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William | Susan | Robert | Stephen | Mary | Tillman | Elizabeth | Mildred | Elias | Benjamin |
Daughter of Robert
White Sr.
Updated Apr 11, 2019
John & Milly's Migration Route: Union Co SC > Spartanburg Co SC > Lawrence Co TN > Lauderdale Co AL > Milly Unkn 1840's? >William Co IL > Saline Co IL | |
Index of Family Records | |
Family of:
Known Children: 7 |
Married: 23
Aug 1815 Union District SC John Bullington (son of Robert & Susannah [Whitehead] Bullington) (Served War of 1812 - 1st Regt SC Militia - Col Hugh Means, also in this Unit is Milly's brother, a Fifer, Benjamin Franklin White) Born: abt. 1792/94 Union Co SC Died: 8 Oct 1827 Lauderdale Co AL Buried: Lexington Cemetery Lauderdale AL (death date also recorded on Milly's War 1812 bounty grant application) (John was received at Padgett's Crk Bapt Church Aug 13, 1802, UC SC) |
Married: 23
Aug 1815 Union District SC (Married by Baptist Minister (Rev) Thomas Ray, he was a member of Padgett's Crk Baptist Church, buried in its Cemetery) Rev Thomas Ray (1780-1862) ![]() View PDF - Ray - Hist. of Union Co. |
Lexington Cemetery Lauderdale AL ![]() |
Children of John & Milly Bullington Children and their ages named in Jan 4th 1832 Estate Documents of John Bullington, by Stephen Howard, admin. |
Stephen | Robert | Mary | Newton | Benjamin S. | William S. | Susannah |
Union Co SC d.aft1880 Johnson Co IL |
Union Co SC d.unk.. |
b.abt1821 Sptg. Co SC d.unk.. m. 6 Feb 1836 Lauderdale Co AL Anderson Hill |
b.abt1823 Sptg. Co SC d.unk.. |
b.abt1824 Sptg. Co SC d.26 Jan 1862 Union Army Civil War |
TN or AL d.aft 1870 Saline IL |
b.abt 1827
Lauderdale Co AL d.unk.. |
Mildred and John were members of the
Padgett Creek Baptist Church. After John died (1827), in
Lauderdale AL. Mildred
was said (by cousin Isaac Murphy) to have moved to Ohio. Recently, found
Mildred with son Ben, Wm,
& Stephen living in Williamson, Johnson & Saline Co IL NEAR the Ohio River, in IL.
John & Milly Spartanburg SC Deeds 1820-1825 | |
Bullington Deed abstracts Union SC | John's Parents & Siblings |
**Deed Index's for all Bullington's Union & Spartanburg Co SC** | |
Estate of John Bullington of Lauderdale AL | Estate Document Huntsville Meridian Twp 1 So. Range 8 West |
Estate Related Land Map Township 1, Range 8, Lauderdale Co AL | War of 1812 Service |
John & Milly Bullington Lauderdale AL | AL & IL County Maps |
Will of Robert 1766-1852, John's father | Estate of Robert Bullington 1766-1852 and 'Will' |
Will of Mary C Williams Bullington 2nd wife of Robert Bullington | |
Bullington's buried at the Lexington Cemetery Lauderdale AL | |
Howard Family that migrated from Union Co SC to Lauderdale Co AL | |
The Heritage of Lauderdale County AL PDF - Stephen Bullington Families | |
Bullington Research Letters - By Winona Penn | |
Bullington's Church in England | Bullington's of Jamestown Virginia |
The Name / Manor Bullington | |
Mildred Bullington after Lauderdale AL | 1850 Census Hand Written Copy |
1850 Census Rcds Williamson Co IL | Census Rcds Williamson Co IL & Surrounding Counties |
Bullington - IL Land Rcds_Including Williamson Co IL | Photo of John's brother Caleb Bullington |
Bullington Marriages Johnson Co IL | |
Short Time Line History of Alabama | Williamson & Johnson County Map |
Two different Family Tree's for
Robert Bullington of Spartanburg & his distant relative Robert Bullington of Pittsylvania Co VA Two proposed Theories of the Bullington Family Lineage: provided by Richard Bullington |
1. Linage Followed by Richard Bullington:
"The line I have followed from Nicholas through John Robert is derived
