wife of Elijah H
Cooper, decd. abt 1796. Aunt Susie This is Robt White Jr's 2nd wife, Susan [Norman]
White, daughter of Thomas and Judith Widow White (6 daughters): This refers to Wm White's wife, Elizabeth [Boatman]
White, and her six daughters. [Re-cap]: Sallie ...died in maidenhood... This was Sarah (Sallie) White, the oldest daughter and
child of Wm & Elizabeth [Boatman] Mrs. Rachel Barnett Rachel was the 2nd youngest daughter of Wm & Elizabeth
White. Married Javan Barnett Nancy Coggin: I
would have to assume this to be Miss Nancy P Coggin, b. 16 Feb 1839 Sptg,
died Nancy Barnett: (Grand daughter of
Elizabeth) Note from; Janel Howell I have info sent to me by others and what I found in D.C. at the DAR Library. {{ My Gen - Father, Paul W. Crutchfield was son of John H. Crutchfield and Sara Loudett, who was the daughter of Frederick J. Loudett (Louttit in Scotland) and Laura Eugenia BARNETT -- there my Barnett/White story begins.}}. Janel is related to Javan and Rachel [White] Barnett. =================================== Many Thanks to
Janel, for this valuable |
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