Elias White's Estate Partition
(Source: Vol. M, page 261 of Deeds and
Records, Bowie Co. TX)
On 21 January 1889, the entire records of Bowie
County, Texas, were destroyed by fire. By a special act of the
Legislature of the State of Texas, (see Article No. 3729 of the Revised
Civil Statues of Texas), the abstract books and files of the Texarkana
Title & Abstract Company, Inc. were made admissible as evidence in
all courts of the State. It was from this source that I was able
to obtain a copy of the Partition Agreement of the estate of Elias
White, deceased, which was dated 1878 and had been filed for record on 1
November 1878 in the Office of the County Clerk of Bowie County,
It was recorded in Volume M, page 261, of the Deed Records
and reads:
Copy from Mrs
(address info shown
below is from 1980's)
Partition of Elias White's
(Filed by Daughter Susan White Creed) |
Transcription below
Partition of Elias White's
(Filed by Daughter Susan White Creed) |
"State of Texas
County of Bowie"
"We, the undersigned
heirs at law of Elias White, deceased, of Bowie County, State of Texas,
agree to the foregoing partition and distribution of the lands as if the
same was made by order of court:
Lot 1 on map shall be the property of Mary Caroline
Lot 2 we assign to the heirs of John White;
Lot 3 we assign to Jane Landrum;
Lot 4 we assign to the heirs of Benj. White;
Lot 5 we assign to the heirs of WM. White;
Lot 6 & 7 we assign to the heirs of Jeremiah Bobo;
Lot 8 we assign to Martha Alford.
(reference is made to a plat, but the same does not
appear of record)
"We assign the homestead
to Susan Creed, and the reason for said distribution of Elias White
estate, is that he in his natural lifetime had expressed a desire that
his lands should be divided amongst his heirs in the manner specified
Mrs. Susan Creed
Leroy Alford
Martha Alford
Jane Landrum
Jacob Roy
Evie Roy
Mrs. M. C. Smith
"The above names signors, acknowledged and signed
this partition agreement as follows:
Signed and Acknowledged by Mrs. Susan Creed, window of P. Creed, deceased,
before Lewis Alexander, District Clerk of Bowie County, Texas, on April
29, 1878.
Signed and acknowledged by Leroy Alford and wife
Martha Alford, before A. G. Hoskins, County Clerk of Bowie County,
Texas, on November 1, 1878.
Signed and acknowledged by Jane Landrum before A. G. Hoskins, County
Clerk of Bowie County, Texas, November 1, 1878.
Signed and acknowledged by Jacob Roy and wife Evie Roy
before A. G. Hoskins, County Clerk of Bowie County, Texas, November 1,
Signed and acknowledged by Mrs. M C. Smith before A.
G. Hoskins, County Clerk of Bowie County, Texas, November 1, 1878.
Stewart Title
Texarkana', 218 Main,
Texarkana, Texas, (903) 794-6188
Volume M, page 261
This may be their new location:
Stewart Title of Texarkana
5402 Plaza Drive
Texarkana, TX 75503
Phone: (903) 832-3720
(Source: Vol. M, page 261 of Deeds and
Records, Bowie Co. TX)
on Stewart Title: (Nov 19, 2013)
"They no longer have the old Deed records of Bowie County,
when they moved they donated the old records to the
Museum, I called
the Museum, and they currently are in the process
of organizing this documents, and could take many months before
they are sorted out. Is good to know they are in good
I emailed:
(Jamie Simmons) |
(This Estate record supports
""Proof of Marriage"" where no
marriage record is available, prior to the Bowie County
Court House Fire of 1889)
Explanation of who the
on the Partition were:
Mrs. Susan Creed [daughter of Elias White, wife of Sam
Harlan and Patrick Creed]
Leroy Alford
[wife of Martha, son-in-law of Elias White]
Martha Alford [daughter
of Elias White, wife of Leroy Alford]
Jane Landrum [daughter
of Elias White, wife of Lozen Landrum]
Jacob Roy
[husband of Martha Evaline (Evie) White, son-in-law of Elias White]
Evie Roy
[grand daughter of Elias White, daughter of Wm M White deceased]
Mrs. M. C. Smith [Mary Caroline
White Tapp Smith, daughter
of Elias White, 1st
married Charles Y. Tapp, 2nd married Wm F Smith] Lot 1 on map shall be the property of
Mary Caroline
Smith; [dau of Elias White]
Lot 2 we assign to the heirs of John White;
[son of Elias White]
Lot 3 we assign to Jane Landrum;
[dau of Elias White]
Lot 4 we assign to the heirs of Benj. White;
[son of Elias White]
Lot 5 we assign to the heirs of WM. White;
[son of Elias White]
*Lot 6 & 7 we assign to the heirs of
Jeremiah Bobo;
[husband of Hester White &
Sarah White]
Lot 8 we assign to Martha Alford.