from the "Clarke Document" at UVA. Richard's lineage is confirmed by the Clarke Documents at the University of Virginia: The "Clarke Document" is a huge sheet of paper taped together which has a multi-column "wrap-around" Bullington family tree. The boxes are all hand-drawn and lettered, and it uses that old format where each new generation gets multiple columns with all the children of the upper generation sharing the width of that previous generation. Nicholas Bullington (?-1636/40) and married Cynthia Clarke (maybe), Nicholas Bullington Jr (about 1632-1692) married Margery Archer, John (sometimes with "Robert") Bullington (before 1680-1726) married Temperance LNU, John (sometimes with "Robert") Bullington (1705-after 1750) married 1st Letitia Adkins 2nd Sarah "Sally" Giles, Robert Bullington (1642/46-1821) ("Robert of Pittsylvania") married Elizabeth Granger. Robert Bullington b.abt 1766 Richmond Henrico Co VA, d. 1 Jun 1852 Sptg. Co SC. Married 1st Susannah Whitehead, 2nd Mary Williams John Bullington b. abt 1794 Union Co SC, d. 8 Oct 1827, Lauderdale Co AL, Married Mildred "Milly" White 23 Aug 1815. 2. Linage Proposed by: Lilla Bullington Brackeen, a relative of David's and a well-respected family researcher says "Rubbish! It was a straight line of Robert's as far as the eye can see!" Her line is as follows: Nicholas Bullington (?-1636/40) & (supposedly but I'm very skeptical) married Cynthia Clarke, Robert Bullington (1632 Henrico-1688) married Elizabeth LNU, Robert Bullington (?-after 1728 Henrico) married Spouse Name Unknown, Robert Bullington (about 1725 Henrico-after 1810 Pittsylvania) married Spouse Name Unknown, Robert Bullington (1750 Pittsylvania-1821 Pittsylvania) married Elizabeth Granger. This is "Robert of Pittsylvania". |
Parents & Siblings of John Bullington |
Family of: Robert Bullington (Unknown Parents) Born: 1766 Richmond Henrico Co VA Died: 1 Jun 1852 Spartanburg Co SC |
Married Spouse #1 - Unknown Marriage Date Susannah Whitehead (dau of Samuel & Ursula [??] Whitehead) [Information on Susannah's Father & family] Born: abt. 1787 Pittsylvania Co VA Died: 1820 Spartanburg Co SC Buried: New Prospect Spartanburg Co SC Married Spouse # 2 - bet. 1820/1821
Spartanburg Co SC Married Spouse # 3 - ""NO PROOF""
- abt 1789 |
Known Children: 11 | ||||
Bullington b.24 Dec 1789 Old Fort McDowell Co NC d.23 Dec 1853 Spartanburg SC married: abt 1810 Elizabeth Jackson b. ca 1790 Union Co SC d. aft 1854 Spartanburg Co SC |
'Nutty' Bullington b. aft 1793 d.4 Oct 1852 Union Co SC married: ca 1809 John Jackson b. aft 1790 d. 10 Feb 1910 Union Co SC |
Bullington b. 1792/94 Union Co SC d. 8 Oct 1827 Lauderdale AL married: abt 1815 Mildred White b. 8 Oct 1795 Union Co SC d. aft 1850 Unkn |
William (H)
Bullington b.1797 Union Co SC d. aft 1880 Sptg Co SC married: ca 1818 Claremont Golightly b. 8 Mar 1799 SC d. 18 Apr 1836 Sptg Co SC |
Bullington b. 1797 Union Co SC d. bef 1853 MS married: Greer |
Bullington Sr. b.abt 1799 Union Co SC d. ca 1847Hancock Co GA married: 18 Jan 1824 Elizabeth Youngblood b. abt 1802 NC d. abt 1873 GA |
Bullington b.1805 Union Co SC d.unk married: 8 Oct 1843 Caroline Denton |
Jesse M Bullington b. abt 1806 Sptg Co SC d. abt 1870 McMinn Co TN married: Nancy Chapman |
Bullington b. 1810 d.unk married: James Brannon |
Bullington b. abt 1807/1810 Old Fort McDowell NC d. aft 1886 married: John Henry Chapman Sr b. abt 1799 d. bef 1870 Birth of Lucy, est. from GA Census: 1850,60,70,80. |
Bullington b. 1811 Union Co SC d. aft 1880 TN married: aft 1830 Nancy Oliver b. 1814 SC d. abt 1880 TN |
Information on Susannah's Father & Family | |||| Will of SAMUEL WHITEHEAD-1794 Person County, Wills & Inventories 1792-1797 Volume 1, Page 213 In the
Name of God Amen. I SAMUEL WHITEHEAD of the County of Person and State of
North Carolina being in perfect health of body mind & memory thanks be given
unto God, calling unto mind the mortality of my body & knowing that it is
appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my last will &
Testament that is to say principally & first of all I give & recommend my
soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it & my body I recommend to the
Earth to be buried in decent Christian burial at the discretion of my
Executors nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall receive
the same again by the Mighty Power of God as to touching such Worldly Estate
wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life, I give demise and
dispose of the same in the following manner & form.
Estate Papers of Samuel Whitehead - Person County NC:
Following Information from Posting on: Family Search - September 29, 2014 Samuel Whitehead appears on the 1767 Granville County, North Carolina tax list near, among others, Benjamin Stovall, James Yancey and William Whitehead. **Samuel Whitehead is listed in the Granville County, NC Early Census Index in 1769 (Source: North Carolina, Compiled Census and Census Substitutes Index, 1790-1890 **There is documents that shows that Samuel Whitehead took Oath of Allegiance in 1778 to the State of North Carolina (and NOT the Crown). There is also a William Whitehead on this document. I am not sure who he is. (Source: State Records of North Carolina, Vol 22, Miscellaneous, Walter Clark, Richard Thornton Library, Oxford, NC, and reprinted in Granville Connections Journal of the Granville County Genealogical Society 1746, Inc. Vol 6, No 2. Spring 2000) Benjamin Stovall married Samuel's daughter Nancy Anne about five years later. 1 November 1784 in Granville County, North Carolina, Samuel Whitehead obtained custody of Agnes (age 12) and Mary (age 6) Wright, orphans of Thomas Wright. **1784, two young orphan girls were bound to Samuel
Whitehead: Agnes, 12 years old and Mary 6 years old, daughters of Thomas
Wright. **1786 - I have a North Carolina State Census document that indicates that in the year 1786, Samuel Whitehead lived in Granville County. It indicates that there were one (White Male 21-60 years), three (White males under 21 and above 60), six (White Females, all ages), one (Black 12-50), one (Black under 12 & above 50). (Source: North Carolina, State Census, 1784-1787 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc., 2006). 10 April 1790 Samuel Whitehead bought land: Reuben Parrott
of Caswell County to Samuel Whitehead of Caswell County, 14lb, 10 shillings
for 29 acres adj Carter Lea, Bostick, VanHook. Witnesses: George Darby,
Ambrose Arnold. **1793 however, Samuel is listed in Person County on a Tax List (Source: North Carolina, Compiled Census and Census Substitutes Index, 1790-1890 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc., 1999.) The 1794 Person County, North Carolina Tax List shows Samuel Whitehead assessed for 102 acres of land and a poll tax for two blacks (slaves). Samuel Whitehead will abstract: Dated 20 March 1794. Daughter Elizabeth; wife Ursula; 6 children: Nancy, Ursula, Samuel, Susannah, Ebenezer, Elizabeth. Executors: wife Ursula and Carter Lea. Witnesses: Carter Lea, Fowler and Jeremiah Scoggins. Person County, NC Record Books, Book 1-- Taxables for 1795, St. Lawrence District: Samuel Whitehead. Person County, NC Record Book abstracts: Inventory of the estate of Samuel Whitehead by Ursula Whitehead and Carter Lea, executors. 28 November 1795. Person County, NC, February Court 1808: Inventory of the estate of Samuel Whitehead. Person County Record Book, February Court 1809. Legatees of Samuel Whitehead, deceased: Benjamin Stovall, Robert Melone, Samuel Whitehead, Robert Burlington, Elizabeth Whitehead, Ursley Newton. Power of attorney to Moses Bradsher, Major Henry Sargent, and James D. Hanley to settle accounts of Carter Lea, adm. 10 December 1808. Sale of the Whitehead land where Samuel Sr. had lived adjacent to Carter Lea. Benjamin Stovaul & Samuel Whitehead of Oglethorpe County, Georgia; Robert Malone of Sumner County, Tennessee; Robert Bullington of Union County, South Carolina; & Ursula Newton of Davidson County, Tennessee-- to Ebenezer Whitehead of Person County, for 160 lbs 11/3, 103 A on Richland Creek adjacent Carter Lea, Charles Winstead, Vanhook on wagon road. 14 December 1808. Witnesses: Ira Lea, Carter Lea. ** mean I added this myself from other sources - Mike White |