[dau of Elias White] *Note 2 lots to
Hester, I believe that Jeremiah's 1st wife
Sarah White,
is one of the unknown female children of Elias
no one else received 2 lots! Jerry had 2 children with Sarah
and 2 children with Hester. Martha White Bobo daughter of
Hester and her Husband Francis Edgar McCloskey probably
handled the Bobo's portion of the inheritance, we may be able
to find deed sales after the court house fire of 1889, lending
proof that the 2 lots were intended to cover Hester & Sarah...
'Heirs of Jeremiah Bobo' would cover all 4 surviving children
from both marriages, to Hester and Sarah White.
There is no mention of the other suspected Daughter of Elias
Jerusha White Wilbanks, but
she did not come to Texas, but
remained in Union Co South Carolina until 1852, then migrated
to Tippah County Mississippi with husband Cooper Wilbanks,
in 1852.
There is no mention of Suspected unknown Son
L L White,
that probably died before Elias, he appears on a land plate
and a grave stone marked L L was at one time in the Creed
Cemetery, in Redwater, Bowie Co TX. Was probably single.
Some of the Deeds written on Elias's former properties can be
found on his Children and Descendants Web Pages, on this site.
Just a few notes during the Search "For the
Lost Partition". NOTE: Oct 7, 2000 -
Glenn Thrapp informs me today (Oct
2000), the Title Company has a new name: Its now 'Stewart Title Of
Texarkana', 218 Main, Texarkana, Texas, (903) 794-6188. They have
a copy of the old land books. Their records are abstracted by land title
Headright. They don't have an owner index. In the 1980's, Kay
White's Brother-in-law, Richmond White, was given the Partition
Agreement, from a former worker at the Texarkana Title Company, Miss Gabor,
now deceased. She knew Richard White and gave him the original
copy of the Partition, there is an abstract of this partition on file at
Stewart Title. Vol M, P.261 NOTE:
Oct 17, 2000 -
From Glenn Thrapp, bad news on the Partition
"I went to Stewart Title of Texarkana today. After about a 30
minute search, we couldn't find the partition agreement that I had in my
hand. They said that normally Miss Gabor gave you more than you asked
for. This appears to be a dead end. A farther search of the Bowie Co.
records might turn up something. When a court house burned, people were
supposed to re-file their deeds. Sometimes it didn't happen for 50 years
or longer. Seventeen years after my search, I don't remember how far I
searched. Do you know about Miss Jennie Tapp? When she died in 1932, she
was the end of the Tapp line. Believe there were 32 cousins that filed
against her will. Some of the names I could never make a connection to
the family".
NOTE - UPDATE: Jan 29, 2003 -
A Note from cousin Gene Lynch:
"Went to Stewart title today, and found an abstract of the Estate
Partition on file Vol. M, Page 261. " "Also
found a hand written deed of Elias White's dated 1873".
Note: The Above Partition is also written in Kay White's Book, p.13 & 14,
"White, Merrill, Etc".
Glenn Thrapp had
originally provided me a typed copy of the Partition. |