Following information Provided by: Richard Bullington & Amy (Jan 9, 2017)
From a book at Person Library "Person
page 83
Legatees of
Samuel Whitehead,
Benjamin Stovall, Robert Malone, Samuel Whitehead,
Robert Burlington (Bullington?),
Elizabeth (Ebenezer?) Whitehead, Ashley Newton. Power of attn. James D
Hanley to settle accounts of Carter Lea adm. 10 Dec 1808.
Posted by Mike - Jan 9, 2017 Son Ebenezer Whitehead Person Co NC Below, as info, are Land
Transactions Ebenezer was involved This is not an attempt to track all of Samuel's children just to further support relationship to Samuel Whitehead
Return to Susannah's Parents |
Spartanburg Deeds of SPARTANBURG CO SC DEED 1827-1839 Books U-W (Deed book 'R') Note:
(Deed book 'U') Note: |
John Bullington's Lands Go To: Estate of John Bullington of Lauderdale AL Estate Related Land Map Township 1, Range 8, Lauderdale Co AL Provided by: David Bullington See Section 23 (shaded) south/east of Lexinton
between Shelton Cem & Harmon Cem
Estate Document Huntsville Meridian Twp 1 So. Range 8 West Go To: Estate of John Bullington of Lauderdale AL Provided by: David
Cemeteries of East
Lauderdale Alabama
J. B. OCT. 8, 1827
(John Bullington) (as it appears in the Cemetery listing)
Census Lawrence Co
Census Lawrence Co
Census Lauderdale
1850 Williamson Co IL
Census Page 215 Household: 48 - 49
Tabron, Edward (Edmond) 28 m
B farmer Tenn? Household:
51 - 52
Notice the 'B' = black above,
obviously, these are Free Blacks, I cannot recall
Notes2: Sarah may have been the daughter of John's brother Robert Bullington Jr??? BEWARE there appears to be mistakes in the family chart below: Ancestors of Patricia Ann Hutson
i. | Mary Ella Pyle, born 1854 in IN. ?; married James Pankey in Saline County. | |||
12 | ii. | John Wesley Pyle, born June 12, 1856 in Indiana; died September 8, 1943 in Carrier Mills, IL (Saline County); married Emily Mc Gardis Evans August 18, 1880 in Saline County, IL. | ||
iii. | Sarah Emeline Pyle, born April 1859 in Indiana; died Unknown; married Thomas A Shaw July 21, 1875 in Saline County, IL9; born 1856. | |||
iv. | Phoebe Jane Pyle, born October 20, 1865 in Ohio; died November 27, 1901; married Malachia "M.C." Mitchell December 7, 1890 in Saline County, IL; born Abt. 1853 in Independence Twp-Saline County; died 1917 in Bernie, MO. |
More About Phoebe Jane Pyle: Burial: Cain Cemetery, Carrier Mills Twp., Saline County, IL |
v. | Alpheus Ambrose Pyle, born February 1866 in Ohio; died 1936 in Saline Co., IL; married Mary Ann (Polly Ann) Parks November 9, 1887 in Saline Co., IL; born June 1869 in Saline Co., IL; died 1958. | |||
vi. | Estella May Pyle, born March 24, 1870 in IL.; died March 30, 1882. |
More About Estella May Pyle: Burial: Cain Cemetery, Carrier Mills Twp., Saline County, IL |
13 | i. | Emily Mc Gardis Evans, born December 8, 1856 in Saline County, IL; died May 4, 1939 in Carrier Mills, IL (Saline County); Stepchild; married John Wesley Pyle August 18, 1880 in Saline County, IL. | ||
ii. | Elmira Bell Pyle, born August 31, 1861 in Clinton County, Ohio; died December 8, 1940 in Saline Co., IL; married James Monroe Pankey March 12, 1881 in Saline County, IL; born Abt. 1861 in Saline County, IL; died 1949. |
More About Elmira Bell Pyle: Burial: Providence Cemetery, CarrierMills Twp., Saline Co., IL |
More About James Monroe Pankey: Burial: Providence Cemetery, CarrierMills Twp., Saline Co., IL |
iii. | Chilton Avery Pyle, born October 6, 1876 in Saline County IL; died January 28, 1948 in Saline County IL; married Fannie Ann Hutson September 1, 1901 in Saline Co., IL; born April 15, 1881 in Pope Co., IL.; died April 6, 1959 in Saline County, IL. |
More About Chilton Avery Pyle: Burial: Salem Cemetery, Carrier Mills, IL |
More About Fannie Ann Hutson: Burial: Salem Cemetery, Carrier Mills, IL |
Notes for Chilton Pyle and Fannie
Hutson: Marriage Register B. list marriage information, but not date. I am unable to find further information at this time. |
"Note" Son Benjamin bought land in Stone Fort 1854 - bordering Saline Co IL.
Census Williamson Co IL
Total Hsehold=2, Page 21
Twpshp 8 Range 2E - Twnshp 10 Range 2
Stephen Bellington
"Note" Son Stephen bought land in Corinth 1852 - bordering Saline Co IL.
Look at 1850 census, Stephen is a couple of
doors away from Mildred, I believe he remained
in Williamson Co, Ben, Milly, and Wm moved
to the next county east to Saline Co, which was
even closer to the Ohio River.
Saline Co IL census page 213
ED Aug 1860 PO Mitchelsvile Twp 10 Range 6
1460 1460
B S Bullington 39 M Farmer 460 500 SC
(died Civil War Jan 25, 1862)
65 F
SC (Malinda is Mildred)
**Saline County IL is north/east of Williamson Co
closer to the Ohio River.
**Melinda is a mistake, is MILDRED
(age perfect born 1795)
and the
B S and Wm living with her could be the same
Bullington's as in
1850. this census is more in tune to Milly's
birth year, as
census taker were known for mistakes, worthy
to note here...
Also, BS and Wm's birthdays, fit perfectly...
Benjamin Bullington
died in the Civil War Jan 25, 1862
Record: IL State Ajutant General Report 1861-1866
Vol #11 - Page 560. US Soldiers from Saline Co IL.
Died between Battle of Belmont & Battle of Fort Donelson.
Saline Co IL Civil War Soldiers:
Union Army Service Record of Benjamin S
Death in the War recorded in the following record:
1 - White Male - 40 years and under 50
(Fits Wm's birth range born
abt 1825 he abt 40yrs old in 1865)
1 - White Female - 40 years and under 50
3 - White Females - 10 years and under 20
Total = 5 1 = Militia Value of live stock = $410 Value of Grain $285 Value of other products $50
This appears to be the same William Bullington in the 1870 census below.
For Record only at this time:
1870 Saline
Co IL Census:
Twp 10 - range 5 - east Page 20 (p. 534)
ED date 30 June 1870 by S S Stricklin
PO: Harrisburg, IL
149 - 149
Bullington, Wm 45 M W Farmer IL? 400 300
35 F W kep hse IL
Lightner, Sarah 22 F W at home IL
Mary C
16 F W at home
Davis, Samuel 16 M W at home
Wm born IL? Probably a Census taker error,
should be SC.
First Notes the Sarah A Bullington
in the 1850 Census above:
the age is a perfect match, B S Bullington and a Wm and Melinda
(who may be Mildred), are also in Saline county IL together in 1860.
Sarah A Bullington they are showing Born in AL. I believe that
Robert Bullington and Mildred Whitehead as her parents needs reviewing.
This all assumes that Ben and Wm Bullington are John Bullington's and
Mildred White's children. John Bullington husband of Milly White,
parents named Robert Bullington Jr and Susanna Whitehead both of Union
County SC. John Bullingon who died in Lauderdale AL, had a son
born 1818, I have no information on him after AL. I believe he died, and
daughter Sarah A Bullington moved and lived with Ben, Wm, Mildred from
to Williamson Co IL, and possibly onto Saline Co in 1870.
Saline Co IL
24. Isaac Morse
Pyle, born October 1, 1827 in PA; died December 7, 1894 in Saline
County, IL.
He was the son of 48. William Pyle and 49. Mary. He
married 27. Mrs. Sarah A Bullington October 15,
1871 in Saline County, IL.
Mrs. Sarah A
born January 13, 1833 in AL; died
January 27, 1907 in Saline County,
IL. She was the daughter of 54. Robert? Bullington and
55. Mildred Whitehead.
More About Isaac Morse Pyle:
Burial: Cain Cemetery, Carrier Mills Twp., Saline County, IL
More About Mrs. Sarah A Bullington:
Burial: Cain Cemetery, Carrier Mills Twp., Saline County, IL
Children of Isaac Pyle and Matilda Patterson are:
i. | Mary Ella Pyle, born 1854 in IN. ?; married James Pankey in Saline County. | |||
12 | ii. | John Wesley Pyle, born June 12, 1856 in Indiana; died September 8, 1943 in Carrier Mills, IL (Saline County); married Emily Mc Gardis Evans August 18, 1880 in Saline County, IL. | ||
iii. | Sarah Emeline Pyle, born April 1859 in Indiana; died Unknown; married Thomas A Shaw July 21, 1875 in Saline County, IL9; born 1856. | |||
iv. | Phoebe Jane Pyle, born October 20, 1865 in Ohio; died November 27, 1901; married Malachia "M.C." Mitchell December 7, 1890 in Saline County, IL; born Abt. 1853 in Independence Twp-Saline County; died 1917 in Bernie, MO. |
More About
Phoebe Jane Pyle: Burial: Cain Cemetery, Carrier Mills Twp., Saline County, IL |
v. | Alpheus Ambrose Pyle, born February 1866 in Ohio; died 1936 in Saline Co., IL; married Mary Ann (Polly Ann) Parks November 9, 1887 in Saline Co., IL; born June 1869 in Saline Co., IL; died 1958. | |||
vi. | Estella May Pyle, born March 24, 1870 in IL.; died March 30, 1882. |
More About
Estella May Pyle: Burial: Cain Cemetery, Carrier Mills Twp., Saline County, IL |
13 | i. | Emily Mc Gardis Evans, born December 8, 1856 in Saline County, IL; died May 4, 1939 in Carrier Mills, IL (Saline County); Stepchild; married John Wesley Pyle August 18, 1880 in Saline County, IL. | ||
ii. | Elmira Bell Pyle, born August 31, 1861 in Clinton County, Ohio; died December 8, 1940 in Saline Co., IL; married James Monroe Pankey March 12, 1881 in Saline County, IL; born Abt. 1861 in Saline County, IL; died 1949. |
More About
Elmira Bell Pyle: Burial: Providence Cemetery, CarrierMills Twp., Saline Co., IL |
More About
James Monroe Pankey: Burial: Providence Cemetery, CarrierMills Twp., Saline Co., IL |
iii. | Chilton Avery Pyle, born October 6, 1876 in Saline County IL; died January 28, 1948 in Saline County IL; married Fannie Ann Hutson September 1, 1901 in Saline Co., IL; born April 15, 1881 in Pope Co., IL.; died April 6, 1959 in Saline County, IL. |
More About
Chilton Avery Pyle: Burial: Salem Cemetery, Carrier Mills, IL |
More About
Fannie Ann Hutson: Burial: Salem Cemetery, Carrier Mills, IL |
Notes for Chilton Pyle and Fannie Hutson: Marriage Register B. list marriage information, but not date. I am unable to find further information at this time. |
For Record only at this time:
1880 Johnson
Co IL Census Elvira sheet 52 (Stamped page 531b)
Dist 54 8 & 9th July 1880 JW McGee
145 - 148
Bullington, Stephen W M 62 head Farmer SC SC SC
W F 45 wife kephse TN SC SC
W F 15 dau at home IL SC TN
W M 14 son at home IL SC TN
W M 11 son farm La. IL SC TN
W M 09 dau at home IL SC TN
Johnson Co is just South of Williamson Co IL.
Stephen was born well within this range.
County Marriages: Found the 'Johnson County ILL Early Marriages Vol1 1834-1877 by Foss'. Listed with a Bullington on the same day is a "Billington", I will list this record exactly the way it looked in the book: Vol1 - 325 Bullington, S. W. Smith, E. J. 4/Oct/1863 325 Billington, Wesley Veal, E. V. 4/Oct/1863 Also found these Roses: (A Rose married into Bullington line, Johnson Co.) 172 Rose, Pleasant W. Farris, Mary E. 29/Oct/1868 188 Rose, James, E. Bain, Mary A. 10/Dec/1868 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vol II - Lic #983 Wilburn, Thomas Johnson Co Il/Farmer/two 24 Nov 1883 Wilburn, E. E. 28/w/MS W.B. Pearce, M. G. Justice, Kathanine Henry & Nancy Smith Bulington, B. E. Johnson Co Il/-/one Henry Smith's Bullington, Stephen B. 19/w/Johnson Co Il Johnson Co Il. Rose, E. J. Census
Search notes |
Short Timeline History of Alabama 1802Georgia formally cedes western claims for its southern boundary at the 31st parallel. 1803 ..
1811 1805 ..
1806 1810 1811 ..
1812 1811 ..
1816 1813 ..
1814 April,1813 August,1814 September,1814 February,1815 1817 1818 1819 July 1819: Constitutional Convention meets in Huntsville. Constitution adopted with Cahaba selected as temporary seat of government for the new State. October 25 through December 17, 1819: General Assembly meets in Huntsville until the Cahaba Capitol is constructed. December 14, 1819: Alabama enters Union as 22nd state. 1822 1825 1826 1830 State's population=309,527. We do not know the exact date John and Mildred moved to Ala, but this may help. From the "Map Guide to American Migration Routes, 1735-1815 we learn the following: 1816 - Cherokee's were
cleared from the area of Lauderdale County, Ala in the North Misc. Notes: Lauderdale County is located in the extreme northwestern corner of the state. It is bound on the north by the Tennessee counties of Hardin, Wayne, Lawrence, and Giles, and on the east by Limestone County, Alabama. The Tennessee River forms the southern boundary between Lauderdale County and the Alabama counties of Colbert and Lawrence. The western boundary is Tishomingo County, Mississippi. Lauderdale County, Alabama was created February 6, 1818, by the Alabama Territorial Legislature. It was named for a Tennessean, Lt. Col. James Lauderdale, who died 23 December 1814, from wounds received at the Battle of Talladega. Florence, the county seat, was named by the city's architect, Ferdinand Sannoner, for his home, Florence, Italy. Other towns and communities in Lauderdale County, Alabama are listed here. |
Alabama - Lauderdale County in upper left
Williamson & Johnson Co IL |
& Correspondence This information comes from a Clement Rose, descendant of a Stephen Bullington below is her response to my query at, it has yet to be verified, hopefully, someday soon I will have time to investigate this lead: It is the first contact I've had with anyone down Mildred's lineage, if it in-fact, it becomes true: From Clement Rose: (2,3,4 Nov 2000) Below is a Genforum
response from Clement Rose: 2nd - Hi Mike. I found
Stephen Bullington on This led me to Williamson County
Ill., the county right next to Johnson County where my Rose family
settled. 3rd - Hi Mike again. I couldn't get it all on the first message. There was also. Mildred Bullington 50 b. SC. All the one mentioned were in Household 51-52. There were also a black family listed with them. Nancy Tabron 46 b.NC.,Berton Tabron 29 b.Ala., Hardin Tabron 18 b.Ala. There is also Johnson County Marriages. Vol.1 1834-1877. S.W. Bullington to E.J.Smith 4 Oct.1863. Wesley Bullington to E.V. Veal 4 Oct. 1863. There is a little more. Hope this helps. Clem Rose - END 4th - Mike, the information I passed on to you was given to me by a Bill Todd of Williamson Co. ILL. The info. was indeed for the 1850 Census. Could Sarah A. have been the wife of William? My Ancestor and Stephen Bullington were living in Johnson County in 1870 and 1880. My Ancestor was in Union County Ill. in 1896, I don't know if Stephen was too. I did find a J. Bullington there in the 1900 Census. I think he may have been one of their sons. They had a James and I think one called Jack, a Robert and a Beda. Clement Rose 5th - Hi again Mike. It looks like you got some real good records to work with. My Rose family was also in SC. My Gr.Grandfather Andrew Jackson Rose was born there in 1825. I don't know exactly where. The family moved to TN. shortly after his birth. He moved to Johnson County Ill.sometime in the early 1840s, was married three times, had children with all three wives, a total of 12 or more, and stayed around the county till his death in 1878. Yet, I can make no contact with any kinfolk in Illinois. As for your Mildred (White) Bullington. You should know it is a female right to be able to shave a year or two off their ages every once in a while. Also,Stephen Bullington was still in Johnson County Ill. in Nov. 1883. That's when his daughter Beda was married. Clement Rose. 6th - Mike, for some
reason I got cut off in the middle of my response. So I'll repeat what I
was writing. I found Stephen Bullington on Two names came
up. Stephen, and another with what looks like a nickname. I think it was
Buff or something similar. Both were in Williamson County IL. I put in a
query to that particular county through '' and got an answer
right away from Mr.Todd. I was trying to find when Stephen may have
married my Gr.Grandaunt Elizabeth Jane Rose. She might have been married
before she met Stephen, because of the names of S.W. Bullington to E.J.
Smith. Not sure, only guessing. All for now. Clement Rose. |
Howard family that migrated from Union
County SC to Lauderdale Co Alabama that may have preceded the arrival of John and Milly White Bullington Some Howard deaths occurred about the time as our John Bullington's death. Some of these Howards are buried at the same cemetery as John Bullington. You will have to look them up on Source: Stephen Howard is the son of
Joseph Howard of Union Co SC Appears the Howard family
arrived before John and Milly White Bullington,
Served with his 12yrs old (soon to be) Brother-in-law (Fifer), Benjamin Franklin White, Mildred's brother. John Bullington War of 1812 Other Unionites who served in the War of 1812: First Regiment (Mean's) South Carolina Militia: Robert
Browning - Brother of Nancy Browning m. James White son John
Bullington - Married
Mildred White, dau of Robert White Sr. Though the below
White's, all lived in Union Co SC -
White Only Robt on our side old enough was
Robt Jr b. 1784 John served with his brother Benjamin
John's Service Records from National Archives
Note that he is from - "Union District" - Place of Rendezvous = Lipsey "Old Field" (could be short for Lipscomb?)
Bullington's War of 1812 Records Source: Nation Archives
Several Documents below had to be Spit in half
Witness's below: C H Clark and Robert
Newton |
1![]() 2
10 and 11
12 and 13
14 and 15
Col Hugh Means lived in Union County SC 1779 - Hugh Means - Ninety-Sixth District - SC Early Census Index 1790 - Hugh Means 10200 1800 - Hugh Means 101011121002 1810 - Not found 1820 - Hugh Means Sr 110001-01001 Do not find Hugh Sr after 1820 in Union Co SC.
Years later, BF White,
Mildred's brother, filed for a War of 1812 Pension
of 1812 Songs Played
"Jefferson & Liberty"
(a fife & drum version)
# 2 "A
line of British vessels approached within
200 yds
Notes: This
writer doesn't have the John Bullington war of 1812 |
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